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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/130

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82 C. g-'ii. Anno feptimo Jacobi I. A. D. 1609. Eliz c it ' Commonwealth, that after many Continuances of it by feveral Parliaments, it was at length, in the ' ' ^' ' thirteenth Year of the Reign of our late Queen Elizabeth of happy Memory, made perpetual ; (3] Be-

  • caufe the faid Adt hath not produced fo good EfFeft as was expedted, in Refpedl it did and doth ex-

' tend only to fuch Pafture Grounds as were inclofed before the faid Adt, and wherein no Perfon at the ' Making of the faid MS. had Common for any Cattle at any Time of the Year, and not to fuch Pafture ' Grounds as fithence have been converted from Tillage, and inclofed or taken Out of Commons and ' inclofed, whereas in all Equity and Confcience, many of the faid late Inclofures deferve no Way to ' be kept and enjoyed with more Liberty, than the faid former and ancient Inclofures :' The statute of II. Be it therefore enadted by the King's moft excellent Majefty, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, » & 3 ?h. & M, and the Commons, in this prefent prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, tended^ 'to * ^"^'^^'^ '^^ ^^'"^ former Act, and the Pains and Penalties therein contained, fiiall from and after the Feaft Grounds fince" of Saint Michael the Archangel now next enfuing, be extended and conftrued, taken, expounded and ad- inciofsd or here- judged to extend, as fiilly to all Intents, Conftrudlions and Purpofes, with the fame Provifoes, and in clofedr '°^ '"" ^^^^ Manner, to all and every the Grounds apt and meet for Milch-Kine, fince the making of the faid Act inclofed or hereafter to be inclofed, and not to be laid open to Common at any Time of the Year, and to the Occupiers thereof, as to the Grounds before the faid Adt made feveral, and wherein none had Intereft of Common at the Time of Making the faid Adt, and to the Occupiers thereof, and as if the faid Grounds fo lately inclofed and hereafter to be inclofed and made feveral, had been fo inclofed and held feveral at the Time of the Making of the faid Act, and as if no Perfon or Perfons, other than the Owners thereof, then had Intereft of Common therein j any Word, Sentence or Claufe in the faid former Adt to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. CAP. IX. An Adt for the bringing of freffi Streams of Water by Engine from Hackney-Marjl} to the City oi Lon^ . dor/, for the Benefit of the King's College at Che/fey. A College (liall be eredted at Che/Jij, and a Trench Ihall t)e made to convey Water from the River of Lee to London, to maintain the fame. The Provoft and Fellows may dig a Trench out of tlie River of Lee, or fcour any old already made, and may erect • Engines, Water-works, ^c. and Houfes or Coverings for the fame. May dig for opening of Springs of frefti Water, and convey the fame by Trenches into a Pond, and may convey in Pipes under the Ground from the Water-works unto the City and Suburbs of London, the fame Water. Certain Places exempt through the which the Water is not to be conveyed. C A P. X. An A6t for Reformation of Alehoufe-keepers, t&6SJ.6.ir.is. ' TT THERE AS notwithftanding all former Laws and Provifions already made, the inordinate and ex- any Offence " ' ' ' treme Vice of exceflive Drinking and Drunkennefs doth more and more abound, to the great comrnitted ' Offence of Almighty God, and the wafteful Deftrudtion of God's good Creatures :' (2) Be it enadted againil the Sta- by the Authority of this prefent Parhament, That if any Perfon being an Alehoufe-keeper (after fix tuieo 4 J="-'--eeks next enfuing this prefent Seffion of Parliament) fhall be lawfully convidted for any Oifence or j//aiu.P.G,i-.78. Offences committed againft any of the Branches of two former Adts of Parliament made fithence the Beginning of this prefeiat Parliament, the one intituled, Jn ASi to reftrain the ijiordinate Haunting and ijac. I.e. 9. 'Xiplittg in Inns, Jlehoufes and other ViSiualling-houfes ; the other intituled. An ylli agaitijl the odious and 4Jac.i. c. 5. loathfom Sin of Drunkennefs; That then every Perfon or Perfons fo convidted, Ihail for the Space oS FartberProviJiotis three Ycars next enfuing the faid Convidtion, be utterly difabled to keep any fuch Alehoufe. relating heratOy . ai Jiu, I, c, 7, I Car. I. c. 4. 26 Geo. 2, c. 3.1. and 19 Geo, z. c, 12, ' CAP. XT. An Aft to prevent the Spoil of Corn and Grain, by untimely Hawking, and for the better Prefervation of Pheafants and Partridges. "The Penalty for ' "IT THE RE AS in the firft Sefilon of this prefent Parliament there was a good Law made, amongft RiMingoi Phea- <■ yy other Things for the Prefervation of the Game of Pheafants and Partridges, which hath not ■tridj!.e5 at undue' yielded that good Succefs as was by the fame Law hoped for and intended, through diforderly and Times, or by ' unfcafonable Hawking, whereby great Quantity of Corn and-Grain hath been and is not only un- «nduf Means, c charitably fpoiled and deftroyed, but great Numbers of Pheafants and Partridges thereby killed and ii-aK il'iiQo. ' fpoiled, before they be either fit to be hawked at, or ta be ufed for Food or Diet:' II. For the Preventing of both which Incoriveniencies and Mifchiefs, Be it enadted by the Autho- rity of this prefent Parliament, That all and every Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, which at any Tane -r .1 r_.. c.cT- r- r>-_i . j_.i- _„ n,_i! 1 1. „. in , -.i Pheafant Colour ., , ..-.,- Offences- being proved by the Confeffion of the Party, or by the Teftimony of two fufEcient Witneffes upon Oath, before two or more Juftices of the Peace of the faid County, City or Town Corporate wherein the Of- ience thall be committed, or the Party ofi'cnding apprehended, fliail be by the faid Juftices of the Peace, for .