76 C. 4- Anno feptimo Jacobi I. A. D. 1609. CAP. IV. : An Ad for the due Execution of divers Laws and Statutes heretofore made againft Rogues,' Vagabonds and fturdy Beggars, and other lewd and idle Perfons. HoTfecfCor-" ' "X /HERE AS heretofore divers good and neceffaryLaws and Statutes have been made and provided reftion (hall be ' VV for the Ereftion of Houfes of Corre6lion, for the fupprefling and punirtiing of Rogues, Vaga- provided: And ' bondsand Other idle, vagrant and diforderly Perfons ; which Laws have not wrought fo good Effedt as of^?em!"™^"' ' '^'^^^ expeded, as well for that the faid Houfes of Corredion have not been built according as was in- r. !nft. 728. ' tended, as-alfo for that the faid Statutes have not been duly and feverely put in Execution, as by the faid BumF.z.izz. ' Statutes were appointed :' (2} For Remedy whereof, Be it enafted and eftablifhed by our Sovereign • Lord the King's Majefty, and by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and by the Commons, in this pre- fent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That all Laws and Statutes now in Force, made for the Ereding and Building of Houfes of Corredtion, and for punching of Rogues, Vagabonds, and other wandring and idle Perfons, fiiall be put in due Execution. There fhall be a H. And be it further enaded and eftablifhed by the Authority aforefaid. That before the Feaft of Saint reaion°prevWed ^'^^^^^ the Archangel, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord God one thoufand fix hundred and eleven, in every Shire to there fhall be erecfted, built or otherwife provided, within every County of this Realm of ^/z^Zs^^f and /^/«, fet idle Perfons where there is not one Houfe of Corre6tion already built, purchafed, provided or continued, one or more iQ eS'^c 4. -^^ ^"'^ convenient Houfe or Houfes of Corredion, with convenient Backfide thereunto adjoining, together with Mills, Turns, Cards and fuch like neceffary Implements, to fet the faid Rogues or fuch other idle Perfons on work ; the fame Houfes to be built, erecSled or provided in fome convenient Place or Town in every County: (2) Which Houfes fhall be purchafed, conveyed or aflured unto fuch Perfon or Perfons as by the Juflices of Peace or the more Part of them, in their Quarter-Seflions of the Peace to be holden within every County of this Realm of England and Wales^ upon Trufl, to the Intent the fame fhall be ufed and imployed for the keeping, corredting and fetting to work of the faid Rogues, Vagabonds, fturdy Beggars and other idle and diforderly Perfons. The Forfeiture HI. And be it further enadled by the Authority aforefaid, That if the faid Houfe fo to be erecSed, pur- of every juftice chafed or provided, fhall not be ere<5ed, built or otherwife provided before the Feaft of Saint Michael the Houfe oVcor- Archangel, which fhall be in the Year one thoufand fix hundred and eleven next enfuing the laft Day reflion binot of this prefent Selfion of Parliament, That then every Juftice of Peace within every County of this Realm provided. of England and Wales, where fuch Houfe and Backfide fhall not be eredted or provided, fhall forfeit for his faid Negleft, five Pounds of lawfvil Englijl) Money; (2) the one Moiety thereof to be unto him or them that will fue for the fame by Adion of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information; in which Suit no Protec- tion, EfToin or Wager of Law fhall be admitted ; and the other Moiety thereof to be employed and be- ftowed towards the ereding, building, procuring or providing the faid Houfe and Backfide, and fuch neceflary Implements as aforefaid. mau be™- IV. And be it further enaded and eftablifhed by the Authority aforefaid. That the Tuftices of Peace of pointed of every every County within the Realm of England and Wales., at their Quarter-Seltions of the Peace to be holden to'"'^ nd^t"'^'^' ^^'^ '^ ^^^^"^^^ ^"""'^'^^ (next after the Ereding, Providing or Building of the faid Houfe or Houfes, and A^lhorlty." ^o from Time to Time) or the moft Part of them, fhall eled, nominate and appoint at their Will and Pleafure, one or more honeft fit Perfon or Perfons, to be Governor or Mafter of the faid Houfe or Houfes fo to be purchafed, ereded, built or provided: (2) Which Perfon and Perfons fo chofen by Virtue of this prefent Ad, fliall have Power and Authority to fet fuch Rogues, Vagabonds, idle and diforderly Per- fons, as fhall be brought or fent unto the faid Houfe, to work and labour (being able) from Time to Time, for fuch Time as they fhall continue and be remaining in the faid Houfe of Corredion, and to - punifh the faid Rogues, Vagabonds, idle and diforderly Perfons, by putting Fetters or Gives upon them. The Rogues and by moderate whipping of them : (3) And that the faid Rogues, Vagabonds and idle Perfons, during r.hars;e°bletothe ^^^ Time as they fhall continue and remain in the faid Houfe of Corredion, fhall in no Sort be chargeable Country. to the Country for any Allowance, either at their bringing in or going forth, or during the Time of their Abode there, but fhall have fuch and fo much Allowance as they fhall deferve by their own Labour and Work. _ _ _ ^ V. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Juftices of Peace of every County, within every of their feveral Divifions, twice in every Year at the leaft, and oftner, if there be (^ccafion, fhall affemble and meet together for the better Execution of this Statute : and that fome four or five Days before their Aflembly and Meeting, the faid Juftices or the more Part of them fhall by their Warrant command the Conftables and Tithingmen of every Hundred, Town, Parifli, Village and Hamlet, within their faid feveral Divifions, which fhall be afTifted with fufficient Men of the fame f^"^h^ni"i'rb P^^'^^^' to make a general privy Search in one Night within their faid Hundreds, Towns, Villages and made in tvery^ Hamlets, for the finding out and apprehending of the faid Rogues, Vagabonds, wandring and idle Per-; Hundred, fons ; (2) and that fuch Rogues, Vagabonds, wandring and idle Perfons, as theyfliall then find and Town, &c. apprehend in the faid Search, fhall by them be brought before the faid Juftices at their faid AfTembly or Meeting, there to be examined of their idle and wandring Life, there to be punifhed, or otherwife by- Repealed by their Warrant to be fent or conveyed unto the faid Houfe or Houfes of Corredion within the faid County li Annas, appointed and prefixed there, to be delivered to the Mafter or Governor of the faid Houfe, or to his U&'.IC' '^" Dtputy or Afiignee, to be fet to Labour and Work : (3 ) At which Days and Times of Aflembly and Meeting fo to be held by the faid Juflices of Peace, the Conftables and Tithingmen of every Hundred,^ 8 Parifhj
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