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A. D. i6o6. Anno quarto J A COB 1 1. G. 2. 67 XXI And be it further enaifled by the Authority of this prefcnt Parliament, That all and every a Repeal of aii Branch^ Claufe and Sentence in any former Statute, whereby any other Length, Bieudlh or Weight, ^°;jj^^^y^"'j:;^«  of the Clothes before-mentioned or any of them, or any other Penalty or l-orfciture concerning the Length. Breadth Length Breadth or Weight of the aforefaid Clothes or any of them, or any other Offence by this ••>nd Waight of Aft intended to be reformed, is hmited, or whereby any Penalty or P'orfeiture for.the Ottences in this ^1"^,^; ""^ ^° Bill mentioned, or any of them, are given to any other Perfon or Perlbns than in and by this Statute is limited and intended, Ihall be from henceforth utterly repealed and made void. XXn. And be it further enaded by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That none of the Clothes cloth fcarched ' ■aforefaid', which by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm ought to be fea-led, of what Name, Nature or ^*'j°J^*Jj'J^'> Quality foever they be of, being fealed by the Overfeers authorized as well by the Statute made in the fearched, tried ■ nine, and thirtieth Year of the Reign of our faid late Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth, intituled, p'^'attredagiin, '■ Aa Adl againft the deceitful Stretching and Tentring of Northern Cloth,' as alfo by a Statute made J'jJ'^'^^y'" ^">'"' in the three and fortieth Year of her faid Reign, intituled, ' An A<5t for the true Working and Making 39 Eiiz.'c. 20. ' of Woollen Cloth,' IhaU afterward be fearched, tried or watered by any other Perion or Perfons « Ei'z- c 10. whatfoever, but only by the Merchant or Draper, or other Perfon to whom the fame fhall be fold : foTbl"fTacr* (2) And that if any Woollen Cloth, upon the Search by the Searchers or Overfeers of the Cities, c. 18. fca; 7." '" Counties, Towns or Places where the Cloth is made, ihall be found either to exceed the Length or to where the want of the Weight by this Statute limited, the laid Searchers or Overfeers finding and certifying the searchers or .feid Overlength and the Weight that Ihall want, or fuch of them wherein the Offence (hall happen to Overfeers (haii have been committed, by his or their Seal or Seals, fhall have the one Moiety of all fuch Penalties and For- "t by'^hl^For""" feitures, as by this Statute are given, limited and appointed, for Excefsot Length or Want of Weight, feitures; ■ .,';: and no other Perfon or Perfons : (3) And fhall and may fue for and recov.er the fame by Adtion of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Infonnation, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Recordat IFeJiminfler, wherein no , Effoin, Protecftion or Wager of Law fhall be allowed ; aiad our Sovereign Lord the King's Majefty, his Heirs and Succeilbrs, fliall have the other Moiety. XXIIL And alfo if any Woollen Cloth or Clothes, of any the Natures, Names or Makings aforefaid. The Forfeiture (hall after fuch Search in the Country or other Place aforefaid, be found to be faulty in any Thing not cer- ^uf,"!^ ^'°j " "" tilled, and appearing by the Seal or Seals of the faid Overfeers and Searchers, by the Merchant or Draper, fo rert'ified by" cr other Perfon or Peribns buying the fame, upon due and convenient Trial within convenient Time after the Overfeer. the Sale thereof, in Prefence of the Party that fold the fame, or of other Perfon or Perfons by him or them to be appointed, if he or they will be prefent at the Search and Trial thereof, or if he or they will not be prefent, having reafonable Notice given, then in his or their Abfence ; the faid Merchant or Draper, or ' other Perfon that bought the fame, and no other, fhall have the one Moiety of all the Penalties and For- feitures by this Statute impofed and incurred, and not become due to the Overfeers and Searchers afore- faid, to his own only proper Ufe and Behoof; any former Statute, Matter or Thing whatfoever to the contrary hereof in any wife notwithflanding ; (2) and alfo (hall or may fue for and recover the fame in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at ^Vejiminjler, by A6lion of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein . no Effoin, Proteftion or Wager of Law (hail be allowed j and his Majefty, his Heirs and SuccelTors (hall - have the other Moiety. ' XXIV. And forafmuch as of late it hath been reputed. That a Broad Woollen Cloth (liould and Duties and Pay- ' ought to confift of four and twenty fuch Yards and Inches as aforefaid, and not above, and Payments g^" ^ woollen ' and other Duties have been accordingly demanded and paid for the fame:' Be it therefore enacted by cloth. the Authority aforefaid. That if, any Broad Woollen Cloth be made longer or fliorter than four and twenty fuch faid Yards and Inches, all Duties and Payments hereafter to be paid for the fame, (hall be demanded and made proportionable, according to the Rate and Proportion of four .and twenty fuch faid Yards and Indies for a whole Cloth, and not otherwife. ■ ' XXV. And whereas by this and divers other Statutes concerning Drapery and Clothing, it is enacVed, s^6Ed.6.c.6. ■* That all andevery Broad Cloth and Cloths, which fhall be made in Keht and Suffix, or at the Town of J ^ 5 ™. ■s; W. ' Reading, or elfewhere of like Making, (hall be of a certain Length, Breadth and Weight, in this or ^' ' other the faid Statutes expreffed and limited, and in like Sort for Woollen Cloths moll uiually raade in

