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A. D. 1609. Anno feptimo Jacobi I. C. 5. 77 Parifh, Town, Village and Haifllet, fhall then appear in every their feveral Divifions, before the faid Juftices of Peace, at the faid Affemblies or Meetings, and there Ihall give Account and Reckoning upon Oath in TheConflabteg', Writing, and under the Hand of the Minister of every Pari(h, what Rogues, Vagabonds and wandring ga'bdnd^apw^"' and dilorderly Perfons they have apprehended, both in the fame Searcli, and alio between every fuch hended. Aflemblies and Meetings, and how many have bean by them punilhed or otherwife fent unto the Houfes' of Correftion : Which if the faid Conftables or Tithingmen mail neglec'l to perform, as alfo to convey fafely all fuch Rogues, with all other idle and diforderly Perfons, at the Charge of the Hundred, as by the Juftices of Peace their Warrants fhall be fent unto the Houfes of Corredion.in the f^me County ; that then they fliall forfeit fuch further Fines, Pains and Penalties, as by the faid Juftices of Peace or the moil Part of them fliall be thought fit and convenient, not exceeding the Sum of forty Shillings for . eveiy Offence. ,,, j :, :' .1. .. ' I ' VI. And for "that it is' convenient that the-Mafters or Governors of the faid Houfes of Correftion The Governor's

  • (hould have fome fit Allowance and Maintenance for their Travel and Care' to be had in the faid Ser- thTSnalM

' vice, as alfo for the relieving of fuch as, fhall happen to be Weak and Sick in their Cuftody, and that Maintenance. ' the Subjedts of this Realm mould in no Sort be over-charged, to raifeup Money for Stocks to fet fuch ' on Work as fhall be committed to their Cuflody;' (2), Be it therefore enadted and eftabhthed by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That the Mailers or Governors of the faid Houfes of Corredfion, fhall have fuch Sums of Money yearly, as fhall be thought meet by the ^moft Part of the Juftices of Peace within the faid County at the Quarter-Seffions of the Peace, the fame /to be paid quarterly before- hand by the Treafurers appointed by one Aft made in the tHree and fortieth Year of^ the late Queen" 43 Eliz. c. k, Elizabeth, intituled, Jn A£i for the Relief of the Poor, during the Time they the faid Mailers and Go- vernors fhall be imployed in the faid Service, (the faid Mafter pr Governor giving fui!icient Se- curity for the Continuance and Performance of the faid Service) (3) which if the faid Treafiirer ftrall neg- ledl- or refufe to perform. That then the faid Mafter or Goyernpr of the Houfe of Corredtjoh . fhall have; Authority by this prefent A61: to levy the fame, or fo much thereof as fliall be unpaid, upon the faid' Treafurer's Account, in fuch Manner and Form as by the faid Statute they the faid Treafurers are ap- pointed and authorized to levy the weekly Sum or Payment being to them unpaid. ' VII. And becaufe great Charge arifeth upon many Places within this Realm by Reafon of Baftardy, ThePuniflimeftt ' befides the great Diflionour of Almighty God,', Be it therefore enafled by the Authority aforefaid. That ^^^""^ Women every lewd Woman, which after this prefent Seftion of Parhament fhall have any Baftard which may be. ftards^^'^*" chargeable to the Parifh, the Juftices of Peace fhall commit fuch lewd Woman to the Houfe of Cor- jgEiiz.c. 3. recftion, there to be punifhed and fet on work, during the Term of one whole Year ; (2) and if fhe fhall » Buiftr. 34?. eftfoons offend again. That then to be committed to the faid Houfe of Corredlion as aforefaid, and there j^af'^jr! '^' *'? to remain until ftie can put in good S iireties for her Good Behaviour, not to offend fo again. ' VIII. And for that many Viiilful People finding that they having Children, have fome Hope to have- ' Relief from the Parifh wherein they dwell, and being able to Labour, and thereby to relieve themfelves ~ ' and their Families, do neverthelefs run away out of their Parifhes, and leave their Families upon the ' Pariflij' (ajFor Remedy whereof. Be it further enadted by this prefent Parliament, and the Authorit^A A Remedy for ' of the fame. That all fuch Perfons fo running away fhall be taken and deemed to be incorrigible Rogues^ "^^"^ ^^^,"" and endure the Pain of incorrigible Rogues : (3) And if either fuch Man or Woman being able to work, t'hefr^childr"nto- and fhall threaten to run away and leave their Families as aforefaid, the fame being proved by two fuf- theCf-argeof ficient Witnefles upon Oath, before two Juftices of Peace in that Divifion ; That then the faid Perfons "^^ Pat'li- fo threatening fliall by the faid Juftices of Peace be fent to the Houfes of Csrrediion, (unlefs he or fhe ^ ^°' ^' ' can put in fufHcient sureties for the Difcharge of the Parifli) there; to be dealt with and detained as a fturdy and wandring Rogue, and to be delivered at the faid Aflembly or Meeting, • or at the Qyarter-- SefTions, and not otherwise. , , ' , ' IX. And becaufe there fhall be the more Care taken by all fuch Mafters of the Houfes of Corre<5Hon, The ©dvemori' ' that when the Country hath been at Trouble and Charge to bring all fuch diforderly Perfons, as afore- ^uit^io^the lu- ' faid, to their fafe Keeping, that then they fhall perform their Duties in that Behalf,' (2) Be it there- fticesofaliPer-" fore ena(5Ved by the Authority aforefaid. That if they fhall not every Quarter-Seffions yield a true and fons committed lawful Account unto the Juftices of Peace of all fuch Perfons as have been committed to their Cuftody, '<> 'heir Cuflody. or if the faid Perfons committed to their Cuftody, or any of them, fhall be troublefome unto the Country, by going abroad, or otherwife fhall efcape away from the faid Houfe of Corredlion before they fhall be from thence lawfully delivered ; that then the faid Juftices fhall fet down fuch Fines and Penal- • ties upon the faid Mafter and Governors, as the moft Part of them in their Quarter-Seflions ftiall think fit and convenient; (3) and all Fines and Penalties not herein before limited fhall be paid unto the Treafurer, and accounted for by the Treafurer aforefaid. (4)ThisA6t to have Continuance for the The Continu- Space of feven Years, and from thence to the End of the next Seffion of Parliament after the faid feven ance ofihis acI, Years. [ 3 Car. i.e. 4. continued until the End of the firft Seffion of the next Parliament, and farther continued by 16 Car. i. c. 4.] . C A P. V. An A6t for Eafe in pleading troublefome and contentious Suits profecuted againft Juftices of the Peace, Mayors, Conftables, and certain other his Majefty's Officers,^ for the law- i ful Execution of their Office. ' T?OR Eafe in pleading againft many caufelefs and contentious Suits which have been, and daily are The Plea of an ^ ' X? commenced and profecuted againft' Juftices of Peace, - Mayors ' or Bailiffs of Cities and Towns ^fficeMm^piead- ^

  • Corporate, Headboroughs, Port-Re ves, Conftables, Tithingmen, ColledorsofSubfidies and Fifteens,: ^ion^ofhfsotfice".

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