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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/58

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20 C.i. Anno feptimo Edwardi IV. A. D. ^67. CAP. I. For making of Worfleds. The Election, Oath, Autho- rity, Searching and Sealing of the Wardens of Worded Weav- ers in Norwich and Norfolk. Four Wardens of Worded Weavers in Nor- wich and other four in Norfolk. Altered by 1.3 & 14-Car. a. c. 5 .f.Z. Four Wardens {hall take their Oath before the Mavor, Ac. z6.-H, 8. c. 16. The Wardsns Power* Puniftment of th£ Offenders. " T?IRST, For that there be as well within the City " _|? of NoYwichy as elfewhere within the County of Norfolk., divers Perfons which do make untrue Wares " of all Manner of Worfteds, not being of the Affife " in Length nor in Breadth, nor of good Stuff and " right making as they ought to be, and of old time " were accuftomed, and the Sleyes and Yarn pertain- " ing to the fame not well made and wrought, in great " Deceit as well of Denizens as of Strangers inhabit-

  • ' ing or repairing to this Realm, which have u fed and

'? do ufe to buy fuch Merchandifes, trufting that they " were within as they feemed without, where indeed 44 it is contrary : (z) And for that the Worfteds in " Times paft were lawfully wrought, and Merchan- " dife well liked, and greatly defired and efteemed in " the Parts beyond the Sea; now becaufe they be of " no right making, nor good Stuff, they be reported " and efteemed deceitful and unlawful Merchandife, " and of little Regard, to the great Damage of our " Lord the King, and great Prejudice of his loyal Sub- " jeers :" (3) ' Our faid Lord the King, by the Affent 4 of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and at the Re-

  • queft of his Commons being in the faid Parliament,

4 and by the Authority of the faid Parliament, for the 4 Wealth of his People, and the perpetual Amendment 4 of the faid Worfteds, and efchewing and avoiding all 4 Manner of Deceits to be done and wrought in Wor- 1 fteds by them that work the fame, and are the Means ' thereof, hath ordained and eftablifhed, (4) That ' Men of the faid Craft within the faid City fhall have ' Power every Year, the Monday next after the Feaft ' of Pentecoji, to choofe Four Wardens within the faid ' City of the fame Craft ; (5) and alfo that Artificers 4 of the fame Craft likewife Out of the City, that is to 4 fay, within the County of Norfolk, fhall have Power 4 every Year at the fame Day to choofe Four Wardens ' within and of the faid County, of the fame Craft : 4 (6) And the aforefaid Wardens in the faid County 4 and City, to come before the Mayor of the faid City ' for the time being, upon the Monday next after the 4 Feaft of Corpus Chrijli then next following, and then ' to be fworn before the Mayor of the faid City, and 4 the Steward of the Duchy of Lancafier within the ' faid County for the time being, if it happen him 4 " within the faid County then to be prefent, or elfe be- 4 fore the faid Mayor only, the faid Steward then be- ' ing abfent. (7) And that all the faid Wardens, as ' well within the faid City as without,, or elfe the ' greateft Part of them, under this Form before reci- 4 ted chofen and fworn, fhall have full Power for the 4 Year then next following, to furvey the Workman- 4 fhip of the faid Artificers, and that they make and

  • ■ work rightfully and well, and of good Stuff, and to

' ordain fuch Rules and ordinances within the faid 4 Graff, as often as it fhall feem needful or neceffary 4 for the Amendment of the faid Worfteds and Craft; ' and that all fuch Rules and Ordinances, fo made and 4 ordained by them, fhall be obeyed and kept by the ' faid Artificers. ' II. Or otherwife four of the faid Wardens, calling ' to them fix of the moft decreet of the faid Artificers ' within the faid City, and fix of the fame Artificers 4 within the faid County, by the Diicretionof the faid Ex Rot. in Turr. Lend. PRimerement qe lou y font fibien deinz la citee de Norwyce come aillours deinz le countee de NorfF' diverfes perfones queux fount wares meins verrois dez toutz maners des worftedes nient efteantz des aflifes en longeur ne laieur ne de bone fluff & droiturell feifure ficome ils eftre deivent & furent dauncien temps accuftumez & les fieies & file a ycell fpeclantz nient. droitment faitz & overez en graund deceit fibien des deinfzeinscomedeftraunges enhabitauntz ou repairauntzen ceft Roialme queux ount ufez & ufent dachatiertielx merchandifes con- fiantz qil ferroiet dedeinz come y monftre dehors lou de verite il eft contrarie et lou qe worftedes en temps paffe furent bealment & loialment overez & pleafaunt merchandife & graundement defirez & aymez en les parties dela le mere ore par caufe qils font de non droit feifure & de nondroit fluff ils font reportz & appellez fubtile & nondroit merchandife & de petit reputation au graund damage noftre dit Seignur le Roy & graund prejudice de fon foiall people. Si noftre dit Seignur le Roy de laffent des Seignurs efpirituelx & temporelx & a la requeft de fez Communez en le dit parlement efteantz & par auclorite de mefme le parlement pur le bien de tout fon people & en perpetuall amendement de les ditz worftedes & definition de toutz manerez deceites eftre faitz & overez es worftedes par eux qi les ove- rent & les moiens dicell ad ordeigne ■& eflablie qe homes du dit art deinz la dite citee aient poair chef- cun an le Lunedie profchein apres le fefl de Pente- coflde eflier quatres gardeins deinz la dite citee de mefme larte, Et auxi qe lartificers de mefme lant femblablement dehors la citee ceftaffavoir deinz le countee de NorfP aient poair chefcun an au mef- me jour de eflier quatres gardeins dedeinz & du dit countee de mefme lart et les avaiintditz gardeins en les ditz countee & citee de vener devaunt le maire du dit citee pur le temps efteant fur le Lune- die profchein apres lefeftdel Corpus Chriftiadonqes profchein enfuant & illeoqes deftre jurrez devaunt le maire de la dite citee & le fenefchall del duchie de Lancaftre deinz le dit countee pur le temps, efteant fil aveigne luy deinz la dite citee adonqes eftre prefent ou autrement devaunt le maire tant— foulement le dit fenefchall lors efteant abfent. Et qe toutz les ditz gardeins fibien deinz la dite citee come dehors ou autrement la greindre part deux defoubz ceft fourme avauntdit recitee efiuz & jur- rez aient plein poair pur Ian adonqes profchein en- fuant de furveer lartince de les ditz artificers & qils facent & overent bien & droitment & de bone fluff' & de faire & ordeigner autielx rules & ordenaunces deinz la dit art fi fovent come il fem-blera as eux bofoignable ou neceffarie a lamendement de les ditz Worftedes & art et qe autielx rules & ordenaunces par eux enfi faitz & ordeignez deftre par les ditz artificers-obeiez & gardez- Ou autrement quatres de les ditz gardeins ceux de les ditz artificers qi afcuns de leur ditz rules et ordenaunces enfreinent ou facent le contrarie ap- pellants a eux vj, de les pluis difcretes de les ditz artificers