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tio C. 6. Anno feptimo Jacobi I. A. D. i6og. AWemen siie- XXIV. And all Aldermen, Sheriffs and Under Officers whatfoever, of the Cities and. Towns Gor- men of cuies" P°^'^^' ^"^ ^^' ^^^^ ^^ hereafter (hall be made Freemen of the £aid City or Town Corporate, before nnd Towns ' the Mayor, Bailiffs, or other Chief Officer of the faid City or Town, in the open Hall. c^.rpo.ate. XXV. And to the Intent that due Execution may be had of the Premiffes without Delay, it is fur- fons^aforerai"'. ^^er enacSed by the Authority aforefaid. That all the Perfons before named, who have any certain ftiaii take the Time limited or expreffed when to take the aforefaid Oath, (hall at the Time therein prefcribed take faid Oath. (-^e fame, and the rell within fix Months next after the End of this prefent Seffion of Parliament, Whomay tender XXVI. And be it further enaded by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That it (hall and maybe ttie faid Oath, lawful to and for any one of the Privy Council of your Highnefs, or of your Heirs and Succeffors and and toyhom. ^g ^^j f^j. every Bifliop in his Dioceie,, to .require any Baron or Baror.els of the Age of eighteen Years or above, to take the faid Oath; (2) and to and for any tvro Jullices of Peace within any Co.unty, City, or Town Corporate, whereof, one 10 be ^of the Quorum, to require any Perfon or Perfons of the Age of eighteen Years or above, under the .Degree of a Baron or Baronefs, to take the faid Oath: (3) And if any Perfon or Perfons of or above the faid Age and Degree, now ftand or hereafter at any Time (hall (land and be . prefentcd, indi(5ted or convided for not coming to Church or not receiving the Holy Communion or Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, be- fore the Ordinary, or otiaer -having lawful Power to take luch Prefentment or Indicfiment, then three of the Privy Council of ,your Highnefs, your Heirs and Succeffors, whereof the Lord Chancellor, Lord Treafurer, Lord Pf ivy Seal or Principal Secretary to be one, upon Knowledge thereof, (hall require fuch Perfon or Perfons to take the faid Oath: (4) And if any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, of and -■ above the faid Age, and under the faid Degree, now ftand or at any Time hereafter (liall (land, and be prefented, indidted or convifted for not coming to Church or receiving the Holy Communion or Sa- crament of the Lord's Supper, according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realni, before the Ordinary or any other -having lawful Power to take fuch Prefentment or Indictment; or if the Minifter, Petty Conftable and Church-wardens, or any two of them, fliallat any Time hereafter complain to any Tuftice of Peace, near adjoining to the Place where any Perfon complained of (hall dwell, and the faid Tuftice (hall find Caufe of Sufpicion; .that then any one Juftice of Peace, within whofe Commiflion or Power fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall at any Time hereafter be, or to whom Complaint (hall be made as aforefaid, (hall upon Notice thereof require fuch Perfon or Perfons to take the faid Oath : (5) And that if any Perfon or Perfons, being of the Age of eighteen Years or above, (hall refufe.to take the faid Oath duly tendered to him or her, according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Statute, that then the Perfons authorized by this Law to give the faid Oath, (liall and may commit the fame Offender to the Common Gaol, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize, until the next Adizes or General Quarter- Seifions to be holden for the faid Shire, Divifion, Limit or Liberty; where the faid Oath (hall be a<rain in the faid open Seffions required of fuch Perfon by the faid Juftices of Affize or Juftices of the Peace -The Penalty for then and there prefent, or the greater Number of them: (6) And if the faid Perfon or Perfens, of the thl^'fa^dOath'^* -^S^ of eighteen Years or above, fhall refufe to take the laid Oath, being tendered to him or her by iz^Co! 132! " the faid Juftices of Ailize and Gaol-delivery, in their open Affizes or Gaol -delivery, or the Juftices of Peace or the greater Part of them in their General or ^artcr-Seffions, every Perlonfo refufmg (liall incur the Danger and Penalty oi PramUnire, mentioned in a Statute made in the fixteenth Year of the .I6R.3. c. 5. Reign of King Richard the Second, (except Women covert, who fhall be committed only to Prifon, I Roll 91. there to remain without Bail or Mainprize till they will take the faid Oath..} Difabied to ex«- XXVII. And be it further enafted, Tli^t pvery Perfon refufing to talce the faid Oath as above, cuteorpraaife fhall bedifabled to all Intents and Purpofes, to execute any publick Place of Judicature, or bear any Science?*"" °'^°*^ Office (being no Office of Inheritance or Minifterial Funiftion) within" this your Highnefs Realm ciences. ,,. ^^ jfngiand I (a) Or to ufe or pradice the C9pmon Law or Civil Law, or the Science of Phyfick or Surgery, or the Art of an Apothecary, or any Liberal Science, for his or their Gain, witihin this Realm, until U-ich Time as the fame Perfon fliali receive the fame Oath, according to the Intent of this Sta- tute. _ '" ■ ': The Penalty of XXVIII. And be it further enafled. That if any inarried Woman (being lawfully conviefted as a man a'cdiffnt' Popifh Recufant for not coming to Church) flpallnot within three Months next after fuch Convidion that (hai! not coiiform herfelf, and repair to the Ch,urch and receive the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, according to cometotfie' the former Laws and Statutes made and provided in that Behalf touching Recufants ; That then (he -■teive'tlireSacri^ ^^^'^ ^^ committed to Prifon by one of the Priyy Council of your Highnefs, your Heirs or SuccelTors, ment. ' or by the Bifhop of the Diocefe, if (he he a Saro,a£fs, or if (he be under that Degree, by two Tu(lices iSc-e farther, of the Peace of the.fame County, whei:eof one |to be of the Riorum, there to remain without l3ail or ^IdTbGeo'i' Mainprize until flie (hall conform herfelf and come to Church, and receive the Sacrament of the Lord's jc, 30. / 'S"upper, unlefs the Hufbandof fuch Wife .ftiall pay to the King's Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, for V -the Offence of his faid Wife, for ;every Month ten Pounds of lawful Money of E?rgla>id, orelfe the third Part (in three Parts to be drvide'dj of all his Land ain'd Tenements, at the Choice of the Hufband whofe :Wife_ is fo convidled as .aforefaid, for and during fo long Time as fhe remaining a Recufant -convifted, (haU continue out.'of Prifon, during, which Time (and no longer) fhe may be at Li^ -bextyi: . . ; . , ' . e A p.