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A. D. i6o^. Aiino feptimojACoBi I; C. 14. 85

  • bv the faid Statute' it doth and may more plainly appear; and yet by a Provifcfin the faid Statute con-

' tamed it is ena^ited. That the faid A^^j nor any Thing therein contained, Ihould extend to any Of-

  • fence or Offences concerning the hunting, chafing or kilHng of Deer or Conies, which fhould be done
  • or committed in the Day-time, but only to fuch Offences as fhould be then after done or committed in

• * the Night-time only; any Thing in the faid Adl contained to the contrary notwithffanding :

  • II. For the Explanation of which Doubt and Quef^ion, and for that it is found by Experience, that
  • Malefactors of that Kind have been much encouraged to chafe, hunt, kill and deflroy^ Deer in the Day-
  • time by Colour of the faid Provifo, whereby many Deer, as well in the Parks of our Sovereign Lord the

'« Kin? as of many his Hi?hnefs loving SubiCvSts, have been and are flill like to be unlawfully and riot- -^' ■'■•'■ -^ - >■ ■'^- '--'■- —J j:/-_.j..t.. D„.r„„„. (2) Be it therefore en- A R^P"' " cv or »l, A /Ti much of a Pro- bt. James the Apoitle vifo contained i» ^^^ ^^^, , , 1 the hunting, chafing the Struuie of out or'kiiiing of Deer only, Ihall be repealed, fruftrated and made void; any Thing in the faid Provifo of | >;;,^'^,'^;J3-|^^ the faid Act contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. hunting of D?e., ' III. And whereas it was by the faid fprmer Statute, amongft other Things, enadted. That if any Per- Suntr. i. 475

  • fon or Perfons did or fhould wrongfully or unlawfully hunt, chafe or drive out, or take, kill or flay any ^ 't?-'

' Deer within any Park or other Place in the faid Statute mentioned, againft the Will, Mind or Pkafure ' of the Owners, Occupiers or PoiTeflioners of the fame, that then every ,fuch Perfon fo offending fliould

  • fatisfy and pay unto the Party grieved his treble Damages, lin fuch.'Manner and Form as in the faid Sta-

' tute is mentioned: (2) By reaibn of the Uncertainty whereof, few or no Offenders have been dif-

  • couraged in their faid Huntings, Drivings, Chafings out, taking, killing or flaying of Deer:'

IV. For Remedy whereof. Be it further by the Authority of this prefent prefent Parliament enadled^ That if any Perfon or Perfons from and after the Feaft of Saint James the Apof^e next coming after the End of this prefent Seihon of Parliament, fhall willingly commii: any the Offences in the faid Statute mentioned, concerning the unlawful chafing out, hunting, driving, taking, killing or flaying of Deer in any Park or inclofed Ground, which now is or hereafter Ihall be made or ufed for Deer, againfl the Will, Mind or Pleafure of the Owners, Occupiers, Poffqffioners, or Keepers of the fame; That then all and every fuch Perfon and Perfons fo offending fhall for every fuch Offence pay and fatisfy unto the Party grieved the Sum of ten Pounds of current Money of England, or elfe treble Damages and Colls, at the ElecSion of the Party grieved ; (z) the fame to be recovered in fuch Manner and Form as in and b^ the faid Statute is limited and appointed for the Recovery, Taxing or AfTefTmg of the faid treble Damages ; any Thing in the faid Statute or in this prefent A<ft contained to the contrary notwithflanding. V. This Law to continue unto the End of th€ firfl Seffion of the next Parliament. [3 Car. r. c. 4. £^"'1"J?^"'^^ '* continued unto the End of tire firfl Seffion of the next Parliament, and farther continued' by 16 Car, Flliba- Prmiji. ,1, C. 4. J ; ■ , ' " efisreliilifig brrefoi iifif S3 Car.2. c. zj, 4 £? 5 J?'. ©" iW, c. »3- 5 ^/;«..c. 14. g^rtn.c.i^, ^ Geo, i.e. 11. 8£?w. i, p. ig. ioGcd.z.c, %i. ariel 2% Ceo, ii c. ij,, CAP.. XIV. . An A£l for reviving of Part of a former A(St made in the fourth Year of King Edward the Fourth, That no Stranger or Alien fliall buy Englijh Horns unwrought ; and that the War- dens of the Homers of the City of London for the Time being, fhould have Pow:er to fearch all manner of Wares appertaining to their Myftery in London, and tv/enty-four Miks oa- every Side of it, IN all humble Manner fhewn and befeechen your moft excellent Majefcy, the Wardens and Men of Occupation of Homers of the City of London ; That whereas in the Parliament holden at TFeJlminJhr in the fourth Year of the Reign cf King JE^ty^zr^ the Fourth, grievous Complaint was made by Men of 4Bd.4,r. J, the Occupation of Horners, being infranchifed in the City of London, how that the People of flrange Lands hath come into this Land, and into divers Parts thereof, and hath bought by the Har.ds of their Hofls and Guides the great and chief Stuff oi EngH/h Horns unwrought, of Tanners and Butchers, and carry the fame over the Sea, and there employ the fame in divers Works, to the great Damage of this Land, and to the final Prejudice of a great Number of Men being of the Occupation of Horners: '11. It pleafed the King's Majefly, by the Advice and Affent of the Lords Spiiituai and Temporal in that No Stranger Parliament affembled, and at the Requeft of the Commons of the fame, and by the Authority of the fiiaii bu> any fame Parliament, to ordain, eflablifh and enac^. That from the Featt oi Eajlei which then ihould be ^^^S'^^^^^"^;^* in the Year of our Lord God one thoufand four hundred fixty-iive, That no Srraiiger nor Alien, by London or"" himfelf or by any other, fhould buy any EngliJI) Horns unwrought of any Tanners, Butchers, or of any witiiin twenty- other Perfons, gathered or growing within the faid City, or four and twenty Miles on every Side of the '^"a^t'ljereof^"" faid City next adjoining: (2) And that no Englijhman, nor other Perfon, fhould fell any EngliJhWoxv^ ^ ° unwrought to any Strangers, or caufe them to be fent over the Sea, fo that the faid Horners would buy the faid Horns at like Price as they were at the Time. of the making of the faid A61, upon Pain of For- feiture of all fuch Horns fo bought, fold or fent : (3 ) And that the Wardens of the faid Myllery for the The Warfetts- of Time being, by the faid Authority, fhould have fxill Power to fearc!i all manner of Ware pertaining to Horners may their Myftery, wrought or to be-»vrought, in all Places within the faid City of London, and four and ??^'j'^J'"'"** twenty Miles on every Side next adjoining to the fame City, and within the Fairs of Sturbridge and "^'^" , *" . Ely, in whofe Hands they might be found : (4) And if they by their Search find any fuch Ware or Stuff in any Place within the faid City oi London and four and twehty Miles next adjoining to the fame City,. 4 ; ■ * Of