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vlio (hall ha them. 12 H. 7. c. 4. not. 60 C. 9. Annoprimo Richardi III. A. D.. 1483.. to the chief Cloths fo by him feifed, before the Mayor, Bailiff, or other Governor of the Cities, Boroughs, Towns, Officer. 01 - Villages where any fuch feiling (hall happen to be made of the fame Cloth or Cloths, there to judge by the Difcretion of the laid Mayor, Bailiffs, or other Governor, calling to him or them fuch Perfons as by his or their Difcretions fhall be thought convenient, whether the fame Cloth be otherwife made, wrought, The Offenders or dyed, than is according with the Acts before recited ; (2) and if it be judged by the faid Mayor, Bailiff, Penalties, and or ther Governor, or other Perfons called to them or any of them, as afore is faid, that the fame Cloth is made or dyed, and put to Sale contrary to the aforefaid Acts, then the fame Cloths fo feifed, and by them judged as is aforefaid, fhall be equally cut in Three Pieces in the Prefence of the faid Mayor,. Bailiff, or other Governor ; (3) the one Part thereof to be delivered in the Exchequer by him or them that fo fhall feife the fame Cloth or Cloths to the King's Ufe, and the fecond Part thereof to be delivered to the Seifor of the fame Cloth or Cloths, and the third Part thereof to be delivered to the faid Mayor, Bailiff, or Go^ vernor, to the Ufe of the Commmalty where they or any of them be Mayor, Bailiff, or Governor ; (4) the one Half of all the other Fines, Forfeitures, and Penalties aforefaid, and of every of them, to be to our Sovereign Lord the King, and the other Half to him or them of the King's Subjects that fhall feife the fame, or file for the fame by Action of Debt, by Writ at the Common Law, or by Bill or Plaint after the Cuftom of the City, Town, or Port where fuch Fines, Forfeitures, and Penalties fliall happen to fall or be; (5) and that the Defendant in any fuch Action be not admitted to wage or do his Law; (6) nor that any Protection or Effoin of the King's Service be allowed for any fuch Defendant. Cloths where- XVIII. Provided always, That this Act, or any thing therein contained, extend not,, or be prejudicial of imto-this Sta- or to the making of any Woollen Cloth called Ray, (z) nor of or to any Cloth made in IFincheJler, or teextendeth Salifbury, ufed to be fet and joined with Ray. (3) A Cloth thereof commonly ufed to be fold at Forty Shillings, or within, (4) nor of or to the making of any Cloth called Veruife, otherwife called Plonkets, Turkins, or Celcftrines, with broad Lifts;. (5) nor to any Cloths called Packing Whites, (6) nor to the making of any Cloths called Vcjfis, Cogware, or JForJieds, (7) nor of or to the making of any Cloths called Florences, with Cremil Lifts, nor of or to the making of any Woollen Cloth called Sailling Ware with Cremil Lifts, broad Lifts, or fmall Lifts, (8) nor of or to the making of any Woollen Cloths called Bafiards, (9) nor of any Cloths called Kendals, nor of any Cloth called Frife Ware, nor to any of them, nor to the Maker or Utterer of any of them. 3 fl.7. c 11, XIX. So that the fame Cloths, and every of them, for the King's Honour, and Profit of this Realm, 12 h. 7. c. 4. k e truly, duly, and perfectly made, according to the Nature and Making of every of the faid Cloths. iH.S.c!6. Sec farther concerning Cloths, 3 H. 8. c. 7. 5 H- 8. c. 2. 6 tf. S. <:. 8 &? 9. 14 H. S. c. 11. 25 H. 8. e. 18. 27 ii". 8. (Ma-cHf 13. 33 H, 8. c. Ji 3 3 4. Ed. 6. e.z. iM.Jlat.i.cj. 2 & 3 P. & M. c. 1 2.. 4 &r 5 P. £f M. c. 5. 1 Elix. c. 14. S Elix. c. 6, 7, fif 1 z. zy Elix. c. 17 & 18. 35 £7. e. 9 Sfio. 39 Elix. c. 20. 4,3 Elix. c. 10. 1 Jac.i. e. 2-5. $ Jac. i.e. 16. 4Jac1.cz. 7 Jac. 1. c. 16. 21 Jac. 1. £-.i8c=f2S. 12 Car. 2. c. 22. 22 csf 23 Car. z. c S. 6 Ann. c. 8 £f g. T Ann. c. 13. 10 Ann, c. 16. iG«. 1. t. J5 Sii. 11 Geo. 1. c. z^. 7 Geo. z. c. 25., 11 Geo. 2. c. 2S. and 14.. Geo. 2. 1'. 35. CAP. IX. In what Sort Italian Merchants may fell Merchandifes. Several Reftralnts of Aliens. The Grievances ' y TEM, Becaufe our faid Sovereign Lord the King, upon Petition made to him in his faid Parliament doncbyMer- t J^ ^y the Commons of England, hath conceived and underftood, That whereas- Merchants Strangers of tn" -C K™" E< 7d ' the Nation of Italy, as Venetians, Genoefe, Florentines, Apuliatis, Cicilians, Lucaners,- Cateloins, and other •)iisWum,° ' ' of the fame Nation, in great Number do inhabit and keep Houfes, as well in the City of London, as in ' other Cities and Boroughs within this his Realm, and take Warehoufes and Cellars, and therein put their ' Wares and Merchandifes which they bring into this faid Realm, (3) and them in the faid Cellars and ' Warehoufes deceitfully do pack, mingle, and keep the fame, till fuch Time the Prices thereof be greatly ' enhanfed, for their great Lucre, and the fame Merchandifes and Wares they then fell to all Manner'