  • fome other Counties or Towns, are firll fpecially and particularly naiiied, in this and other the faid Sta-

' tutes, and after follov^ thefe Words (or elfewhere of hke Making) importmg. That it (hould be lawful ' for any Clothier, of whatibever Town or County within this Realm, to make Cloth of like Jidaking,

  • and accordingly the fame hath heretofore been put in Ure : Yet foralniuch as of late fome Doubt hath
  • thereupon rilen,' Be it therefore explained and enacted. That it is and fhall Be lawful for every Clothier, Every clothier

of what Town or County foever within this Realm, whei^e Clothing hath, heretofore been uled, to 'make ^["^j"™ '"^y . or caufe to be made any true Woollen Cloth, of what Name, Nature or Alanner of making foever the lame cioth. be, albeit the fame Kind of Woollen Cloth do bear fpecially the Name of fome other County, City or .'""' Town within this Realm. This A&. to continue until the End of the iiriV Seflion of the nekt Parha- The Continu- ment - . . i anceof thia'AiS. XXVI. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That neither this Aft, nor any The K'.ns'i Di)- Thing therein contained, (hall extend to abridge or diminilh any Culfoms or Dnties appertaining to' our '":^^"'^/^'" ^.S .Sovereign Lord the King's Majefty, his Heirs or Succeilbrs, or to any his Oifjcers or iv:inifters, for the '•^'^^ '*"'"' • .Searching, Meafuring or Sealing any the Cloths beforementioned, nor to hurt or prejudice the lawful Fees due or belonging to his Majefty's Aulneger, or to hurt or prejudice the lawful tJle and Exercife of the Of- fice of Aulneger ; fo as after any Cloth once lawfully fearched and lawfully .fealed, the fame bti'not' com- Cloth once hvsr- .pelled to be further .viewed, fearched, meafuredor fealed. [Continued by 3 Car. i. c. 4. and faithef coil-an^f/^f/d ,^^3,1 tinned by 16 Car. i.e. 4.] not befearoheJ - . • or fealed agiii. ranUfFrmifaMcimcernh^lbth, ■; Jac.i.c.ib. zi 7/if. I. f. 18 {sf 28. Ji Car. 2. r. »i. iz& ■i'^Car.2. e.'i, 11 ©". is ?r. 9. (,-,..2c. (> ^im. c, i k^ a , TAnn.c.iu lo^nn. ftl6. iCcc. I. c, ik& /^z, 11 Gt(i, j, r. 24. yGcs.t.c.z^. iiCii.i.c.ii. .;»« iaGk.j.it. 3,5, K 2 ' C -A' P.