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74 C 3- AiMio feptiino Jacobi I. A. D. 1609. have Authority at all Times during the Seflion of Parliament, to minifter fuch Oath and Oaths, and mI'UaiwptiM ^'^ ^^'^^^ Perfon and Perfons, as by the true Intent of this Statute is to be miniftred. This Ad to take j^drttfrPrwi o« Place from and after the End of this prefent Seihon of Parliament. xi&'iz}V. l- C.6. y j^""' '• S' I Gfo. 1, c. 4. jjGw.i.c.ai, 13 Geo. i. c. 7. 20 G«. z. c, 44. *» Cfo.j. f. 45, fl»a 15 G«. s. t. 39, CAP. III. An A(St for the Continuing and better Maintenance of Hufbandry and other manual Occupa- tions, by the true Impioyment of Monies given and to be given for the Binding out of Apprentices. HowMoney^^ c T^Qrafmuch as the true Labour and Exercife of Hufbandry, and the Bringing up of Apprentices of filg^of poor" ' ' Jl both Sexes in Trades and manual Occupations, are Things very profitable in the Commonwealth, Children to Oc- ' and acceptable and pjeafing unto Almighty Gad, there being already great Sums of Money freely cupations ihaii < given, and more in Time to come like to be given, by divers well-difpofed Perfons, unto the Cor- owe . J porations of divers Cities, Boroughs, Towns Corporate, and unto divers Perfons in fundry Towns

  • not Corporate, and Parifhes within this Realm of England, to be continually implcyed in the Binding

' out as Apprentices, of a great Number of the pooreft Sort of Children unto needful Trades and Oc- ' cupations ; the Experience whereof hath brought forth very great Profit and Commodity unto thofe

  • Cities, Towns and Pariihes where any Parts of the faid Monies have been fo giveri and imployed,
  • and fo no Doubt there will confequently enfue thereof the exceeding good of the Commonwealth in

' general : (2) And for that the molt Part of the poorer Sorts of Children, would (as heretofore) with- ' out fuch good Care and Afliftance be brought up in Idlenefs, and difordered Kinds of Life, to their

  • utter Overthrow, and to the great Prejudice of the whole Commonwealth : (3) And for that it is very

' likely that many other well-difpofed People will be the better encouraged, willingly to follow the like ' good Example in bellowing alfo good Sums of Monies to the fame good and godly Purpofes, if it ' might be fo provided, that fuch Monies as have been already fo freely given, or as hereafter Ihall be

  • given, for the Binding out of fuch poor Children Apprentices, may continually hereafter remain,,

' and be wholly imployed accordingly.' How Mongy n. Be it therefore ena6ted by the King's moft excellent Majefty, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, Binding'out of ^"^ ^^^ Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That all poor Children Sums of Moncy fo freely given at any Time within three Years laft paft, or hereafter to be given by Apprenticesihaiiany Perfon or Perfons, to be continually imployed for the Binding out of Apprentices as aforefaid, fhall by wiTom,^ ^^^^o"^ ^^^ ^"^^"^ henceforth continue and be from Time to Time ufed and employed to fuch Ufes, In- tents and Purpofes only, and by fuch Perfons, and in fuch Manner and Form as fhall be hereafter by this prefent Adt fpecified and declared, except the fame have been or fhall be otherwife ordered or difpofed by the Givers thereof; That is to fay, (2) That all Corporations of all Cities, Boroughs, and Towns Corporate, by what Name or Names foever they fhall be known or incorporated, and in Towns and Pariflies not incorporate, the Parfon or Vicar of every fuch Town or Parifh, together with the Conftable or Conflables, tlie Churchwarden or Churchwardens, Colledtors, and the Overfeers for the Poor for the Time being, or the moft Part of them, where any fuch Sum or Sums of Money are already given, or fliall be hereafter given, to be fo imployed, fhall from Time to Time within the faid feveral Cities, Boroughs, Towns and Parifhes refpedively, have the Nomination and Placing of fuch Apprentices, and the Guiding and Impioyment of all fuch Monies as have been heretofore fo given, or which hereafter fhall be given, to and for the continual Binding forth of fuch and fo many Apprentices, and in fuch Sort as is already, or fhall hereafter be fo given and appointed, either by the laft Will and Te- ftament, or by any Writing or Writings under the Hands and Seals of any Perfon or Perfons which hatli _ _ , . already, or hereafter fhall fo give any Sum or Sums of Monies unto the good and godly Purpofes and In- of thofe who^of tents aforefaid : ( 3 ) And if the Corporation of any fuch Cities, Boroughs or Towns Corporate, by what Duty ought, and Name or Names foever they fhall be called or incorporated, or any the Perfon or Perfons in the other yet refufe t« Towns and Pariflies above mentioned, appointed by this A<fl to have continually the Guiding and Im- .^ey°^ ^ "ployment of fuch Sums of Monies fo already, given, or hereafter to be given, to the Intents and Purpofes aforefaid, fhall at any Time hereafter wilfully forbear or refufe, according to their Duties in this Behalf, to imploy fuch Sums of Money fo given or to be given as aforefaid, for the Binding out of fuch Apprentices, by Means of which wilful Forbearance or Refufing, the faid Money fhall not be imployed accordingly; that then they and every of them fo offending contrary to this Aft, fhall forfeit for every fuch Offence, the Sum of three Pounds fix Shillings and eight Pence lawful Englifl) Money ; the one Half thereof to be given to the Poor of the Town or Parifh where fuch Fault or Offence fhall be done or committed; the other Moiety to the Party that fhail fue for the fame ; (4.) and that every Man that will, may and fhall be admitted to fue for the fame Moiety, for the Ufe and Benefit of the faid Poor, and fhall be alfo admitted to fue for the Forfeiture of the other Moiety, in any of the King's Majefty's Courts of Record, to his own Benefit and Behoof, by Aftion of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no Protedion, Wager of Law or EfToin fhall be admitted or allowed. wWch'receiveth ^^- ^"^^ ^^"^ ^'^'^ "^ Monies fo given may the better continue to and for the Purpofes aforefaid. Be it the Money ihaii enadcd by the Authority aforefaid. That th6 Mafter, Miflrefs or Dame of every fuch Apprentice or Ap- be bound with pfentices that fhall receive any fuch Sum or Sums of Money as aforefaid, fhall become bound with one or Sureties to repay ^^^ fufficient Sureties, by Bond or Obligation in double the Sum which they and every of them fliall fo re- ceive