^xv.d. |ob. ?vi. d. i.d. Hi. s. (v.. li.* iv. d.. iv.a.. viii, i. i88 C. 23. Anno duodecimo Caroli II. A. D. 1660, the twcnty-fLhh Dzy of December one thoufand fix hundred and fixty, there (hall be throughout your Majefty's Kingdom of England, Dominion of fVales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed, raifed, levied colleded and paid unto your Majefty during your Life, for Beer, Ale, Cyder and other Liquors hereiii liCar. a. r. 24. ^^^^"^ mentioned, the feveral Rates, Impofitions, Duties and Charges herein after exprened, and in Manner and Form following : That is to fay, Beer and Ale II, For every Barrel of Beer or Ale above fix Shillings the Barrel, brewed by the Comrnon Brewer, or any other Perfonl ■abDve 6s. the or Perfons who doth or (hall fell or tap out Beer or Ale publickly or privately, to be paid by the Common Brewer, or by (xv d Barrel. fuch other Perfon or Perfons refpeiSively, and fo proport'ionably for a greater or leffer Quantity, one Shilling three Pence. j ' ' Beer and Al« of III, For every Barrel of fix Shillings Beer or Ale, or under, brewed by the Common Brewer, or any other Perfon or Perfons 1 ■ 6s. the Barrel, who doth or ftiall fell or tap out fuch Beer or Ale publickly or privately, to be paid by the faid Common Brewer, or by fhch >)ii i other Perfon or Perfons refpeaively, as aforefaid, and fo proportionably for a greater or lefler Quantity, three Pence. 3 ' ' •yder. Perry. IV. For all Cyder and Perry made and fold by Retail, upon every Hog(head, to be paid by the Retailer thereof, and fo7 ■ ' proportionably for a greater or lefier Meafure, one Shilling three Pence, , Metheglin, y. For all JVIetheglin or Mead fold, whether by Retail or otherwife, to be paid by the Maker thereof, upon every Gallon Msad, one Half peny. 1 _ ' Vinegar Beer. VI. For every Barrel of Beer, commonly called Vinegar-Beer,^ brewed by any eoramon Brewer in any Common Brewhoufe fix Pence. ' Strong-wafer. VII, For every Gallon of Strong Water or Aqva-mta, made and fold, to be paid by the Maker thereof, one Peny. Beer and Alt VIII, For every Barrel of Beer or Ale imported from beyond the Seas, three Snillings, — imported. IX. For every Ton of Cyder or Perry imported from beyond the Seas, and fo proportionably for a greater or lefier Quan- Gydtr and Perry tity, five Shillings, . imported. X. For every Gallon of Spirits made of any- Kind of Wine or Cyder imported, two Pence- — _^ Spiritsiniported. XI. For every Gallon of Strong Water perfeflly made, imported from beyond the Seas, four Pence. — ^— ^— . Strong-water Xll. For every Gallon of Coffee made and fold, to be paid by the Maker thereof, four Pence. .—^■^—. ' imported. XIII, For every Gallon of Chocolate, Sherbet and Tea, made and fold, to be paid by the Maker thereof, eight Pence.' Coffee. Chocoiire. — ' Thefe Duties are enlarged and continued by 12 Car. 2, p, 24. 22 & 23 Car. 2. c. 5. i W. & M. SefH i. c. 24. 2 W. &M. Sefl". 2,.c 10 3&4W. &M.C. I. 4&5W.&M. C.3. 5 &6 W. &M. c. 7. andc. 20. 7 & 8W. 3. c. 30. 10S5 11 W. 3. c. ai. 4Annffi,<;,6. 8 Anns c 7' iGeo. 1. Stat.2. c. 12. §v 8. 6 Geo, i. c. 4, > • /•■ The Excife upon XIV. And be it further enadled and ordained by the Authority aforefaid. That the feveral Rates, importedtrbe" ^'^'^^^^ and Charges of Excife or new Impofts above-mentioned, hereby fet or unpofed upon all and paid by the im- every the faid foreign Liquors which fhall be imported or brought into all or any the Ports of this Kingr porters in Mo- dom and Dominions thereof aforefaid, from and after the five and twentieth Day oi- Decetnber next Tn/dete'fOTe'"^ ^a" ^^ ^om Time to Time fatisfied and paid by the Merchant or Merchants, Importer or Importers Uniim^ of the fame, in Ready Money, upon his or their Entry or Entries made,_ and before the Landing .BwB, f; 1. 