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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/114

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66 C. 2. Anno quarto Jacobi I. A. D. 1606. There nmii be Xll. And tie it further enafted by tKe Authority of this prefefit Parliament,' That no Cloth-worker, wurgOT'Be^ Sheer-man or Fuller, or 'any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, (hall from and after the Feaft of St. John dewing any Baptift next enfuing the End of this prefent Sefllon of Parliament, blow, fpout or bedew any kind of ciotiion the Broad-cloth or Kerfie on the Sides and Edges near the Lifts thereof with any Water, or other liquid or Lith "'^"^ '^* L rhoift Thing whatfoever, whereby the Edges or Sides of any Cloth or Kerfie may make Shew to be The Forfeiture ' better than it is in the Ridge, Crelt or Midft thereof; (2) upon Pain to forfeit for every fuch Offence the forBiowin;;, Sum of thirteen Shillings four-pence of lawful Money of England : (3) And if any Perfon or Perfons a^^thfor*En- ^^^^' ^^^ow, fpout, wet or. bedeWj or caufe to be blowed, fpouted, wet or bedewed with any liquid or creafeofWeight.moift Thing any kind of Cloth or Kerfie of whatfoever Country, Making or Name, for Increafe of Weight, thereby to deceive the Buyers or Searchers, fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall forfeit and lofe for ■ • every fuch Offence the Sum of forty Shillings of like lawful Money of England. Agreement for XII. And be it further enacled by the Authority aforefaid. That all the faid white Cloths and finKs£S'^^'^ coloured Cloths, which by this prefent Ad are not limited and appointed to be wrought, drelfed and and Rowing of. ^hom, (hall have Allowance and Abatement for the Dying, Drelfing, Rgwing and Shearing thereof, Cloth. for every fuch faid fhort broad Woollen Cloths four Pounds in Weight, and no more, and the lon<T Cloths tive Pounds and no more, and fo after that Rate in all and every the fame Half-woollen Cloth*^ Kerfie, and other the faid Woollen Cloth. Into wliat kind XIV. And be it alfo enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That it fliall and may be lawful, to and for no'^k-Th"u^ any Perfon or Perfons lawfully exercifing the Trade or Art of a Clothier, or making of Cloths, to make anTtambswoot •^Jo'^^Sj Thrums and Lambs Wool into Cloth of one only Kind or Making, which (hall contain in may be put. 'Length, being throughly wet, between twelve and thirteen fuch Yards and Inches, as is aforefaid, and Rep.aijac. I. jn Breadth one Yard at the leaft within the Lifts, and being clean fcoured, thicked, milled, and fully

  • ■ ' ■ dried, ftiail weigh fifteen Pounds the Piece at the leaft.

TTie Means to ' XV. And for the better and more eafy Diftinftion and Knowledge of every fuch Cloth from Cloth know Cloth made of perfedt Wool, every Cloth made of Flocks, Thrums and Lambs Wool, (ball have the one Thrums &2. Lift wholly of black Yarn, and on the other Side a Selvedge only: (2) And that from henceforth no ' ' Perfon or Perfons fhall put any Hair, Flocks, Thrums or any Yarn made of Lambs Wool, or other deceiveable Thing or Things, in or upon any other broad Woollen Cloth, Half-Cloth, Kerfie, Prize, Dozen, Bays, Peniftone, Cotton, Taunion Cloth, Bridgewater, Dun/}er Cotton, or other Cloth, of what Nature, Kind and Name (bever, made to be fold, and fold, not being made and lifted with fuch black ThfePenalty for Lift and Selvedge as aforefaid ;.(3J upon Pain to forfeit every fuch of the faid Woollen Cloth, Half- puttingofany Cloth, Kerfie, Prize, Dozen, Peniftone, Cotton and other Woollen Cloth, of what Nature, Kind and Ac",' into°a'ny' Name foeVer, other than fuch as (hall be lifted and made as aforefaid, whereinto or upon which any fuch oih'er aoth. Hair, Flocks, Thrums, Yarn of Lambs Wool, or other deceiveable Thing ftiall be put or ufed, or the Value thereof. Pl'c's'where XVI. Provided al'vvayS, that in fuch Towns, Places and Counties, where Flannel, Wadnals and m1s"an'd Covi'r- C<5^^^^^*s or Blankets are ufually made, the fame maybe made in fuch Sort as heretofore hath been lets be made, lawfully ufed and accuftomed ; this Statute or any Thing therein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. The Forfeiture XVII. And if any of the faid Broad Woollen Clothes, or Half-Cloth, or any other Kind of Woollen wherethe Cloth Qothes, Dozens, Cottons or other Sorts of Woollen Cloth before- mentioned in this prefent Ad, cf appoinud'. 'w^^'^ Nature, Kind or Name foever they be of, made to be fold, and fold, fhall be more in Length than is therefore refpedively limited- and appointed in this prefent A6t ; then every Perfon or Perions felling the fame, ftiall forfeit and pay for every Yard and Inch exceeding the Length fo appointed, the Sum of ten Shillings, and no more. The Forfeiture XVIII. And if any fuch Cloth fliall not weigh proportionably for every fuch Yard and Inch to the wantethWeight. ^veral and refpeftive Weight to them fo limited and appointed, then the faid Perfon and Perfons felling ' the fame, (hall forfeit and lofe for every Pound- weight that fhall be wanting above two Pounds, the Sura of ten Shillings, and no more; any former Law or Statute to the contrary thereof in any Vv-ife notwithftanding. The Forfeiture XIX. And if any fuch Cloth before-nientioried, not exceeding the feveral Lengths to them by this '^ 'nt BreadUi' Statute hmited or appointed, and holding the feveral and refpefhve Weight limited and appointed, do wan tea . ^^^ fortune to want of the juft Breadth limited or appointed ; then the faid Perfon or Perfons felling the fame, (hall forfeit and lofe for every Cloth falling narrow thorow the whole Cloth, twenty Shillings, and throughout Half the Cloth, ten Shillings, and under half the Cloth, five Shillings only and rjo more ; any former Laws or Statutes inflicting other or greater Penalty or Penalties to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. The Forfeiture XX. And if any Cloth or Clothes of any the Names, Natures or Making aforefaid, which by. this eVk(fi.°'n th '^^^tute or any Claufe or Article therein, or any other Statute now in Force and not repealed, (hall upon than theSvL due and convenient Trial, within convenient Time after Sale thereof, in Prefence of the Party that «l8(h purport, fold the fame, or other Perfon or Perfons by him appointed, if he or they Vv-ill "be prefent at the Search and Trial thereof, or if he or they will not be prefent, having reafonable Notice, then in his or their Abfence, be found to be of lefs Length than the Seal or Seals thereon fixed at the Time of the Sale thereof do purport; thea the Owner, or Perfon or Perfons felling the fame, (hall forfeit and lofe to the Merchant, Draper, or other Perfon or Perfons that (hall have bought the fame, for fo much as /hall be ■yyanting of the Length fpecified in the Seal or Seals of the faid Cloth, after the Rate of fix Shillings eight- jience for every Yard over and befides the true Value of fo much of the faid Cloth or Clothes, as (halRie found wanting of the Length certified by the faid Seal or Seals, and no more ; any former Law cr Statute, infliding other or greater Penalty, to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding, XXI.