  • People, as well within the Ports where they bring the faid Wares and Merchandifes, as to other divers
  • and many Places within this Realm, as well by Retail as otherwife ; (4) and alfo do buy in the faid Ports

' and other Places, at their own Liberty, the Commodities of this Realm, and fell the fame again at their ' Pleafure within the fame, as commonly and freely as any of the King's liege People doth, (c) and do- ' not employ a great Part of the Money coming thereof upon the Commodities of this Realm, but make it

  • over the Sea by Exchange to divers others Countries, to the King's great Damage in Lofs of his Cuf-

' toms, and to the great impoverifhing of his faid Subjects, of whom they fhould buy the Commodities of.

  • this Realm :

' II. And the fame Merchants of Italy, and other Merchants Strangers, be Hofts, and take unto them ' People of other Nations, and to fojourn with them daily, do buy, fell, and make privy and fecret Con- ' tracts and Bargains with the fame People, to their great Increafe and Profit, and to the importune Da- ' mage of the King's faid Subjects, and contrary to divers Statutes in this Cafe provided and ordained : ' III. Alfo the faid Merchants of Italy do buy in divers Places within this Realm a great Quantity of

  • Wooll and Woollen Cloth, and other Merchandifes, of the King's Subjects, and Part thereof they fell :

' again to the fame Subjects and other within this Realm, to their moft Advantage, and much of the faid I

  • Woolls they do deliver to Clothmakers, thereof to make Cloth at their Pleafure.

' IV. Moreover, a great Number of Artificers and other Strangers, not born under the King's Obey- ' fance, do daily refort and repair to the City of London, and to other Cities, Boroughs, and Towns of ' the faid Realm, and much more than they were wont to do in Times paft, (2) and inhabit by them- 4 felves in the faid Realm with their Wives, Children, and Houfhold, and will not take upon them any ' laborious Occupation, as going to Plough and Cart, and other like Bufmefs, but ufe the making of Cloth,

  • and other Handicrafts and eafy Occupations, (3) and bring and convey, from the Parts beyond the Sea,

' great Subftance of Wares and Merchandifes to Fairs and Markets, and all other Places of this Realm at 3 ' their