Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/265

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A. D. 1661. Anno decimo teitio Caroli II. C. 3, 4. 217 • beneficial to the Commonwealth : (2) And forafmuch as divers other Cafes within the fame Mifchief, ijac i.e. 8. ' by Delays and Staying of^ Execution by Writs of Error, and Superfedeas thereupon, are not provided ' for by the faid Statute :' For further Remedy againll Delays and Stayings of Executions in the feveral A(Sions hereafter fpecified, IX. Be it further enabled and ordained by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the twentieth inwhat Aftionn Diy of January in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred fixty and one, no Execution (hall be Execution may flayed in any of the Courts aforefaid, by any Writ or Writs of Error or Superfedeas thereupon, after any wrUofEiror) Verdift and Judgment thereupon obtained, in any A<5tion of Debt grounded upon the Statute made in the by this statute, fecond Year of the Reign of the late King Edward the Sixth, for not fetting forth of Tithes, nor in any i &3ECI.6. Aflion upon the Cafe upon any Promife for Payment of Money, A&ions fur Trover, Adfions of Cove- <=• '3- nant, Detinue and Trefpafs, unlefs fuch Recognizance, and in iuch Manner, as by the faid recited former ' **•*"*»• Aft is direfted, fliall be firft acknowledged in the faid Court where fuch Judgment is given. X. And be it alfo enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons after the faid Day The Defendant (hall fue or profecute any Writ or Writs of Error, for Reverfal of any Judgment whatfoever given after „ ^""f ^"J; any Verdift in any of the Courts aforefaid, and the faid Judgment (hall afterwards be affirmed, then „°(,is Execution every fuch Perfon or Perfons fliall pay unto the Defendant or Defendants in the faid Writ or Writs of byWritofEr- Error, his or their double Cofts, to be aflefledby the Court where fuch Writ of Error (hall be depending, '° I for the Delaying of Execution. XI. Provided neverthelefs. That this AS:, nor any Thing therein contained, fliall not extend to any Popular ac- I Aftion Popular, nor unto any other Adion which is or hereafter fhall be brought upon any penal Law ^"'"Vai'La^w""

or Statute (except Debt for not fetting out Tithes as aforefaid) nor to any Indidment, Prefentment, In- in^iftments,&c. 

i quifition. Information or Appeal j any Thing herein before exprefled to the contrary thereof notwith- rot within thu

(landing. sume.

An AS. for granting unto the King's Majefty twelve hundred and threefcore thoufand Pounds, to be af- feffed and levied by an AlTelTment of threefcore and ten thoufand Pounds by the Month, for eighteen Months. EXP. CAP. IV. An AS to enable the King's Majefty to make Leafes, Grants and Copies of Offices, Lands, Tenements EXP. and Hereditaments, Parcel of his Highnefs Duchy oiCornwal, or annexed to the fame, and for Confir- jl'^ani c."?'.' mation of Leafes and Grants already made. i^Car. i. c ».' ACTS made in the Parliament begun and holden the eighth of May, Anno Ray™- »9'- decimo tertio Caroli fecundi Regis : And continued to the nineteenth of May, decimo quarto Caroli Regis j and thence prorogued to the eighteenth of Fe^ bruary then next following. C A P. I. An A(5t for preventing the Mifchiefs and Dangers that may arife by certain Perfons called S^uakers and others, refufmg to take lawful Oaths.

  • "IXT'HEREAS of late Times certain Perfons under the Names of ^^M/f^n, and other Names of Se- Quikera and Se-
  • VV paration, have taken up and maintained fundry dangerous Opinions and Tenents, and (a- paratlfts, deny-
  • mongft others) that the Taking of an Oath in any cafe whatfoever, although before a lawful Magiftrate, Qf^h"'^ * ^"

' is altogether unlawful and contrary to the Word of God ; and the faid Perfons do daily refufe to take an ' Oath, though lawfully tendred, whereby it often happens that the Truth is wholly fupprelTed, and the ' Adminiftration of Juftice much obftrudted : And whereas the faid Perfons, under a Pretence of Religious ' Worfhip, do often affemble themfelves in great Numbers in feveral Parts of this Realm, to the great ' Endangering of the publick Peace and Safety, and to the Terror of the People, by maintaining a fecret ' and ftridl Correfpondence amongft themfelves, and in the mean Time feparating and dividing them-

  • felves from the Reft of his Majefty's good and loyal Subjeds, and from the publick Congregations and

' ufual Places of Divine Wor(hip :' II. For the Redreffing therefore, and better preventins; the many Mifchiefs and Dangers that do and may arife by fuch dangerous Tenents and fuch unlawful Afemblies, (z) Be it enafted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice andConfent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Com- mons, alfemljled in Parliament, and by Authority of the fame. That if any Perfon or Perfons, who main- tain that theTaking'of an Oath in any cafe whatfoever, (although before a lawful Magiftrate) is altogetlier The Penalty fof unlawful, and contrary to the Word of God, from and after the four and twentieth Day of March in "/a^!jJJ'lo.l^h this prefent Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred fixty and one, (hall wilfully and obllinately refofe to take an Oath, whereby the Laws of the Realm he or (he is or fliall be bound to take the fame, being Vol. III. F f lawfully