A. D. 1623. Anno viceHino piimo Jacobi I. C. 28* 115 ^^otifes : (40) Another intituled, ' Ah AH for avoiding Deceit in felling, buying or fpending corrupt and ',!••'<=• '-c 9. ■;* tmwholefome Hops:' (41) Another A(5l intituled, 'An Act concerning Tanners, Curriers, Shoe-^T"' ^ ,g '* makers and other Artificers occupying the Cutting of Leather,' faving for fuch Part thereof as is re- Leather.' pealed by one other A(5t made in the fourth Year of his Majefly's Reign of England, in that Behalf: ' Jac ' (42) Another intituled, ' Ari Adt for the better Execution of die Intent^and Meaning of former Statutes *-'^'^" ' < made againft fhooting in Guns, and for the Prefervation of Game of Pheafants and Partridges, and a- Fowl. ' gainft the deftroying of Hares with Hare-pipes, and tracing Hares in the Snow:' (43) And another' J**^' '• '■^7. : •intituled, ' An A& for the Charitable Relief, and ordering of Perfons infe(5ted with the Plague :' (44) And Poor. ^, - " the feveral Adls made in the third Year of the Reign of our faid Sovereign Lord King j!77ne5 after men- E^^r' '■•^'1 > dpned, the one intituled, ' An Ad for avoiding unneceiTary Delays of Execution : (45 ) Another intituled, 3 jac' r. c. 8, ■* An Adt for the Relief of fuch as lawfully ufe the Trade and Handicraft of Skinners :' (46) Another t-eathw. 'intituled, ' An A61 for the Rating and Levying of the Charges for conveying Malefa6lors and Offenders iJ^^{r^{ '^' % '■ I* to the Gaol:' (47) Another Ac5t intituled, ' An Adt for Tranfportation of Beer over the Seas: jjac! I'.'aTo'.' ■(48) And another intituled, ' An Aft for repairing of the Highway from Nonfuch to Tahuorthy in the 3 Ja=. i. c ly.
- Parifhes of Ewell and Long-Dittoji in the County of Surrey, leading to Kingflon upon Thames in the ^^j^'*
- County aforefaid :' (49) And' that the feveral A6ts made in the fourth Year of the Reign of our now ^' "' '^' "'
Sovereign Lord King "James after mentioned, the. one intituled, ' An Adl for the true making of Dwperyl
- Woollen Clothes:' (50) Another intituled, ' An Adl for the Repreffmg the odious and loathlbme*J^'^- '•"•*•
- Sin of Drunkennefs :' (51) And another intituled, ' An A6t for the better Provifionof Meadow and ^.jac.T.c. 5.
"* Fafture, for the neceflary Maintenance of Hufbandry and Tillage in the Manors, Lordfhip-s and Pa- Hufbandry. •
- rillies of Marden alias Mawarden, Bodenham, Wellington, Sutton St. Michael, Sutton St. NichddT, Mur-'^ Jac. i.e. n,
- ton upon Lugge and the Parifli of Pipe and every of them, in the County of Hereford:' , (52) And the
feveral A<Sl:s made in the feventh Year of the Reign of our faid Sovereign Lord King ^aww after Scotland. mentioned; the one intituled, * An Aft for the better Execution of Juftice, and fupprelllng of criminal 7 Ja=. '• «• ».
- Offenders in the North Parts of the Kingdom of England:' (53) Another intituled, ' An Aft for the Poor.
'■* due Execution of divers Laws and Statutes • heretofore made againft Rogues, Vagabonds and Sturdy 7 J^c.r. c. 4,
- Beggars, and other lewd and idle Perfons:' (54) Another intituled, ' An Acl for Eafe in Pleading, Pleading.
- againft troublefome and contentious Suits profecuted againft Juftices of the Peace, Mayors, Conftabies 7 Js'^- ^ • '^•s-
- and certain other his Majefty's Officers, for the lawful Execution of their Office:' (55 ) Another, intitu-
led, ' An Aft to prevent the Spoil of Corn and Grain by untimely Hawking, and for the better Prefervation Fowl, of Pheafents and Partridges :' (56) Anotlier intituled, ' An Aft to avoid the double Payment of Debts :' 7 Jac. i. c. n. (57) Another intituled, * An Aft for the Explanation of one Statute made in the third Year of the 1*13 , ^ , Reign of our now Sovereign Lord King James, intituled, 'An Aft againft unlawful Hunting and Steal- -j-iiz.i.c'.ti' ' ing of Deer and Conies :' (58) Anotlier intituled, ' An Aft againft Burning of Ling, Heath and other F°«ft- Moor-burning in the Counties of York, Durham, Northumberland, Cumberland, Wejlmoreland, Lancajler, Iju/bandrv '^' Derby, Nottingham iinA Leicejler, at unfeafonable Times in the Year :' (59) Another intituled, ' An Aft 7 jac. i. c." 17. ' for the Taking, Landing, and Carrying of Sea-Sand, for the bettering of Grounds, and fpr the In- 7 Jac i. c 18.