329. thereof. Common Brew- "XV. And be" it further enaxfted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Common Brewers of Beer and Ale ers to account fhall once in every Week, and all Inn-keepers, Alehoufe-keepers, Vidtuallers, and other Retailers-iiJ mher Re?a"im °^ ■'^^^^' Ale, Cyder, Perry, Metheglin or Strong Water,. Brewing, Making or Retaihng the fame,, "H ofEeer,Ale,&G. Ihall once in every Month make true and particular Entries at the Office of Excife, . within the Limits momhly. of which the faid Commodities and Manufadlures are made, of all Beer, Ale, Perry,, Cyder, Metheglin, Strong Water, or other the Liquors aforefaid, which they or any of thenifhall brew, make or retail in that Week and Month refpedtively, as aforefaid. The Penalty for XVI. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That all' fuch Common Brewers who do as'LfoTefaid""^ not once a Week made due and particular Entries, fhall forfeit five Pounds: (2) And that every fuch Inn-keeper who doth not make true and particular Entries once a Month, fliall forfeit five Pounds : (5) And that every Alehoufe-keeper, VidluaHer or other Retailer, who doth not once a Month snake due and particular Entries, fliall forfeit twenty Shillings, XVII. And be it further enacSted b-y the Authority aforefaid. That every Common Brewer who fhall not pay and clear off within a Week after he made his Entry, or ought to have made his Entry, as afore- faid, fhall pay double the Value of the Duty : (2) And that every Inn-keeper, Alehoufe- keeper, Vitflualler or other Retailer, who fhall not pay and clear off within a Month after he made his Entry, or ouoht to have made his Entry, as aforefaid, fhall pay double the Value of the Duty: (3) The faid refpetStive For- feitures to be levied upon their Goods and Chattels, in fuch Manner and Form as hereafter in this Ad is ordained and diredted. Nop f t h XVIII. Provided, That no fuch Perfon as aforefaid fhall be compelled by the CommifHoners or Sub- compeliedbythe CommifTioners of Excife, to travel for the making of the faid Entries or Payment of the faid Duties or CommiflTioners Other Caufe whatfoevcr touching or Concerning the fame; if he live in a Market-Town out of the faid ifurfheft '" ^^ Town ; if he live out of a A4arket-Town, then to no other Place than to the next Market-Town to his king thei'r'^En'-" Habitation in the fame County, on the Market-Day. tries than the next Market-Town. ^ Farther Provi- XIX. And be it further enafl-ed and ordained by the Authority aforefaid. That the Commiflloner*^« lions rti.iting vvho fhall be appointed by his Majefty for putting this Ad in Execution, and their Sub-Commiflioners $1 z'Tt'ii.'i^'"^' '" their refpective Circuits and Divifions, fliall hereby have Power to conflitute under their Hands and l|I Seals, fuch and fo many Gagers as they fhall find needful: (2) Which Gagers, and every of the/n, fhall at all Times, as well by Night as by Day, and if by Night, then in the Prefence of a Conflable or other lawful Officer, be permitted upon their Requeft to enter the Houfe, Brew-houfe, Diftilling-houfe, and all other Houfes and Places whatfoever belonging to or ufed by any Brewer, Inn-keeper, Vidualler, or other Retailer of Beer, brewing or making the fame as aforefaid, or by any Diftiller of Strong Waters, or Retailer of other the Liquors aforefaid, and to gage all Coppers, Fats and VefTels in the fame, and to take an Account of Beer, Ale, Worts, Perry, Cyder, Strong Waters, Aqua-vita, Metheglin, or other the Liquors aforefaid, in the faid Houfes, Places and VefTels, from Time to Time, brewed or made, and' 8 difWIedi