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A. D. i6og.' Anno feptimo Jacobi I. ^ C. 17— 19. 87

  • have been made in fuch Sort as the Parties which made the fame were able, and as beft might The j.fr«a of
  • pleafe the Buyer, without being limited to any certain Weight, or to any Affize of Length or Breadth, 1 h^"'"';.
  • and were never fearched nor I'ealed with any Seal, nor lubjed to any Penalty for the not fealing louchmg Kendal
  • thereof with any Seal, nor any Subiidy nor Aulnage pdid for the fame, until of late that certain evil- cioiii.
  • difpofed Perfons, contrary to tlie true JVIeaning of the faid Law, have by Colour of a late Statute

' made in the nine and thirtieth Year of the Reign of the late Queen Elizabeki, intituled, Jn Jji agauUl j^Eliz.c.io, ' the deceitful Stretching and Tenterlng of Northern Cloth, endeavoured to make the faid Cogware, Kendals, ' Carptmeals and coarfc Cottons, Cubjeft to Search, and have demanded for the fame divers feveral ' Sums of Money for the Seal of the Colledtor of the Subfidy and Aulnage, to the great Vexation and ' Trouble of the faid poor People:' ■ ' . . . .

  • n. Be it therefore enaiced by the King's mod excellent Majefty, with the Confent of the Lords Certain csarre

Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affemblcd, That from hence- fijfljo'^thp'!,*,^"' foVth all Cogware, Kend.ils, coarfe Cottons and Carptmeals which arc, or hereafter ihall be made which niaii not' w'ithin the faid Counties o'i Cumberland and Wejhnorland, ox within the faid Towns and Parilhes of be fearched nor Carptmeale, Hawke/hcd ■i.n^ Brought on in' the faid Connty oi Lancajler, whereof the Dozen fl^all not ex- ^^'.^^;,. P^^^;_ ceed the Rate and Price of thirteen^ Shillings and four-pence, Ihall be made in fuch Sort as may he^ f,c'm n'la/ng jsleafe the Buyer, and fliall not be fearched nor fealed with any of the King's Seals, nor with any other ^"'"'>> >^Ccir. Seal, nor any Subfidy or Aulnage, great or little, paid for the fame : (,2) But. that -the Owners of fuch I'^^^^car 2 c? Cogwares, Kendals, coarfe Cottons and Carptiricals, may freely fell the fame not fealed, as they have I'l&nfki.c.zo'. been accuftomed, without forfeiting any Thing to the King for the fame; any Law or Statute, or any ('yi>"'.c.i&g. Branch or Claufe of any Law or Statute heretofore made to the contrary notwithftanding. I^JTnn'^'c^Ve I Geo. I, I-. 15 £f 41. II Cea. 1. 1:, 14. 7 Geo, 2. t'. 15. ii Geo. 1, c, 18. and 14 Geo. z. e. 3J, CAP. XVIL There Hull be no Burning of Ling, Heath, &e. in certain Counties in Summer. EXP, Mcor-burnirg. CAP. XVIIL An A& for the taking, landing and carying of Sea-S"and for the Bettering of Groundj

  • and for the Increafe of Corn and Tillage within the Counties of Devon and Cornwall.
  • Tf HEREAS the Sea-Sand, by long Trial and Experience, hath been found to be very profit- AiiPei-^nj

' W able for the Bettering of Land, and efpecially for the Increafe' of Corn and Tillage within the '^^^^Co^^wm'

  • Counties of Devon and Cornwall, where the moft Part of the Inhabitants have not commonly ufed any may fetch SeSi

' other worth, for the Bettering of their arable Grounds and Paftures : Notwithftanding divers having Sand for the

  • Lands adjoining to the Sea Sea-Coafts there, have of late interrupted the Bargemen, and fuch others ^e^^Vana"^ -
  • as have ufed at their free Wills and Pleafures to fetch the faid Sea-Sand, to take the fame under the Sea-Sand is pro*
  • full Sea-mark, as they have heretofore ufed to do, unlefs they make Compofition with them at fuch fitabicforthe

' Rates as they themfelves fet down, though they have very fmall or no Damage or Lofs thereby, to the Land""^ '^

  • great Decay and Hindrance of Hufbandry and Tillage within the faid Counties: (2) Beit therefore

enaded by the King's inoft excellent Majefty, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons ih this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That it fhall and may be lawful to and for all Perfons whatfoever, refiant and dwelling within the faid Counties of Devon and Cormvall, to fetch and take Sea-Sand at all Places under the full Sea-mark, where the fame is or ihall be caft by tlie' " Sea, for the Bettering of their Land, and for the Increafe of Corn and Tillage, at their Wills and Pleafures. < ' II. And that it fliall and may be alfo lawful to and for all Bargemen and Boatmen, and all other Poatmen may Carriers of Sea-Sand of the faid Counties, that fti all fetch or take Sand as aforefaid, to land and caft '^'^'ch Ses-Sand,-' out of their Boats and Barges fuch Sand as they fhall fo fetch or take, at fach Places as Sand hath at of thdr 3oa°t"' any Time within the Space of fifty Years laft paft been ufed by fucli Bargemen' and Boatmen to be landed wheie it hath and caft, and alfo to fetch and carry the fame by and through fuch Ways as nov«^ be, and by the Space j'" ^^'^'^ <" ^"^ of twenty Years laft paft have been, ufed for the carrying and fetching thereof, paying for the taking, carry the'ftme cafting out and landing of every Barge-load, Boat-load or Sack of the faid Sand, upon the Grounds of ii)imigii ufuaj: any Man, fuch Duties as heretofore within the faid Time of fifty Years have been ufed and accuftom.ed Ways. to be paid for the fome, and for PafTage by and through the laid Waysj fuch Duties as have ufually been paid by the faid Space of twenty Years, and in fuch Marnier and Fojin as the fame wUhin the laid feveral Times have refpedlively been ufed and accuftoraed to be paid : (2) And in fuch Places where cer- tain ufual Duties have not been paid, but uncertain Compofitions have from Time to Time been made by Agreement with the Owners of the Soil there, to yield fuch reafonable Compofitions as by A..gree- ment with the faid Owners ftiall from Time to Time be made. III. This Act to continue until the End of the firft Seftion of the next Parliament. [3 Car, i. c. 4. The. roniim?- eontinued unto the End of the firft Seflion of the next Pavliiinent, and farther Gontiriued by 16 anc^jcfthisAiS, Cai. 1. G. 4.] C A F. XIX. An A& for the Continuance and Reparation of a new-built Wenre upon the River of Exe, near unto the Kot? ? This ASt' Chy of Exeter, The" new Weare Ihall be maintained, and Recompence fhall be made to Lofers i^o'^l5"p"^'^* thereby.. CAP,