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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/55

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A. D. 1 464. Anno quarto Edwardi IV. C. 2—6. 17 Ex Rot. in Twr. Lond. rhcfciin del ditc enformation on comprint aicnt plcin po.iir dtl few auiiel pPocefle envcrs la p.ntic fur quell aCotinfl tiel enformation ou fcompleint 1 vaunt ell recltee ferra fait de luy faire ve- rfomlment devaunt luy Cur ceo deftre exa- mines licome jufticcs de peas ount fur enformation ou compleint fait a ceux pur fuerrie de peas faunz ikun fee ou regard deftre pris ou euc par afcun dc les ditz jufticcs ou afcun autre officer en cell parte pur lexccudon de leur offices en cell parte. Auxi ordcignczeft & cftablicparlauc~toritcfuifdit qc tout maner drap lanuz fait en atcune autre region en cefl Roialme araafnez & mys a vend deins afcujie part del niefmc le Roialme apres le ilit reft dc feint Peer (bit forfait au Roy Forfprifez drafts fait en Ga- les 8l Irlond & draps priles par afcun des lieges du Roy fur le meere faunz f'raude ou male engync. Et par laudtorite fuifdit ordtignez eft & eftablic qe afcun autre acleou ordenaunces faitz en ceft prefent parh-ment concernauntz lafaifance de drap ou afcun di 1 s prtmiilez contrariez ou nient accordauntz a ceft acl foit 5c foicnt voidcz & de mill cft'ecl. c. 18. nil. 3. <•. iz & 13. •% II. 8. .-. 3. 3 £f 4 £,/. 6. r. 2. t.s- 1 Elm. c. 14. 8 Elm. c. 6, 7, & 12. 27 Elix: c. 17 & 18. qjfjc. 1. c. z. 7 Juc. I. c. 16. ztjac. 1. c. i8 & iS. izCj;. 10 .inn. c. 16. I {?«. 1. c. 15 & 41. II C«. I. ci 24. 7 Cm. 2. hearted, (hall be made, to caufe him perfonally to u before him* thereupon to be examined, as ' Jufticcs of Peace have upon Information or Com- ' plaint made to them for Surety of Peace, without ' any Fee or Reward to be taken or had by any of the ' faid Jufticcs, or any other Officer in this Party, for ' the Execution of their Offices in this Beh ilf.' ' VJI. Alfo it is ordained and eftablifhed by thc.v c: ■ ' Authority aforcfaid, That all Manner of woollen in »ny other ' Cloths made in any other Region brought into this Rc & n (n '" bc ' Realm of England; and fet to bale within any Part oF*™"*^ £'" ' this Realm of England, after the faid Feaft of Saint f |f. ' Peter, {hall be forfeit to our faid Sovereign Lord the u Y.i. 3. c 3. ' King, except Cloths made in Wales and Ireland, and Stefanba kn- ' Cloths taken by any of the King's liege People up-' ! '^'?. c ' on the Sea, without Fraud or Collufion. (2) And ?^ -^g^ 3 ' ' by the Authority aforefaid it is ordained and cftablifh- . //'. 7 c ,',. ' ed, That any other Acl or Ordinance made in this 3 //. 8. ..7. ' prefent Parliament concerning Cloth-making, or any 5 ;/ 3. <. *. ' of the Premiircs, contrary or not according to this 6H -*- '■ J^9«  ' Acl, fttall be void and of none EffecV J + ,7. 'if// S. 5 &f 6 Ed. 6. c. 6 £? 22. 1 M.ftat. 3. A 7. 2 & 3 P. & M. c 12. , 4 & 5 P. & M. 35 Ei'm. c. 9 Ef 10. 39 £.'12;. c. 20. 41EI1X. c. 10. I Jac. i.c.25. 3 jac. I. c. 16. .C.ZZ. 21 & 23 C.lr. 2. C. 8. II fif 12 W. 3. f, 20. 6 ^«». C, 8 & 91 7 i*IK. CI3.

. 25. II Geo. t, c. 2S. and 14 C.-o. 2. c. 35.

C A P. II. From what Places, and on what Conditions, Englijh Wool Is mail be exported to Calais. Jppendix. See CAP. III. Certain Woolls, Fells, cj?<r. which may be exported from Newcaftle to tile Staple at Calais Penalty on thofe who do contrary to this Ordinance. See Appendix. CAP. IV. A Reftraint for three Years of the Cnftom of contradling for Wooll in certain Counties before it is fhorn, unlefs it be ufed for Cloth or Yarn. See Appendix. CAP. V. Merchandifes from the Duke of Burgundy's Countries prohibited, till Englifo wrought Cloths are received there. See Appendix. C A P. VI. A Qualification of the Statute of 5 Hen. 4. cap. 9. touching Security to be taken of Mer- chants Strangers for the Imployment of their Money upon the Commodities of this Realm. ITEM noftreditSeignur le Roy en remembrant qe lou par eftatuit fait en le parlement tenuz en IanExp, quinte del Henry iiij. nadgaires en fait et nient de droit Roy dEngleterre ordeigne fuift et eftablie par au- etorite de mefme le parlement entre autr.es chofes qe toutz les euftumers en toutz portz de ceft Roialme prei- gneront fufficiaunt fuierte pur toutz maners des merchandifes amefnez par marchauntz aliens et eftraunges ve- nauntz et repairauntz es ditz portz alentent et fyn qela money prife pur les ditz merchaundiies lerroietem- ploiez fur les commoditees du Roialme favaunt lour coftages refonr.bles come en le dit eftatuit eft contenuz plus au plein et qe par caufe les ditz merchauntz eftraunges nount mie conifaunce des fufficiantz pcrfones en ceft Roialme les quelles voillent eftre obliges pur ceux fevent foitz ils tiel fuerte al entent avauntdit tro-er ne puifient ne fcevent et auxi par caufe qe les ditz euftumers et countrollours null maner de poair ne auctorite ount apres lemploiement parfourmez et faitz de faire rebailler de les ditz fuerties a les ditz merchauntz_ pur , ceo les ditz merchauntz meulx vouloient a departer et en apres nient repairer en ceft dit Roialme oveqe afcuns Vol. II, D merchandifes