A. D. 1464. Anno quarto Edwardi IV. C. J 5 Ex Rot. In Ttirr. Loud, cftcant nift poair & auftorite de faire tielx A: taunt/. 1 . id- lea ditz feales come a luy fembli . Iilint qe null eftraungc neez li>it fait afcun de mefmes les gardeins. Et qe chefcun des ditz gardeins enfi affairs accomptc annuelment de les revenuz de lour ditz offices en le dit Efchequer de- vaunt les Treforer <!' ngleterre & Barons itleoqes pur le temps efteantz duement monftrant en les mefmes aecomptes le nombre de toutz draps dimi draps ftreites « kerfeis par eux enfealez oveqeles nouns de les poilerTqurs diceux chefcun dc mefmes let gardeins a cftre gucrdonnez annuelment a Ion cl if accompt pur fez labour h diligence en eel par- tic euez al Receipt du dit Efchequer pur la dilcre- tion de les ditz 1'rcforer & Barons faunz afcun nt dafcune chofe en le dit Efchequer en ou pur la faifance do foil dit accompt. Et en cas. afcun dc les ditz gardeins enfeale afcun de les a- vauntditz draps oveqe afcun auiie leale ou afcun dc mefmes les draps autrement faitz qe par les ma- nier & ordenaunce defuis efpecifiez et ceo par fuf- ficient prouf & examination monftre/, & approvez devaunt les ditz Treforer <k Barons par les ditz de- pofition tefmoigne k record de tielx fufficientz pcr- (bnes de bon Si. due reputation queux ont prompt experience en texture fulliire £z faifurc de draps ou f mefrne le gardein refufe denfealer afcun de les ditz draps faitz accordaunt a les mefmes manere & •rdenaunce ou ft afcun tiel gardein ou aulnour preigne a le dit felt pur Ic Roy dafcune pcrfone pur rcnfcalcr ou aulnage dafcun manier drap afcun autre fomme de monoie qeft conteinuz cs ftatutz & ordenaunces devaunt ceft temps ent faitz & nient repellez ou ft afcun tiel gardein ou aulnour a le dit feft refufe de monftrer fa commiffion de fon of- fice an afcune perfone ceo defirant fur lenfealer 011 mefurcment dafcun de les draps avauntditz & ceo examinez & duement provez qe adonqes il a tauntz de foitz come il en afcun de les premiffez offencle la fomme de xxs. forfacera lune moite ent au Roy & lautre moite a la partie provant la dit ofTenfe en iccll par fuite dent eftre eue devant les ditz Trefo- rer & Barons par bille de dette en le dit Efchequer en quel bille autielx bille & execution foient euez queux font ufuelment ufcz & euez envers autres accomptantz en mefme lefchequer. Et qe ceftz cftatuitz & ordenauncez & autres ftatuitz & orde- n auncez devaunt ceft temps faitz nient repellez c oncernantz afcuns de les premiffes foient con- teignuz & efpecifiez en chefcun commiffion au chefcun tiel gardein ou aulnour apres le dit feft affaire. Et auxi lou par cy devaunt en les occu- pations del faifance de drap les labourers diccll ount efte chacez de prendre graund part de lour gages en efpinges cein&s et autres enprofitables merchan- diies defoubz tiel price qe nextende pas a lextent de lour loialx gagez et auxi ount deliverez a ceux laines deftrc overez par trop exceffive pois quell ad enchafe et enchafe hommes et femmes en difcorage dautiel labour Pur ceo ordeignez eft et eftablie par lauCtorite fuifdit qe chefcun home et femme faifour de draps a le dit feft de Seint Peere paie as car- dours cardoreffes filereffes et toutz autres les labo- rers dafcun membre dicell loiall moneie pur toutz lour loialx gages & paiement del meime et auxi vice, A (Tent, and Authority afbrefaid, it is ordained The u t-.. and eftablifhed, That the [Yeafiirer ol England for 1 the time being, (lull have Power and . make fuch and as many Keepers ot 1 '~> »i he will. ' as he (hall think neccllary, fo that no Stranger bom be nude any of the faid Keepers. (9) And that of the faid Keepers fo to be made, (hall ac- compt yearly of the Revi-nucs of their faid Offices in the (aid Exchequer before the Treafurer of En?/atitf t and the Barons ttiere for the time being, duly (hew- in;; in the fame Accompts the Number of the Cloths, HalfCloths, Streits, and Kerfeys fealed by them, with the Names of the Owners of the fame; (10) every of the lame Keepers to be rewarded yearly at The Accompt his faid Accompt for his Labour and Diligence had °'_ thc Keepen in this Behalf at the Receipt of the faid Exchequer, °!?' s by the Dilcretion ot thc raid i realurer and naron<, without Payment of any Thing in the faid Exche- quer in or for the making of his faid Accompt. (11) And in cafe any of the faid Keepers do feal any o( the T|ir Pendty of afbrefaid Cloths with any other Seal, or any of the i|»e Keeper of fame Cloths otherwife made than according to the ■_• l",
- a 1 y i- 1 r t 1 iii omitting u)S
Manner and Ordinance above Ipecined, and that by Duty. fufficient Proof and Examination (hewed and ap- proved before the faid Treafurer and Barons by the faid Depoiition, Teftimony, and Witnefs of fuch fufficient Perfons of good and due Reputation, which have had prompt Experience in weaving, fulling, and making of Cloths; or if the fame Keeper do re- fufe to feal any of thefe Cloths, made according to the faid Manner and Ordinance; or if any (uch Keeper or Aulneger do take after the faid Feaft, for the King, of any Perfon, for the fealing or meafur-- ing of any Sorts of Cloth, any other Sum of Money, than is contained in thc Statutes and Ordinances made before this Time, and not repealed; or if any fuch Keeper or Aulneger, after trie faid Feaft, do refufe to fliew his Commiffion of his Office to any Perfon defiring the fame upon the fealing or meafur- ingof any fuch Cloths before rehearfed; and that ex- amined and duly proved, that then he, as often as he (hall offend in any of the Premiffes, fliall forfeit the Sum of xxs. the one Half thereof to the King, and the other Half to the Party proving the faid Offences therein by Suit to be made before the faid Treafurer and Barons, by Bill of Debt in the faid Exchequer, in which Bill like Judgement and Execution fliall be had, as is accuftomably had and ufed againft other Accomptants in the fame Exchequer. (12) And that thefe Statutes and Ordinances, and other Sta- tutes and Ordinances made before this Time, and not repealed, concerning any of the Premiffes, fliall be contained and fpecified in every Commiffion to be made to every fuch Keeper or Aulneger after the laid Feaft. (13) Alfo whereas before this Time in the Occupations of Cloth-making, the Labourers thereof have been driven to take a great Part of their Wages in Pins, Girdles, and other unprofitable Wares,, under fuch Price that it did not extend to *, and alfo * Add rk Extent have delivered to them Woolls to be wrought by yery c /; le:r, '!U f ul exceffive Weight, whereby both Men and Women g "' have been difcouraged of fuch Labour; (14) there- A Clothier ihall fore it is ordained and eftablilhed by. the Authority P>y t0;; s aforefaid, That every Man and Woman being Cloth- u ^ rk -' cl: " makers, from the faid Feaft of St. Pttcr, (hall pay ^ toi] deli'ver to the Carders, Spinfters, and all fuch other La- them Wocll ac- bourers, in any Part of the faid Trade, lawful Mo- cordbe to the ney for all their lawful Wages, and Payment of the We, 8 nt » ' fame;