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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/136

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C. 20— -24. Anno feptlmo Jac OBI L ^. D. 1609. C A P. XX. PR, An Adl for the jjpeedy Recovery of many thoufand Acres of Marfh Ground, and other Ground within the Counties oi Norfolk and Suffolk, lately furrounded by the Rage of the Sea in divers Parts of the faid Counties, and for the Prevention of the Danger of the like furrounding hereafter. PR. Whereas the Sea hath broken into the County of Norfolk, and hath furrounded much hard Grounds, belides the greateft Part of the Marflies and low Grounds within the Towns and Pariihes hereafter mentioned, that is to fay, the Towns and Parifhes of Waxtonejham, Palling, Eccles, Hemp/led, Ingham, Hickling, Horfey, Potter, Highamf CatfieU, Ludham, Winterton, Eajt-Somerton, IVeJi-Somerton, Martham, Bajiwich, Repps, Thurne, Oby, Clippefly^ Bilockby, Wood, Baflickhorning, Ranworth,. South-JValJham, Upton, Fijhley, Acle, Caftor St. Edmundi, Caftor-Maltbey, Runham, Her ringby -Borough, Stochby, Buxton, liorjlead, Wroxham, Sallowes, Mofton, Below, Coltfel, Hobbins^ Lammas, Net'ijluad, Barton, Sutton, Stalham, Tunflel, Halvergate, W.ickhampton, Thorpe, Redham, Limpenhow, Cantley, HaJJtngham, Bucken- ham Ferry, Strumfel, Brundel,- Pojlwick Thorpe juxta Norwich, Turlton, Norton, Hardley, Langlcy, Carleton, Glaxton, Rockland, Surlingham, Bramerton, JVicklingham, Troiufe, Carrow, Haddejlow, Whiteacre- Borough,Whiteacre' Abbey, Gellingham, in the faid County oi Norfolk : And Got leflon, Gapton, Brad- ivell, Borough-Caftle, Berklejfe, Bafiam, Worlingham, Belt on, Fretton, St. Toolies, alias, St. Olives^ Herrrngfeet, Somerley Town, Shepton, Owlton, Kirkley and Barkley, in the faid County of Suffolk : For Remedy of fo great Calamity, it is enadted. That the Lord Chancellor fhall from Time to Time award Commiffions under the Great Seal to the Lord Bifhop of Norwich, and to any eleven or more Tuftices of the Peace of Norfolk, and fix or more Juftices or the Peace of Suffolk, after fuch Tenor as hereafter followetli, that is to fay: 2heeommiffion ' "O E X, &c. Reverendo in Chrifto Patri A. Epifcopo Norwicenfi, nee non A. B. C. D. falutem. TheCommiffio- ' Xv SCIATIS, quod affignavimus vos & quoflibet fex, five plures veftrum, ad omnia & fingula rers to enquire ' fupervidenda, pcrluftranda, mandanda, facienda, performanda, exequenda & peragenda, in quodam tSTovelflow" ' ^^^ '^^ Parliamento Domini JAC OBI, Dei Gratia, Regis Angliae, &c. nono die Februarii anno Regni ings happened, ' fui Angliit, Franciae & Hiberniae feptimo, & Scotia quadragefimo tertio, per diverfas Prorogationes apud and who ought « Weilmonafterium tento, edito, intitulato,' An AcSt for the fpeedy Recovery of many thouland Acres of rotlKtbePer. Marlh-Grounds, and other Grounds within the Counties of Norfolk and Siiffolk, lately furrounded by fens and Lands the Sea in divers Parts of the faid Counties, and for the Prevention of the Danger cf like funounding chargeable. hereafter, fpecificata fecundum tenorem, vim, forman, effedlum & veram intentionem eiufdem adlus • I'sma^Trnt: In cujus rerteftimonium, &c. Tefte, &c ' ' rize others to ' levy the Money aflefled. Imprironment for Dafault of Diftrefs. If the Leflee of the Land chirged do pay the Sum taxed, he may abate of ihe Rent. The Commiffioners may make Orders for the Prefervation of the Grounds, and amend the fame. The Co.Timiffioners may alTrfs the Kin^s Farmers of anr Lands to be conttibutary. The Commiflioners Decrees fliall bind the King and all other Perfons Lands. In what Cafe the Comminioners may fell or let to Farm the Land of the Party taxed. The Sheriffs ef Norfolk and Suffolk fliall return Juries bef ok the Comminioners, All Sheriffs and -Officers fliall attend and aid the Commillioners. To continue feven Years next enfuing the End of this Seffion, and from thence to the End of the iirft Seflion of the then next Parliament, fj Car. i. c. ^ of Parliament, and farther continued by i6Uar. i, c. 4.J iirft^Sefllon of the then next Parliament, fj Car. i. c. 4. continued vmtil the End of the next Seflion ■ ' ' 'Ua C A P. XXL

    • t An A&. for Confirmation of Decrees hereafter to be made in the Exchequer-ChamTser, and Duchy-

Court, concerning Copyhold Lands .and Tenements. Certain of the King's Copyholders Eitates Ihall be confirmed by Decree. Decrees made concerning the King's Cophold Tenants .confirmed by Parlia- . ment. A Saving of the Rights and Adipns .of others.. GAP. XXIL Taxe». A Confirmation of a Subfidy granted by the Clergy to the King. EXP«  € A P. XXIIL Ibi<*. One S.ubfidy and one Fifteen granted to the King "by the Temporalty. EXP, C A P. XXIV. Fardon. - A Confirmation of tJie King's General and Free Pardon, except, y^A EXP, Anno declmo otlavo Jac obi Regis. C A p. L Three intire Subfidies granted by the Spiiitualty, EXP. C A P. II. Two intire Subfidies granted by the Temporalty, EXP. Anno