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C. 19–21.
Anno tertio Jacobi I.
A.D. 1605

cellor, or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England for the Time being. By Commission under the Great Seal of England or by any Nine of them, whereof Four of them to be Citizens of the City of London.

Sixteen Comissoners shall be appointed, and what their Authority shall be.IV. And for the better Efcecting of the Premisses, and for the due Rating of the Value of the Things to be compounded for by the true Intent of this Statute, (if the Parties shall not agree) Be it enacted by the Authority of this present Parliament, That at the Request and Charges of the Mayor, Commonalty and Citizens of London Commission or Commissions under the Great Seal of England, shall be granted to such Persons as the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England for the Time being, shall nominate and appoint, whereof Four shall be of the County of Middlesex, Four of the County of Essex, and Four of the County of Hertford, and Four of the City of London, and every of them having Land's and Tenements of the clear yearly Value of Forty Pounds at the least: (2) Which Sixteen or any Nine of them, whereof Two to be of the City of London, shall have Power to order and set down what Rate or Rates, Sum or Sums of Money shall be paid by the Mayor, Commonalty and Citizens of London to the Lords, Owners and Occupiers of the Grounds and Soil, and Mills, for which Composition is to be made by the Intent of this Act, if the Parties cannot of themselves agree, and in what Manner the same shall be paid; (3) and that for the Recovery of such Money as shall be so ordered and set down by the said Commissioners, or any Nine of them, whereof Two to be: of the City of London, the Party or Parties to whom the same Money shall be due to be paid by the true Intent of the said Order, shall or may recover the same against the said Mayor and Commonalty of London, by Action of Debt in any of his Majesty's Courts at Westminster, wherein, no Essoin, Protection. or Wager of law shall be allowed.

The Breaches or Inundations in the New Cut shall be stopped by the Mayor &c. of LondonV. Provided always, and be it enacted, That if in the New Cut there happen any Breaches, The Breaches Inundations or Hurts, the Mayor, Commonalty and Citizens of London, shall from Time to Time stop the Breaches at their own Charges, and sufficiently maintain them from Time to Time, and make sufficient Recompence to the Party grieved for the Damage sustained by the same Breaches rising by their Default, to be recovered by Action of the Case grounded upon this Statute.

Bridge and passages over and through the New cut.VI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Mayor, Commonalty, and Citizens of London, and their Successors for ever, shall make and maintain at their Costs and Charges from Time to Time, convenient Bridges and Ways for the Passage of the King's Subjects, and their Cattle and Carriages, over or through the said New Cut or River, in Places meet and convenient.

Nothing shall be done until the Owners of the Ground be agreed with.VII. And further be it enacted. That until or before a full Agreement with the Lords, Owners and Occupiers of the Premisses be had, or that such Order and Means be devised and agreed upon by the Commissioners, by the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England to be nominated Ground be and appointed, or the more Part of them, as shall seem meet for the due effecting of the Premisses, and agreed with, the said Commission returned into the High Court of Chancery, it shall not be lawful to the said Lord Mayor, Commonalty and Citizens, to put the said Digging, Trenching or New Cutting of the said New River from the said Springs in Execution, nor to cut or take in any Ground for Passge of Water from the said Springs or any of them, by Force of this Statute; any Thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding.

The New Cut brought to London shall be subject to Commission of SewersVIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That after such time as there shall be a New Cut, Stream or River brought from the Springs aforesaid, or any of them, to the City of London, that for the better Maintenance and Preservation of the said River or New Cut, and of all the Water therein running, to be brought to the City of London, the fame shall be subject to the Commission of Sewers, and to the Laws and Statutes made for Sewers, as fully to all Intents and Purposes, as the same River or New Cut had been expresly mentioned in the said Statutes of Sewers to be under the Survey of the said Commissioners.

The Cleansing and Conservation of the New River shall be at the Costs of the Mayor, &c.Provided nevertheless, and be it enacted. That all such Things as shall be done at any Time hereafter, for the Scowring, Cleansing, Amending and Conservation of the said New River or Cut, shall be at the only Cost and Charges of the Mayor, Citizens and Commonalty of the City of London: (2) And that all Fines and Amerciaments which shall be imposed by Virtue of the said Commission of Sewers, for any wilful Annoyances and Offences which shall be at any Time hereafter committed the Hurt or Prejudice of the said New River or Cut, or any Thing thereunto appertaining, shall be to the only Use, Benefit and Behoof of the said Mayor, Commonalty, and Citizens of London, and. of their successors for ever.[n 1]

Who shall be charged with the Repairing and Maintaining of the Highway leading from Kingstone to Nonsuch.[n 2]

How Passage may be made by Water from London to Oxford.[n 3]

An Act to restrain the Abuses of Players.

The Penalty of Players on Stage, &c. prophanely abusing the Name of God.FOR the Preventing and Avoiding of the great Abuse of the Holy Name of God in Stage-plays, Enterludes, May-games, Shews, and such like; (2) Be it enacted by our Sovereign Lord the King's Majesty, and by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this present Parlia-


  1. PR. Altered by 4 Jac. 1. c. 12.
  2. PR. EXP. Stat, 21 Jac, 1. c. 28.
  3. PR. REP. 21 Jac. 1. c, 32.

See also: