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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/61

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A. D. 1467. Anno fcptimo Edvvardi IV. r 1 C A P. II. For Cloths made in the Hundreds of Lift on, Tavijlock, and Rvwburgb, in Bciotfljjre. F.x R 1. in Turr. Lond. IT!-' M monftrc fuit a noftrc dil S( ignur le Roy ei> Ic dit parlement par les enhabitantz et icfi- indrcdesdeLifton ':i iltokectRowc- burgh di in-/, ic countec de Devoine qe c-on-.c en la n parlement, commencez a Wcltm' le xxix' fon rcigne tierce et par diverfes Ijournamentes jufqes le xxj- jour ion rcigne quart continue/, cntre aiitres ordcigne fuift par auctorite mefme le parle- ment qe iiiillc perfone qe ferroiet ou ferroiet eftre fait afcun drap lanuz au vend a le felt de Seint Peer appellez ladvincle delor's profctiein enfuant ne met- teroit tn ou defuis mefme le drap nc en la laine don't le dit drap ferroiet fait afcuns flokkes en afcun mancrc fur peine de forfeiture mefme le drap en quel afcuns autielx flokkes ferroient mifez ou mix- te/. come par la elite ordenaunce pluis pleinement appiert. Far quell ordenaunce les ditz enhabi- tantz efteantz deinz les ditz hundredes furent fem- blables eitre defaitz par caufc qils ount continuel- ment ufez de temp; qe null memoire eft de com- mixtre & mettre flokkes en le drap illeoqes fait de laine creffant dcinz mefmes les hundredes faunz (juelx flokkes ils ne poiont ne favont feere afcun drap illeoqes a vend par caufc del groffure & fto- burneffe dc mefme laine qar la dite laine neft pas mys en drapeur ne en drap en afcun part de ccft Roialme Iflint qe noftrc dit Seignur lc Roy perdera p^ir la dite ordenaunce fez cuftumes aulnage & toutz autres profitcs a luy en cell part parteig- nauDtz 5c regardauntz. del dit draps fait en les ditz hundredes 5c les enhabitantz avauntditz pur toutz jours toutoutrement fcrroient empoverisfhez & fem- blaSlez deftre deftroiez finon qc reformation, ibit eue en les premiffes. Noltre dit Seignur le Roy les premiffes confule- rez ad ordcigne par advis & aflent des Seignurs cfpirituclx & temporelx & les Communez en le dit parlamerit affemblez 5c par au&orite del mefme qe toutz les ditz enhabitantz <Sc refidentz es afcuns lieux deinz les ditz trois hundredes puifient faire & fere eftre faitz tout manere drap lanuz du dite laine & en icell licitement mettre & fere eftre mys tie] quantite des flokkes come ferra bofoignable & pro- fitable al feifour & poffeffour mefme le drap et qe toutz les draps en liel fourme ove flokkes eftre faitz deinz les ditz trois hundredes & chefcun deux puifient eftre achatez Si venduz a toutz temps faunz afcun empefchement ou damage dafcune per- fone & faunz forfaiture dafcun de les ditz draps la dite ordenaunce defuis reherfee nient contrifteant. ITEM it was in the faid Parliament, by the Inhabitants an3 o( c "V in Hun " - -■ -' ■ dicd» in iht id of ' ,-here- " Rcfidents of the Hundreds of Lift on, Tav iflock, " Rowburib, within the County of "Xfevotu That wl " as in the laft Parliament begun at fveflminfler theFloctouTthe " Nine and twentieth Day of /for/7, the Third Year c*loih« mia<= > County of De- on may put

' M. c. 5. 35E/. f. 9. 43.E/. r. 10. 3 Tfac . b/lnn. c. 8§f 9. 7 Ann. c. 33. 10 Ann. c of his Reign, and by divers Prorogations and Ad- !- w ^' f r ° r v * " journments continued till the xxi of January, in the „ B '", ' A l , , , . 1 , ■ ...-,. n J . ,. ., . . Hundreds. I ourth 1 car or his Keign, amonglt other 1 lungs it .Ed. 4. c i. " was ordained by Authority of the fame Parliament, " That no Per fon which fhould make any Woollen " Cloth to fell, from the Fcaft called Saint Peter ad " Vinculo then next following, fliould put in or upon " the lame Cloth, nor in the Wooll whereof the faid - " Cloth fhall be made, any Flocks in any wife, upon " Pain of Forfeiture of the fame Cloth, wherein any " Flocks fhould be put or mixt, as by the faid Ordi- " nance more plainly appeareth. (2) By which Or- " dinancc the laid Inhabitants being within the faid " Hundreds, were likely to be undone, for that they " have continually ufed, from the Time whereof is no- " Memory, to mix and put Flocks in the Cloth made " there, of the Wooll growing within the fame Hun- " dreds, without which Flocks they might not, nor " could make any Cloth there to fell, by Rcafon of the " Groffnefs and Stubbornncfs of the faid Wooll ; for ' c the fame Wooll is not put in Cloathing, nor irt . " Cloth, in any Part of this Realm ; fo that our faid ■ " Lord the King by the faid Ordinance fhall lofe his ■ " Cuftoms, Aulnages, and all other Profits pertain- " ing and belonging to him of the faid Cloth made " in the faid Hundreds, and the Inhabitants aforefaid " for ever fhall be utterly impoverifhed, and like to be " undone, unlefs a Reformation be had in the Pre- " miffes." ' II. Our faid Lord the King (the Premiffes con- - ' fideredj by the Advice and Aflent of the Lords Spi- ' ritual and Temporal, and the Commons in this pre- ' fent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of ' the fame, hath ordained, That all the faid Inhabi- ' tants and Reftdents in any Places within the fame ' Three Hundreds, may make, and caufc to- be made, ' all Manner of Woollen Cloth of the faid Wooll, ' and to the fame lawfully put, and caufc to be put, . ' fuch Quantity of Flocks as fhall be needful and 'profitable to the Maker and Owner of the fame ' Cloth ; and that all the Cloths after fuch Form to be ■ ' made with Flocks within the laid Three Hundreds, . 'and every of them, may be bought and fold at all ' Times, without any Impeaching or Damage of* any ' Peribn, and without forfeiting any of the faid Cloths, J 5 -' 6 ^- 6 - c -5. ' notwithstanding the faid Ordinance above rehearfed.' V ■' c ,' I7k «  o« farther 4 £; I. c-. 16. 4 Jat. 1. c . 1. 21 Ja;. 1. c. lS&TsS. 12 Cay. 1. r. 22. 21 & 23 Car. ?.. c. S. 1 1 £? 12 //". •. 16. I Geo, i. t. I5C3 > 4I. llCre. l.t. :f, 7 GV«. 2. c. 25. 1 3 G'.;. 2. r. iS. jr. J 14 0. 2. c. 3- . . cap. in. For Woollen Yam, and Cloths unfulled, not to be carried out of the Realm-/ ITEM monftre fuift en le dit parlement par les Communez qe come en diverfes parties deinz reft Roialme de jour en autre eftoit ufe per mer- chantes ubien eftraunges come deinlzeins dachater " TTEM it was fhe.wed in the faid Parliament bj " J. the Commons, That whereas in divers Parts 'Vam or Cloth " within this Realm, Merchants, as well Strangers as *» _^ e c » " Denizens, have daily ufed to buv Woollen Yarn