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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/110

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C. 22—27.
Anno tertio Jacobi I.
A.D. 1605.

Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same. That if at any Time or Times after the End of this present Session of Parliament, any Person or Persons do or shall in any Stage-play, Enterlude, Shew May-game or Pageant, jestingly or profanely speak or use the holy Name of God, or of Christ Jesus or of the Holy Ghost, or of the Trinity, which are not to be spoken but with fear and Reverence, shall for every such Offence by him or them committed ten Pounds: [a 1] (3) The one Moiety thereof to the King's Majesty, his Heirs and successors, the other Moiety thereof to him or them that will sue for the same in any Court of Record at Westminster wherein no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed.

See also:
  1. Farther provisions relating hereto, 10 Geo 2. c 19, 12 Geo. 2. c. 28 & 25 Geo.2 c. 36.

An Act for the Paving of Drury-lane, and the Town of St. Giles's in the Fields, in the County of Middlesex[n 1]

An Act for the new making up and keeping in Reparation of Chepstow-Bridge.[a 1][n 2]

This Act was not provided or printed in full in Ruffhead's edition, Summary headings follow

  • The Effect of the Statute of 18 Eliz. c.18. touching Repair of Chepstow Bridge.
  • A Repeal of the Statute of 18 El. c. 18. made touching Chepstow-Bridge.
  • What counties shall stand charged for the making and repairing of Chepstow-Bridge.
  • The Justices shall tax the Inhabitants of the Counties of Gloucester and Monmouth.
  • Collectors shall be appointed in every Hundred of both the Counties,
  • Surveyors shall be appointed, and their Authority.
  • The Collectors and Surveyors shall make Account to the Justices.
  • The Justices may permit arising of Benevolence towards the Building of the Bridge.

The Bridge over the River Severn, near adjoining to the Town Upton upon Severn in the County of Worcester, shall be wholly made, builded and finished within the Space of three Years after the End of this Session of Parliament, by the Inhabitants of the County of 'Worcester, &c.[n 3]

A Confirmation of four Subsidies of four Shillings in the Pound, granted to the King by the Clergy.[n 4]

Three intire Subsidies and six Fifteens granted to the King by the Temporalty.[n 5]

A Confirmation of the King's General and Free Pardon, except, &c.[n 6]

  1. PR. EXP.
  2. PR.
  3. PR. EXP.
  4. EXP.
  5. EXP.
  6. EXP.

Anno Regni Jacobi I Regis Angliæ Scotiæ Franciæ & Hiberniæ viz. Angliæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ quarto & Scotiæ quadragesimo.

'AT the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster by Prorogation the eighteenth Day of November in the fourth Year of the Reign of our most gracious Sovereign Lord James, by the Grace of God, of England, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. and of Scotland the fortieth: And there continued until the fourth Day of July one thousand six hundred and seven: And then prorogued until the sixteenth Day of November next following; To the high Pleasure of Almighty God, and to the Weal publick of this Realm, were enacted as followeth.

An Act for the utter Abolition of all Memory of Hostility, and the Dependance thereof, between England and Scotland, and for the Repressing of Occasions of Disorders in Time to come.

FOR the Honour, Weal and Good of these two mighty, famous and ancient Kingdoms of England and Scotland, and for the Furtherance and Advancement of the happy Union already begun in his Majesty's Royal Person;A Repeal of Hostile Laws and Hostility between England and Scotland. (2) Be it enacted by the King's most excellent Majesty, with the Assent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same. That one Act made in the fourth Year of the Reign of King Henry the Fifth[d 1]}}Letters of Mart, whereby it is enacted. That Letters of Mart or Reprisal be granted against the People of Scotland,. in Case, where the Subjects of England have been spoiled, and have complained, and not received Redress, shall for do much thereof as so concerneth the People of Scotland, be utterly repealed and made void.

II. And

Direct citations:
  1. 4. H.5 c. 7.
See also:
  1. 22. H.8. c. 5.