- creafeof Com and Tillage within the Counties of Devon and Cornwall:' (60) And another intituled,
- hn. Aft for the fpeedy Recovery of many thoufand Acres of Marfti Ground within the Counties of Ncr- Sewers.
- JTilk and Suffolk, lately furroiinded by tlie Rage of the Sea, in divers Parts of the faid Counties, and for 7- Jac t- c 26;
- the Prevention of the Danger of the hke furrounding hereafter;' (6i) (hall by Virtue of this Aft be The 58 statute*
adjudged, ever fince the Seffion of Parliament in the feventh Year of his Majefty's Reign of England, to above-mentioti* haTO been of fuch Force and Effeft as the fame were the laft Day of that Seffion, and from thenceforth unUiThTn^^jfc until the End of the firft Seffion of the next Parliament. Parliament. II Provided neverthelefs, that fo much of every of the faid Afts, ^s by ^ny new Aft made in this Sef- ' fion of Parliament, fhall be explained, altered or repealed, ihall for fo much thereof from the End of this Seffion of Parliament, ftand and be in Force, as by thofe other Afts ftiall be ordained. III. Provided alfo, and be it further enafted by tlie Authority of this prefent Parliament, That when Corn. the Prices of Cprn or Grain exceed not the Rates hereafter following, at the Times, Havens and Places, When Corn nisy when and where the fame Corn or Grain (hall be bought, ftiipped or loaden, viz. The Quarter of Wheat 3 gar!"?".'!?" ^t two and thirty Shillings,, the Quarter of Rye at twenty Sh^illings, the Quarter of Peafe and Beans at fixteen Shillings, the Quarter of Barley or Malt at fixteen Shillings, of current Englij^i Nlonsy'; That then it (hall and may be lawful for all and every Perfon and Perfons, being Subjefts of the King's Ma- jefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, -to carry and tranfport of his own, (2) and to buy to fell again in Markets and out of Markets, and to keep or (ell, [or carry and tranfport any of the faid Corn and Grain, from the' Places where they fhall be of fuch Prices, unto any Parts beyqnd the Seas in Amity with his Majefty, as Merchandize in Ships, Crays, or other Veffels, whereof any iJw^/i/ft-born Subjeft 6r Subjefts then fliall be the Owner or Owners, orthe fame to carry and fell in other Places within this Realm or Dominions thereof; any_ Law, Ufage or Statute to the contrary hereof notwithftanding : (3) Apd that the King's Ma- The Cnftom jefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, (hall have and receive by the Cuftomers and (jfficers of 'his'^Ports, for the! and Poundags Cuftom or Poundage- of every Quarter of Wheat, to be tranfported by Force^ of this Statute' out of this °^ Cuxn.- • .; Realm, two Shillings • of every Qiiarter/ of other Grain, fixteen Pence : Which faid fevpral Sums fo to be had and taken as Cuftom or Poundage, (hall be in full Satisfaftion of all Manrier of •Cu(lbm or Poundage for the faid Corn or Grain, by a:ny Conftitution, Order, Statute, Lavv or Cuftom heretofore^ made, ufed or taken, for tranfporting'of any fuch Manner of Corn or Orain. ' ' '.■ ' '*;■■■■ - •> .■ • IV. Providedalways, and be it enafted by theAuthpnity of this prefent Parliament; That thte King'^ XhcKing by Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, may at all Times- by his and their Writ of Proclamatiqn, to be pub!- Piocbmatiti-i . lifhed generally in the whole Realm, or in any of the .Counties:of the Realm ^here any Port T.ovvns are, 'J^l^* '.eilram Command, That no Perfon (Jiall by Virtue of this Aft .tja^feort or convey mv Maijy9,er^o^Gi'airi'puf of oVccun "*""