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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/60

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Co I, Anno feptimo Edwardi. IV. A.D. 1467. EvtryOTan (hall Tct hie proper Mark upon bis Worlkd. 'Dtfeftive Stufr - '. and the' Worfted and, Stuff, found ii'i Manner and (hull be forfeit. ' Form aforeiaid defective, £hall be forfeit ;. the one ' Half of fuch Forfeiture found -in the faid City ofiVV- ^'ivich, to be to the Mayor of the fame City, and

  • found in any other Place, to the Mayor, or Bailiffs
  • of the Cities, Boroughs, and Towns, or to the chief

' Lords of the Fee, of and in fuch Place, as {hall hap- 6 pen any fuch Worfteds and Stuff by the faid War- 5 dens, or by any of them, by any Caufe aforeiaid, to ' be found defective or forfeitable ; and the other Half '.' to the Wardens of the faid Craft for the time being. s (3) And that no Man of the faid Craft ftiatoe any ' "Worfted, unlefs he put his proper Mark fixed or ' woven upon the fame, by the Ordinance of the faid 6 Wardens, or elfe the laid Worfted {hall be forfeit to ' our faid Lord the King.' Places of Search c VI. Moreover, for the full Reformation of the dial) be appoint- < Deceits and Falfhoods above rehearfed, by Authority cd and alio Days, c a f ore faid it is ordained and enacted, That the faid ' Eight Wardens, the faid Monday next after Corpus 5 Cbri/ii, yearly, incontinently after their Charge above 4 recited before the faid Mayor and Steward, or one of . ' them, {hall affign incontinently a certain Place, or ' two, within the faid City, and certain Days by the s Week, and another certain Place, or two, or more, ' if they think it neceffary, in the faid County of Nor- ' folk, and certain Days by the Week for the Year ' then next following, to the Intent that every Piece ' of Worfted, which in the fame Year {hall be fet to ' Sale, fhall be brought before the Wardens of the faid 5 Craft for the time being, to one of the faid Places fo 1 by them afligned, to the Intent, that as well the Ar- ' tificers of Worfteds, and the faid Wardens, may cer- ' tainly know the Place where the faid Worfteds may •-Wardens fnall ' duly and rightfully be fearched. (z) And if the faid let thear Mark. < Wardens find the faid Worfteds by their Search well ' and lawfully made, that then fuch a Mark' or Token s fhall be fet by the faid Wardens, or by one of them, e without Fine or Fee, upon the fame, fo that all 6 Buyers may well know which Piece is fufficiently and ' rightfully fearched and wrought ; and that the faid ' Search fhall as well extend to the Stuff of the fame, s as to the fufficient making: (3) And fuch as they '* fhall find defedive, that the Mayor of the faid City, '* and Steward of the faid Dutchy, or one of them for

  • the time being, by the Affent of the faid Wardens

' and Twelve Artificers, fhall have Power by this A£t ' to fet therein fuch Correction as to them fhall feem ' reafonable ; and for every Piece of Worfted fold, ' not marked after the Form aforefaid, That the firft '* Seller thereof fhall forfeit the Price of the Piece fo by ' him fold, to our Lord the King ; (4) and that all ' Ordinances, Acts and Grants made or to be made in ' Prejudice, or contrary to the Premiffes concerning ' Worfteds, be void, and of none Effect.' AH Officers < yjj And t h a t all Mayors, Sheriffs, and Bailiffs, Shf and all other Officers, fhall be attending, aiding, Searchers. ' and fupporting to the faid Wardens in their Search, ' as often as they or any of them fhall be by the faid 20^.6,0.10. « Wardens, or any of them, reafonably required.' 13 H. 6. c. 4. * 14 & 15 h. g. c. %. which is confirmed by 26 H.S. c. 16. And fee further concerning Worfieds, IzH.y.c e,'Elix.. c, 4. and 13 £f 14 Car. z. c. 5.

  • Read c, 3,

.'Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. en fourmc .avauntdit defeclifs foient forfaitez lurte moite, dautiel forfaiture trove en la dite citee de Norwice au maire de mefme la citee & trove ail- lours a le maire ou baillifs des citees burghs & villes, oil as chiefs Seignurs del fee de & en tielx lieux come il aviendra autielx wurftedes & fluff par les ditz gardeins ou par afeun deux par afeune caufo avauntdit defectifs ou forfetables eftre trovez &c lautre moitee a les gardeins de la dite art pur le temps efteantz. Et qe null home de la dite art face aicun wurftede faunz ceo qil mette fur ceo fori propre figne tiftez ou entexez par ordenaunce de les ditz gardeins ou autrement cell wurftede deftre forfait a noftre dit Seignur le Roy. Et outre ceo pur la pleine reformation de les de- ceites & faulxcete defuis recite par lauclorite i- vauntdit ordeignez eft et enacle qe les ditz viij. gardeins le dit Lunedie profchein apres Corpus Chrifti annuelment encontinent apres lour charge defuis recite devaunt les ditz maire et fenefchall ou ung.deux receu affigneront encontinent une cer- tein lieu ou deux deinz la dite "citee" eC certeins jours par feptmaigne et une autre certeine lieu ou deux ou plufours ills quident bofoignable en le dit countee de Norff' et certeins jours par feptmaigne pur Ian adonqes profchein enfuant a lentent qe chefcun pece de wurftede qe en cell an ferra mys a vend foit apporte devaunt les gardeins de la dite art pur le temps efteant al une de mefmes les lieux if- fint par eux afllgnez a lentent qe auxibien les arti- ficers des wurftedes come les ditz gardeins favoir puifent en certein le lieu lou les ditz wurftedes puiffent duement et droitement eftre ferchez. Et a les ditz gardeins trovent les ditz wurftedes par lour ferche bien et loialment faitz qe lors par lep ditz gardeins ou par une deux faunz fine ou fee il- leoqes foit mys fur ceo tiel figne ou token ifTint qe toutz achatours bien favoir puiffent qil eft fufHcial- ment et droitment ferche et overee et qe le dit ferche extende fibien a le fluff dicell come a la fuf- ficient faifure et tielx quellx ils trovent defeiSrifs qe le maire de la dite citee et fenefchall de le dit duchie ou une deux pur le temps efteantz par affent par les ditz gardeins et xij. artificers averont ou avera poair par ceft adle de mettre en icell tiel cor- rection come par eux femblera refonable et qe pur chefcun pece de wurftede venduz nient fignez en fourme avauntdit qe le primer vendour dicell for- face le price del pece ifiint par luy vendue a noftre dit Seignur le Roy et qe toutz ordenaunces adtes et grauntes faitz ou affairez en prejudice ou con- trarie de les premiffes concernantz wurftedes foient voidez et de null effect.. Et qe toutz maires vifcontes et baillifs et toutz autres officers foient entendauntz aidantz et fup- portantz a les ditz gardeins en lourferches fi fovent come ceux ou afcun deux ferront ou ferra par les ditz gardeins ou par afcun diceux refonablement requis. . 5 H. 8. c. 4. 25 H. 8. ft 5; 33 H. S. ft 16. 1 Ed. 6. c. 6, CAP.