i6 C. r. Anno quarto Edwardi IV. A. D. 1464, Every Worker of Wooll fliall do his Duty therein lawfully, The Fuller's Duty in his Occupation. What Magi- strates may en- quire of and puniih fuch as do offend. [ Mjtyor, fame ; (15) and alio fhall deliver Woolls to be wrought according to the faithful Delivery and due Weight thereof, upon Pain of Forfeiture to the fame Labourer the Treble of his faid Wages fo not paid, as often as the Cloth-maker doth refufe to pay the fame in the faid Manner and Form to any fuch La- bourer, put by him to the Occupation in any of the faid Parts of Cloth-making ; ( 16) and alfo to forfeit to the fame Labourer, for every Delivery of excef- five and unlawful Weight to him committed to be wrought, vi. d. for every Default. ' VI. Alfo it is ordained and eftablifhed by the Au- thority aforefaid, That every Carder, Spinfter, Wea- ver, Fuller, Sheerman, and Dyer, fhall duly per- form his Duty in his Occupation, upon Pain to yield to the Party grieved in this Behalf his double Da- mages ; ( 2 ) and that every Fuller, from the faid Feaft of Saint Peter, in his Craft and Occupation of fulling, rowing, or tayfeling of Cloth, fliall exercife and ufe Tayfels, and no Cards deceitfully impairing the fame Cloth, upon Pain to yield to the Party Jrieved his double Damage. (3) And that every uftice of Peace for the time being, of every County of this Realm, throughout the fame County, out of Cities, Boroughs, and Towns where any Mayor, Mafter, Warden, Bailiff" or Bailiffs is or be, and every Mayor where there is * no Mafter, and every Mafter where there is no Mayor, and every Bailiff or Bailiffs where there is no Mayor nor Mafter, and every Portreve where no Mayor, Mafter, Bailiff, nor Bailiffs, is or be, of every City, Borough, and Town within every fuch County aforefaid, and every Con- ftable of Hundred, where any Conftable of Hundred is, out of every City, Borough, and Town, where any Mayor, Mafter, Bailiff or Bailiffs, or Portreves, is or be ; and that every Steward keeping or holding Wapentake or Leet of any Perfon out of City, Bo- rough, or Town, where no Mayor, Mafter, Bai- liff or Bailiffs, or Portreves is or be, fhall have Power and Authority, by this Ordinance, to hear and de- termine the Complaints of every fuch Cloth-maker and Labourer, as well for Nonpayment of the faid Labourers Wages, as of the faid Forfeiture and Da- mages, by due Examination of the Parties in this Behalf thereupon, for Nonpayment of the faid Du- ties and Forfeiture, and for the faid Damages, to com- mit the faid Offenders in this Behalf to the next Gaol within the fame County, there to remain till the faid Duties, Forfeitures, and Damages be fully paid to the faid Labourer or Cloth-maker ; (4) and alfo that every of the faid Juftices of Peace, Mayor, Mafter, Warden, Bailiff or Bailiffs, Portreve, and Steward of Wapentake and Leet, upon the Information or Complaint of any other Perfon which is not grieved in this Behalf, fhall have Power by the faid Autho- rity within his Jurisdiction, to caufe the Party to come before him, againft whom fuch Information or Complaint fhall be made, for offending this Ordi- nance, and to examine him in and upon the Matter contained in the fame Information or Complaint ; (5) and if the Party, by Examination, or other due Proof, be found guilty or defective, that then the fame Party, as often and for every Time that he is fo found .guilty or defective, fhall forfeit to the King, or to fuch Perfon or Perfons which is or be entitled to have Fines or Amerciaments for Offences done within their Juvifd'iclion Hi. s. iv. d. (6) And that every of the faid Juftices of Peace a and other Officers Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. delivere laines eftre overez accordant a la foiall livre et due pois fur peine de forfeiture "a mefme le laborer de treble de fes ditz gages iffint nonpaiez a tauntz foitz come le dit faifour de drap refufe de paier en les manier et fourme au afcun tiel laborer par luy mis a loccupation en afcun de les ditz membres del faifance de drap et auxi de forfeire a mefme le laborer pur chefcun li. dexceffive et de- loiall pois a luy deliverez deftre overez vj. d. a chefcun defaute. Et auxi eft ordeigne par lauctorite fuifdit qe chef- cun cardour cardoreffe nlereffe tifeour fullour ton- dour de drap & tinctour face duement fon labour en fa occupation fur peine de rendre a la partie en- damagez en cell partie doubles damages et qe chef- cun fullour de le dit feft de Seint Peere en fa arte & occupation de fuller & fcalpier ou tezeiler de drap exercife*& ufe teizels & nulls cardes mefme le drap deceivablement enpeirant fur peine de rendre a la partie endamage doublez damagez. Et qe chefcun j uftice de peas pur le temps efteant de chefcun countee de ceft Roialme par tut le countee hors des citees burghs & villes Iou maire maifter gardein bailliff ou baillifs eft ou font et chefcun mair lou mair eft & chefcun maifter lou null mair eft chefcun baillif ou bailliffs lou null mair ne maifter eft chefcun portrefe lou null maire maifter baillif ou baillifs eft ou font de chefcun citie burgh & ville deinz chefcun tiel countee avauntdit et chefcun coneftable de hundred lou coneftable de hundred eft hors de chefcun citee burgh et ville lou afcun maire maifter baillif ou bailliffs ou por- trefes eft ou font et chefcun fenefchall gardant ou tiegnaunt wapentak ou lete dafcune perfone hors de citee burgh ou ville lou null maire maifter baillif ou baillifs ou portrefes eft ou font ait h aient poair & auctorite par ceft ordenaunce doier & terminer les compleintes de chefcun tiel faifour de drap & laborer fibien pur nonpaiement de les ditz gages des ditz laborers come de les ditz forfaiture & damages per due examination de les parties en cell partie et fur ceo pur nonpaiement de les ditz duetees & forfai - tures & pur les ditz damages de commetter les tref- Paffours en cell parte al profchein gaole deinz mefrhe le countee illeoqes a demurer tanqe les ditz duetees forfaitures & damages foient a le dit laborer ou fai- four de drap duement paiez. Et auxi qe chefcun de les ditz juftices de peas maire maifter gardein baillif ou baillifs portrefe & fenefchall de wapentak k. lete fur lenformation ou compleint dafcune autre perfone qe neft greve en ceft part aiet poair par la dit auctorite deinz fa jurisdiction de fairs venir de- vaunt luy la partie envers quelle lenformation ou compleint ferra fait pur lencontrefeifure a ceft or- denaunce et ceux dexaminer en & fur la matier conteignuz en mefme lenformation ou compleint et fil trove par examination ou autres duez proves la partie en ceo coupable ou defectif qadonqes mef- me la partie fi fovent & pur chefcun foitz come il eft iffint trove coupable ou defective forface au Roy ou a tiel perfone ou perfones qe ou queux eft ou font entitle ou entitlez davoir fines ou amercia- ments pur offenfes faitz deinz leur jurifdiction iiis. iiij.d. Et chefcun de les ditz juftices de peas & autre officer avauntdit deinz fa jurifdiction fur chefcun
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