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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/57

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A.D. r + 6£ Anno quarto Edwardi IV. C. 8.

  • 9

/ Rot. in Turr. Lond. ignur Mille CCCCLXV. null ma- o ilien pat luy mefmc ou pai con i' nt ovefeg des tan- ichcra ou dafcuns autxes perfones coillcz ou i/. deinz la <iit Citee & xxiiij leulces en chefcun pan le mefme la Citee profchcins adjoig- nantz ct qe null Englois ou autre perfone qeconqe fcui ii i I ngloi nil nl over* i al afcun eftraun : face maunder outre le mere ifllnt Mr hi mere voillent achate? les ditz corncs de female price dc qi i4s font al temps del faifance i 1 ordenaunce fur- point- del forfaiture de tout/, tiebt cornea iffint achate-/, vendue Ou maunder et qc les garde ins de la (lit meftier pur le temps efteantz par la nit auctoritc aient plein poait de fcrcher tout manere de ware Ipcctant a leurdit meftier overc ou a overeren tout/, licux deine la clit Citee de Loun- drea et xxiiij. leukes e;i chefcun part profchein ad- lunt a mefme la Citee & deinz les feiresde Siiibrigpc & Kly en qi mains les poient eftre tro-

cz. Et iils par lour ferche trovent afcun tiel ware 

ou ftuff en alcun lieu deinz la dite Citee de Loun- dres et xxiiij. leulccs en chefcun part profcheinc adjoignaunt mefme la Citee ou deins les feires de Stirbriggc et Ely en qeconqes mains ils (oient a venders qe eft defeclif et nient fufficient qil bien life a ceux dc prendre mefmes les ware et ftuff" et les amefner devaunt 1c Maire de la dite Citee de Loundres le Maire ou baillifs de les avauntditz feires pur le temps efteantz et ceo iffint illeoqes prove defedfrf deftre forfaitz lune moite ent au Roy et lautrc moite ent a les ditz gardcins deftre de- meaneza leur pleafir. Purveu toutz foitz qeapres hommes de la dite meftier deinz ceft terre ount pri- fez hors et cflieux tielx et tauntz conies come a leur meftier bofoignent qe donqes lifera a ceux et chefcun deux et toutz autres perfones de ceft Roi- almc dEngleterre toutz les comes refufez queux ne font mieablcsa occupiers en leur meftier de vender ct deliverer al afcun maner eftraunge ou autre per- fone pur les maunder ou carier doutre le mere ou aillours qiqe lour plerra. 7"hat from the Eeaft of Edfler, which (hall be in the Year of our Lord God TldCCCCLXV. no manner Stranger, nor Alien, by himfelf, or by any Other, fhall buy any Englijb Morns unwrought, oi any T:m- Butchers, or of any other. Perjpns, gathered or growing within the fold City, and xxiiii Mile every Side of the laid City next adjoining. And iliac no EngHJhman^ nor oth r Perf n, fell any Ei Horn", unwrought to any Stranger, or caufe them to be fent over the Sea, fo that the laid Homers will buy the laid Horns at like Pi ice as they be at the Time of the making of this Act, upon Pain of Forfeiture of all fuch Horns fo bought, fold, or fent. And that the Wardens of the faid Miftery for the time being, by the laid Authority, ftiall have full Power to fearcfl all Manner of Ware pertaining to their Miftery, wrought or to be wrought, in all Places within the faid City of London, and xxiiii Miles on every Side next adjoining to the fame City, and within the Fairs of Sturbridge and Ely, in whole Hands they maybe found. And if they, by their Search, find any fuch Ware or Stuft" in any Place within the faid City of London, and xxiiii Miles next adjoining to the fame City, or within the Fairs of Sturbridge and Ely, in whole Hands foever they be, to fell, that is defective and infufficient, it ftiall be lawful to them to take the fame Ware and Stuff, and bring it before the Mayor of the faid City of London, the Mayor or Bailiffs of the forefaid Fairs for the time being : And the fame there being proved defective, to be forfeited, the one Half thereof to our Sovereign Lord the King, the other Half to the faid Wardens, to be ordered at their Pleafure. Provided always, That after that Men of the faid Occupation within this Land, have taken out and chofen fuch and as many Horns as fhall be need- ful to their Occupation, that then it fhall be lawful to them, all and every of them, and other Perfons of this Realm of England, to fell and deliver all the Horns refufed, which be not able to be occupied in their Miftery, to any Stranger or other Perfon, to fend or carry beyond the Sea, or elfewhere, as ftiall pleafe them.' CAP. IX. Patten- makers may make Pattens of fuch Afp as is not fit for Shafts. See Appendix. C A P. X. What Perfons fhall take Paffage or land at Dover in Kent only, and who not. See Appendix, Statutes made at Weftminfter, Anno 7 Edw. IV. a?id Anno Dom. 1467. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. tn. 3. U parlement tenuz a Weftm'la tierce jour de June en Ian du reigne du Roy Edward le quart puis le conqueft feptifme mefme noftre Seignur le Roy del advis & affent des Seignurs efpi- rituelx & temporelx & a la requeft de fez commu- nez en le.dit parlement afTembleez & par lauctorite "de mefme le parlement ad ordeigne Si eftablie cer- 'teihs ftatutz Sc ordenaunces en manere Si fourme enfuantz; T the Parliament holden at Wejiminfitr the Third Day of 'June, the Seventh Year of the Reign of King Edward the Fourth after the Conqueft, our faid Lord the King, by the Advice and Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and at the Requeft of his Commons, in the faid Parlia- ment aflembled, and by Authority of the fame Par- liament, hath ordained and eftabliihed. certain Sta- ftutes and Ordinances in Manner and Form follow- ing." D 2 CAP.