A. D. 1609. Anno feptimo Jacoju I. G. 3, 7^ reive with fuch Apprentice or Apprentices as aforefaid, unto the Corporation of any fuch City or Town Coroorate bv what Name or Names foever they fliall be called or mcorporated, or to luch Perlbn or Per- fons in the other Towns and Pariflies not incorporated, appomted by this A6t to have continually the Cuidineand Imployment of all fuch Sums of Money fo already given or hereafter to be given, to the In- tents and Purpofes aforefaid refpeftively, upon Condition to repay fuch Sum or Sums of Money, as he or (he Ihall fo receive with any fuch Apprentice or Apprentices, at the End of feven Years next enfuing the Date of the faid Obligation, or within three Months next after the End of the faid fcven Years : {z} And if fuch Apprentice Ihall happen to die within the faid Space of feven Years, then within one Year after his or her faid Death ; (3) and if the Mafter, Miflrefs or Dame, fo whom any fuch Apprentice or Ap- nrentices (hall be bound, Ihall happen to die within the faid Space of feven Years, then within one Year next after his or her faid Death ; (4) fo as the faid Monies may be again imployed for placing fuch Appren- tice with fome other Perfon of the fame Trade, to ferve out the Refidue of the Years of his or her former Aoprenticefhip, by the Difcretion of the faid Perfons trufted as aforefaid. TV And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That every fuch Sum or Sums of Money fo within wiiat given or to be given in Manner and Form, and to and for the good Ufes and Intents aforefaid, (hall al- J^^^'.'jf,'^;;, wavs be put forth and imployed by the Parties aforefaid, that by this A6t (hall have the Difpoling and Im- forth, ulovment thereof, within three Months at the furtheft, after fuch Money (hall come to the Hands of the faid Parties, that by the Intent and true Meaning of this Aft ought to difpofe and imploy the fame ; [z) ^ZTht'^otit and If at fuch Times there (hall not be found fit and apt Perfons to be bound out Apprentices as afore- Perfons in that faid within the (aid Cities, Towns and Pari(les where fuch Sums of Money are or hereafter (hall be PariOi to be Ap- aiven to be imployed as afore is declared; then fuch of the pooreft Children of any of the Parifhes nextP«'»«'- adjoining (hall be bound Apprentices in Manner as aforefaid, as by the Care and good Difcretions of the Parties which by this Ad have the Difpofing and Imployment of the faid Sums of Aloney in the Cities, Towns and Paridies where it was firft given to be imployed, (hall be thought (it and convenient, taking fuch Bonds and Obligations of the Perfons that (hall receive the faid Sums of Money fo put forth, and with fuch Sureties, and upon fuch Conditions, as is above mentioned and declared. V Provided-<4wavs, and be it ena<5ted by the Authority aforefaid. That Choice from Time to. Time What Sort of be niade of the pooreft Sorts of Children of every fuch City, Town and Parifli, where fuch Monies (liall ^^'J°ll^i^l •"* be fo given and whofe Parents are leaft able to relieve them : (2) And that no fuch Apprentice (liall be above the Age of fifteen Years when he or flie (hall be (b (irft bound out an Apprentice. ■ Vi And for the better Execution of this A61, Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That Account fhall be all and every Perfon and Perfons appointed by this A6t to have the Imploying and Difpoling of any Sum ^^^°'^*! or Siuns of Money fo given or to be given as aforefaid, within any Town or Pan(h not corporate, (hall af- ployed. ter the End of this prefent Seffion of Parliament, once every Year in the Eajier Week, or within one Month next after Eafter Day, make a true and perfed: Account before four, three, or two Ju(tices of the Peace dwelling in or next to every of the faid Towns or Pariflies, of all fuch Sum and Sums of A'loney as they or any of them have imployed in binding of Apprentices, by Virtue of this A6f, and of all Bonds and Obligations taken for the Payment thereof, and alfo of all fuch Sums of Money as then fliall happen to be remaining in their Hands not imployed : (2) And alfo fliall at the Making and Yielding up of the faid Account, or within ten Days then next following, yield and deliver up unto fuch as (hall happen mext to fucce'ed them, or dien to be in the faid Rooms and Places, all fuch Obligations and Bonds as by them or any of them have been before that Time taken to the Ufes aforefaid ; as alfo all Sums of Money remaining in their or any of their Hands to be imployed. as aforefaid, and not imployed at the Time of the vielding up of the faid Account. VII And further be it enaaed by the Authority aforefaid. That if any of the Parties appointed and ^.^^f/n'^/pjrty ti-ufted by this h&. to have the Difpofmg and Imployment of any of the faid Sums of Money fo given or ^^^^^^ 0,^^11 to be given as aforefaid, lliall in any Point or Degree break the Truft and Confidence in them in this Be- break the Truft, half repofed or (hall commit any otlier Mifdemeanor or Offence in Mifimploying of the faid Sums of Mo- "i"""" ^^^' ney or any' Part thereof, or in doing any other A6t or Acfs contrary to their Duties, and the true Intent ""^"^ "^v •and Meaning of this A6t, for which there is not by this A.&. any Penalty given or appointed, then it (hall and may be lawful for any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, in the Behalf of the Poor of fuch City, Borough or Parilh to exhibit his Petition to the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal oi England for the Time being, touching the (ame : Which Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of Eng- ■ land for the Time being, Ihall thereupon have full Power and Authority to award a CommKTion out of the High Court of Chancery, under the Great Seal of EngJatid, to fuch and fo many Perfons as- his Loi-d(hip Ihall think meet, to enquire, hear and determine the faid Offences, and. every of them: (2) And if the feid Commiffioners or the moft Part of them (hall (ind, that any Sum or Sums of Money fo given or to be wiven are loft impaired, walled or diminhhed, then they or the moft Part of them (hall likewiie have lower by Virtue of this A(5l and of tlieirfaid Commilfion, to rate, raife and colle6t the faid Sum of Mo- ney fo'lolt, impaired, wafted or diminidied, upon fuch Perfon or Perfons in Places not incorporate, as by this Aft are appointed to have the Guiding and Ordering of the faid Monies, if they or any of them have failed in their faid Duties in that Behalf, or otherwife upon the able Inhabitants of liich City, Town or Parilh where the fame (hall fo happen, as in the Difcretion of the faid CommilTioners or the greateft Part of them fhall be thought fitteft, and to return the faid Commilfion and the Manner of the Execution ■ thereof, into the faid High Court of Chancery within three Months next after the Execution thereof: (3) f„y pg,^,'/ '"^ And if'any Perfon or Perfons (hall find himfelf grieved by any Thing done by the laid Coramilfioners, then grieved by the upon Complaint thereof made in the High Court of Chancery, the faid Lord Cliancellor or Lord Keeper Commiffioners. for the Time being, (hall have full Power and Authority to order and decree the fame, as to his Lordlhip ihall be thought moft fit to ftand with Equity and good Confcience. r^ a p L 2 CAP.
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