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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/127

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A. D. 1609. Anno fcptimo Jacobi I. C. 6. 7^ or , . _ . Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper ot the Great Seal, Lord Treafurer, Lord Admiral, Lord War- King's Fee. dea of the five Ports, for the Time being, or oii€ of them, or before one of the Chief Jufticcs of either of your Majefty's Bench, or of the Common Pleas, or before the Juftices of Ailizc of the fame County where the Parties refide, or other fuch Perfons as the Lord Chancellor or Keeper of the laid Great Seal ihall thereunto authorize. VII. And all Mayors, Bailiffs or other Chief Officers of Cities and Towns Corporate, by what Name Ci^f.Oflicerj foever they be called or known, before fuch Perfon or Perfons as ufually admiuifter the Oath to thtm •°ovvn5"co"po* ^t their firft Entrance into their faid Offices. . ■ ■ ■ rate. VIII. And all and every the Knights, Citizens, Bwgeffes and Barons of the five Ports of the Commons K-n'ghts, citu Houfe of Parliament, at any Parliament or Seffion of Parliament hereafter to be affembled, before he orfnS Baronfof tjiey ihall be permitted to enter into the faid Houfe, before the Lord Steward for the Time being, or his the Parliament, Deputv or Deputies: (2) And the Mafter of the Ordnance, Lieutenant of the Tower of Zi)«,5tf«, and , Mint-Mafter there, the four principal Officers of your Navy under the Lord Admiral, before the Lord the^OrdnarKe Chancellor or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, and the Lord Admiral for the Time being, or any of Lieutenant of' them. the Tower, &c, ' IX. And all the Officers, Minifters, Servants and others, within your faid Tovtev of Lend^ri, before Officers and Ser- tbe Lieutenant of the Tower. ^^"« '" the X. And all the Vice-Admirals, Captains, Mafters, Officers, Minifters and Soldiers in your High- o^g[!j3„jj5^j_ nefs Ships, or any of them, before the faid four principal Officeia of your Navy, or any two of diers in ships. them. XI. And all Perfons having Charge of Caftles, Fortrefles, Block-houfes or Garrifons, and all Captains of Captains who ftiall have Charge of Soldiers, within this your Highnefs Realm,- before the Juftices of Caiiies, soldiers, Affize of the fame County, or before two Juftices of the Peace of the fame County, City or Li- berty, where the fame Caftles, Fortrefles or Block-houfes Ihall ftand, or the Charge of Soldiers fl^all be. . ' ■ n « ... , XII. All Doaors, Advocates and Prodlors of the Civil Law, and th^ir Clerks, before the Bifhop ^"fs"^"',, p,^°: of the Diocefe where they fhall for the moft part dwell or refide. tors of the Ci- XIII. And all and every Perfon or Perfons Tempora;! that hereafter fliall fue Livery or Oufer le tnain * ^^'^' out of the Hands of your Highnefs, your Heirs or Succeflbrs, before his or thtir Uujier k main ^z^^^^^ oiWieij, forth and allowed, before the Mafter of the Wards and Liveries^ or before the SurV'Cyor and Attorney !6f your Highnefs faid Court, in open Court. XIV. All the Serjeants at Law, Servants to the Judges in your Highnefs Courts at /i^^OT7«/?fr, Serjeants at the and all other in the Serjeants Inns, before the Chief Juftice of your Majefty's Bench, the Chief Juftice i-aw, and the of the Common Pleas, and the Chief Baron of your Exchequer, or fome or one of them. Judges Servants, XV. All your Highnefs Subjedts in the Inns of Court, or that hereafter ftiall be admitted thereunto, centlem and the Principals and Treafurers of every Inn of Chancery, before the Readers and Benchers of the the inns of ° feveral Houfes whereto they belong, or four of them at the leaft, in their open Halls. Court, and Prin- XVI. All other your Majefty's Subjeds, as well Ancients as others, not' being Principal or Trea-^,, r 1, t furer, that now are or hereafter ftiall be admitted into any Inn of Chancery, before the Principal or of chancery""' Treafurer, and Ancients of the feveral Inns of Chancery, or four of them, in their open Halls. XVII. All Prothonotaries, Philizers, Officers, Minifters, Attornies and Clerks, that now are or Prothonotaries, hereafter ftiall be admitted to Write or Pradife in any of your Highnefs Courts at Wejhnmjler^ or 9i'=«s> Attor- in any other Court of Record, before the Judge or Judges of the fame Court. &"' '^'"'" XVIII. All Clerks of the Chancery, and all their Under-Clerks, and all other Officers of the faid cieVks and offi;^ Court of Chancery, and their Clerks, before the Mafter of the Rolls for the Time beine;, or before two^t" °^ '•'^ of the Mafters of the faid Court of Chancery. ' ' ' Chancery, XIX. And all Parfons, Vicars and Curates, and all other Perfons Ecclefiaftical taking Orders, and Parfons vicars all and every School-Mafter and Ulher, before the Bifliop of the Diocefe, or other Ordinary in the Curates, &c. * fame, fitting in open Court. School-mafter, XX. The Vice-ChanceUors of both the Univeriities for the Time being, and the Prefidents, War- Thl^vice-chao- 'dens, Provofts, Mafters of Colleges and Halls, and all other Heads and Principals of Houfes, Prodfors, c«)iorsin the and Beadles of the Univerfities, publickly in the Convocation, before the Senior Mafters there pre- Univerfities,and fgQf ' 1. J , r iTincipals of XXI. And all and every other Perfons whatfoever, that is or fhall be promoted to- any Degree Hails. in School, before the Vice-Chancellor of the iaid Univerfity for the Time beine, in the Con?re?a- f"'°^P«>">9' tion-Houfe. .^' ^ ^ SchooE'^'"'" XXII. All Fellows of Hcufes, and all Scholars of Halls or Colleges, that lidW -af^ of hereafter fliall F^"°ws and be received into the fame, being under the Degree of a Baron,, before the Prefiderit, Mafter, Pro- f.'^f '" '" '^'*'- voft, Warden, or other Head or Chief Governor of that College, Hall or Houfe, whereunto he ftiall ' be received, and in the open Hall. XXIII. And all Dodlors of Phyfick, and all other who pracffife Phyfick, that now are or hereafter Doftorsanc!' fliall be admitted into the College of Phyficians in London, before the Preftdent of the fame Col- fl^^'^r °* lege for the Fime'bein^. fnynsK, XXIV. And