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84 C. I2j 13. Anno feptlmo Jacob 1 1. A. D. 1609. Officers may feafch tlie Houiesof Per- forti (ufpeaed to offend. Cmtinuance of thii At>. relating ^■'r<'to, «3 Car, z- iV. I. Tn what Cafe a Tradefman's Debt. 38 Ed. 3. Stat, r c. iz. of the Poor of the faid Parifh where the faid Offence (hall be committed, the Sum of twenty Shillings for every Pheafant or Partridge, which any and every fuch Perfon or Perfons fo offending fhall take, kill or deftroy as aforefaid, contrary to the Purport and true Meaning of this Statute 5(5) and further to become bound by Recognizance in the Sum of twenty Pounds to his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, with Con- dition that he the faid Party fo offending fhafl not at any Time thereafter take, kill or deftroy any Phea- fant or Partridge ; (6) which faid Recognizance fhall be taken by any one or more Juftices of Peace of the faid County, City or Town Corporate, where the faid Offence fhall be committed as aforefaid, and fhaJI be returned to the then next Quarter-SelFions, and there to remain of Record as other Recognizances taken for the Peace. IX. And be it further enacted. That every Conftable and Headborough in every County, City, Town Corporate, and other Place where they fhall be fworn Officers, fhall and may, by Virtue of this prefent Acfl, (bringing with them to that Purpofe a lawful Warrant under the Hands of two Juftices of the Peace of the County, City, Liberties or Town Corporate) have full Power and Authority to enter into and fearch the Houfe or Houfes of any Perfon or Perfons (other than fuch as by this prefent A6t are allowed to take Pheafants and Partridges with Nets as aforefaid} being fufpefhed to have any Setting-dogs or Nets for the taking of Pheafants and Partridges ; (z) and wherefoever they fhall find any fuch betting-dogs or I'^^ets, the fame to take, carry away and detain, kill, deftroy and cut in Pieces, as Things proliibited by this A(S, and forfeited to fuch of the faid Officers as fliall find out and take the fame as aforefaid. X, ThisLawtocontinue unto theEndof thefirft Seflion of the next Parliament, and no longer, f; Car. 1. c. 4. continued until the End of the firft Seffion of the next Parliament, and farther continued by 16 Car. i. c. 4.] .'■.10. 22£f 23 Car, a. f. 15. ^Ann.c.m, g^nn.e.z^. 3&:«.i.rrll. SCn.I.r.ig. 10 CeD.z.c.^t, mdziGce.t.c.ii, CAP. XII. An A(5t to avoid the double Payment of Debts, WHEREAS divers Men of Trades, and Handicraftfmen keeping Shop-Books, do demand Debt* of their Cuftomers upon their Shop-Books long Time after the fame hath been due, and when benoEvrdlnce" ' ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ fuppofed the Particulars and Certainty of the Wares delivered to be forgotten, then either to recover a ' they themfelves or their Servants have inferted into their faid Shop-Books divers other Wares fup- pofed to be delivered to the fame Parties, or to their Ufe, which in Truth never were delivered, and this of Purpofe to increafe by fuch undue Means the faid Debt: (2) And whereas divers of the faid Tradelmen and Handicraftfmen, having received all the juft Debt due upon their faid Shop-Books, da - oftentimes leave the fame Books uncrofled, or any way difcharged, fo as the Debtors, their Executors ' or Adminift.ators, are often by Suit of Law enforced to pay the fame Debts again to the Party that trufted

  • the faid Wares, or to his Executors or Adminiftrators, unlefs he or they can produce fufficient Proof by

' Writing or WitnefTes, of the faid Payment, that may countervail the Credit of the faid Shop-Books^ ' which few or none can do in any long Time after the faid Payment :' (3) Be it therefore enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That no Tradefman or Handicraftfman keeping a Shop-Book as is aforefaid, his or their Executors or Adminiftrators, fhall after the Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel next coming, be allowed, admitted or received to give his Shop-Book in Evidence in any Action for any Mo- ney due for Wares hereafter to be delivered, or for Work hereafter to be done, above one Year before the fame Adtion brought, except he or they, their Executors or Adminiftrators, ftiall have obtained or gotten a Bill of Debtor Obligation of the Debtor for the faid Debt, or ftiall have brought or purfued againft the faid Debtor, his Executors or Adminiftrators, fome Aition for the faid Debt, Wares or Work done,, within one Year next after the fame Wares delivered. Money due for Wares delivered, or Work done. n. Provided always. That this A<5t, or any Thing therein contained, Ihall not extend to any Inter- courfe of Traffick, Merchandizing, Buying, Selling, or other Trading or Dealing for Wares delivered or to be delivered. Money due, or Work done or to be done, between Merchant aiid Merchant, Merchant and Tradefman, or between Tradefman and Tradefman, for any Thing directly falling within the Circuit or Compafs of their mutual Trades and Merchandize, but that for fuch Things only, they and every of them ftiall be in Cafe as if this Atk had never been made ; any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. III. This Adt to continue to the End of the firft Seffion of the next Parliament, and no longer. [3 Car. 1. c. 4, continued until the End of the firft Seffion of the next Parliament, and farther continued by jd Car. r. c. 4.J CAP. XIII. An A& for the Explanation of one Statute made in the fecond Seffion of this prefent Parliament intituled, j^n ASl againjl mtlawful Huntifsg and Stealing of Deer and Conies.

  • XT T'HERE AS Queftion and Doubt hath grown and rifen upon the Expofition of a Statute made m

' VV the fecond SelTion of this prefent Parliament, intituled, Jn Act againft miJaivful hunting andfteal- ' ing of Deer and Conies, for that in the Body of the faid Act all unlawful hunting, drivin<T or chafin^' out ' or taking, killing or flaying any Deer or Conies within any the Parks, Places °oi- Grounds in the fai^ ' Statute mentioned, againft the Will, Mind or Pleafure of the Owners, Occupiers or Pofieifioners of the ' fame (as well by Day as by Niaht) is prohibited and made penal, in fuch Manner and Form as in and 'by t Sillt. 630; Intercourfe of Tr3ffic'< be- tween Me;- c'ian!6. Continuance of V>n AQ. 5 i.iZ, c. 6. The Forfeiture for tiuhtin? or t; lhn«;of Deer ill a Park, &c. 1 Jaci.c. 13.