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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/129

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A. D. 1609. Anno feptuno Jacobi I. G. 7, 8. 8t CAP. VII. An A6t for the punifhing and corredling of Deceit and Frauds committed by Sorters, Kem- bers and Spinfters of Wool, and Weavers of Woollen Yarn. < TT WHEREAS by the Trade of Clothing, making of Bays, Says and other Cloths and Stuffs madcsjff.R, f.«r. « VV of Wool or partly of Wool, many poor People are fet on work, and great Profit hath grown

  • to the Poor and Commonweahh thereby; (2) yet now by the Abufe and Deceit of the Sorters, "Kem-

^ bers. Carders and Spinfters of Wool to them delivered, by the Perfons ufing the Trades aforefaid,

  • and Weavers of the Yarn made of fuch Wool, who are fet on work by the Clothier, Maker of Bays,

? Says and other Cloths and Stuffs aforefaid, by unjuftly, deceitfully and falfly purloining, imbezilling, f felling and detaining of Part thereof, to the great Damage of the Clothier and others ufing the Trades

  • aforelaid, whereby true Cloth-making is much hindered and Idlenefs doth daily increafe: (3) So that
  • many exercifing the Trades before-mentioned are greatly impoverifhed, and the Parties which com-
  • mit the Offences aforefaid, being poor and altogether unable to make Recoiiipence or Satisfadtion for
  • the Trefpaffes, Deceits and Abufes aforefaid, have much difcouraged the faid Clothier, Maker of Bays
  • and others of the Trades aforefaid, to fet poor People on work, whereby much Poverty doth increafe
  • and more is like daily to increafe, to the great Damage and Hinderance of the Commonwealth :'

II. For the Preventing and Reformation whereof, be it enadled by the Authority of this prefent Par- liament, That all and every fuch lewd Perfon and Perfons, who fhall at any Time after twenty Days next after the End of this Seffion of Parliament, unjuftly, falfty or deceitfully convey away, imbezil, purloin, fell or detain any Part of the Wool or Yarn delivered by any Clothier, Maker of Bays, Says, or by any other Perfon or Perfons making any fuch Cloths or Stuffs, to any fuch Sorter, Carder, Kemr ber, Spinfter or Weaver of Wool or Yarn ; That in every fuch Cafe and Cafes, as well the Sorter, Carder, Kember, Spinfter and Weaver fo offending, as the Buyer and Buyers, Receiver and Receivers of the fame, knowing the fame, being thereof lawfully convicSed (by ConfeflHon of the Party or Parties fo offending, or by one fufficient Witnefs upon Oath before Two or more of the King's Majefty's Ju- ftices of the Peace of the fam.e County or Liberty where the fame Offence or Offences Ihall be com- mitted, or if it be within a Town Corporate, before the Mayor, Bailiff or Chief Officer, and one more of the Aldermen or moft fubftantial Perfons of the faid Town, (2) who fliall by Force of this Adt have full Power and Authority to minifter the fame Oath, and finally to hear, end and determine all and every the Offences aforefaid); (3) ftiall give and make to the Party or Parties grieved, fuch Recompence and SatisfatTtion for fuch their Damage and Lofs, as by the faid Juftices or chief Officers fliall be ordered and appointed : (4) And if the Party or Parties fo offending (hall not be thought, in the Difcretion of the faid Juftices or Chief Officers, able or fufficient, or do not make Recompence or Satisfaction for the fame Offence or Offences, in fuch Manner and Form as by the faid Juftices or Chief Officers ftiall be ordered and appointed as aforefaid, then the Party or Parties offending, for the firft Offence to be apprehended The Penalty of and wh'pped, or fet in the Stocks, in the Place where the Offence is committed, or in fome Market- a worker of Town in the faid County, near unto the Place where the Offence or Offences aforefaid Ihall be com- ^^""dothTmTe- mitted, as fhall be limited and apointed by the faid Juftices of the Peace or Chief Officers: (5) And for jd or detain any the fecond Offence, to incur the like or fuch further Punifliment by Whipping, or being put in the Pan thereof. Stocks, as the faid Juftices of the Peace or Chief Officers fhall in their Difcretion think fit and con- venient, III. And be it likewife enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Receiv^^er and Re- ThePuniDiment ceivers, Buyer and Buyers of any Wool or Yarn, imbezilled or purloined, contrary to the Meaning of of'theR'^ceivw' this A&., knowing the fame to be imbezilled or purloined, fhall be fubjeiSt to like Punifliment as by this bLjikd VarT' Ad is inflidted or provided to be inflidted upon any fuch Perfon fo imbezilling or purloining any fuch , s'aik^. iSi,' " Wool or Yarn as aforefaid. IV. And be it likewife enadled. That all and every Spinner and Spinners of Wool within the County Spinners of Wcrn oi Eff}x, that fhall receive any Wool to be fpun into Yarn for any Clothier or Maker of Bays, Says or !|^"J'^^^"' Towns other Stuffs aforefaid, dwelling in the Town of Cogfial, Boding, Brain/m, Hiiljleed, IFittam or Col- F^rrhrPro^r-f^r' '■" th '■'" ' upon sny Perfon or Perfons imbezilling and purloining Yarn as aforefaid. j iy& M. St. c. 52. 7 &? 8 ;*^. 3. c. i8. a S" 10 W. 3. C40. 10 {if II W. 3. f. TO. %Cca.i. c.ir. 4 Co. t. c. ii. ■; Geo. i. r. ii. .9:ff. T4.. iiG«.t,c.34.. 13 Gm, i. c 13 ^Gso,z. c.ii. 11 G«. 2. c. II. i^Cco.%, ci^]. a5Gw, 2. c. 14. 26 Geo. s. c. 8 S? 11. jg Geo. 2. f. 33 ast^ 30 Cro, i. c. u. C A P. VIII. An Act to enlarge an Aft of Parliament made in the fecond and third Year of King Philip and Queen Mary^ intituled, Jn AB for the keeping of Milch-Kine^ or breeding and rearing tf Cahes. HEREAS inthe fecond and third Years of King Philip und Quezn Mary, a profitable Ad 15:3 ph.iM. " the Scarcity of Cattle and Vi(5tual, intituled, yf« Affor the Kc€p-c. S' was made for the Avoiding of ^ a?id rearing of Calvi. , ^- , was' found fo neceffary'^or the Good of the

  • ing of Milch-Kim, and for the h-ecding and rearing of Calves; (2) which Ad beinV then made only to
  • continue to the End of tin; next Seffion of Parliament, w: ' ' ' ~ . ^ * ^- ..

Vol, III. M