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246 C. le. Anno decimo tertto& quarto Caro LI n. A.D. i66'2. rations, and to all fuch Officers as fhall be imployed by them or any of them in the Execution or Per- formance of the faid Service. ' XV'. And whereas the Laws and Statutes for the api^rchending of Rogues and Vagabonds, have not ' been duly executed, fometimes for Want of Officers, by Reafon Lords of Manors do not keep Court- Q'n'^»!>'«i flow ' Leets every Year for the Making of them ;' ( 2 ) Be it tiicrefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That of hoI'dingCourt '" ^^^^ ^"^ Conftable, Headborough or Tithingman Ihall die or go out of the Parifli, any two Jultices uf Letts. the Peace may make and fwear a new Conftable, Headborough or Tithingman, until the faid Lord fhaJI hold a Court or until next Quarter-Seffions, who (hall approve of the faid Officers fo made and fworn as aforefaid, or appoint others as they fhall think fit : (3) And if any Officer fhall continue above a Year in his or their Office, that thei^ in fuch Cafe the Juillces of Peace in their Quarter-Seffions may difcharge fuch Officers, and may put another fit Perfon in his or their Place until the Lord of the faid Manor lliaH hold a Court as aforefaid. Apprehending: ' XVL And Vv-hereas for Want of fome Encouragement to" fuch Perfon or Perfons as fliall apprehend Rogues and Va- « Rogues, Vagabonds and Sturdy Beggars, the Statutes made in the nine and thirtieth Year of Queen fg Eiiz.'e. 4. ' £l!zabeth and firfl Year of King 'James, in which Statutes the Conftable, Headborough or Tithingman I Jac. J. c. 7, ' of every Parifli that fhall not apprehend fuch Rogues, Vagabonds and Sturdy Beggars which fhall pafs ' through or be found in their faid Parifh unapprehended, fuch Conllabfe, Headborough or Tithingman,

  • fliall forfeit as in the laid Statutes is expreffed, are not duly executed ;' (z) Be it therefore enaded by

the Authority aforefaid. That it fliall and may be lawful to and/or any jultice of the Peace, to whom How rewarded, any Rogue, Vagabond or Sturdy Bsggars fo apprehended fhall be brought, to reward any Perfon or Per- fons that fhall apprehend any Rogue, Vagabond or Sturdy Beggar, by granting unto fuch Perfon or Per- fons an Oi der or Warrant under his Hand and Seal to the Conftable, Headborough or Tithingman of fuch Parilh where fuch Rogue, Vagabond or Sturdy Beggar paffed through unapprehended, requiring him to pay fuch Perfon or Perfons the Sum of two Shillings for every Rogue, Vagabond orSturdy Beg- gar which fhall be fo apprehended : (3) And if fuch Conftable, Headborough or Tithingman, refufe or neded to pay the two Shillin^gs as aforefaid, that then the faid Juflices of Peace, or any other Juttice or -Jultices of Peace, fhali proceed againfl any fuch Conftable, Headborough or Tithingman, according to the faid Statutes, and to compel him to pay fuch Sum of Money as he hath forfeited by the Statirte of the firft Year of King Jamei aforefaid, and to allow out of the faid Forfeiture the faid two Shillings, and fuch reafonable Means and Allowances forLofs of Time as they fliall think fit. RoEues and Va- XVH. And if any Perfon or Perfons fliall apprehend any Rogue, Vagabond or Sturdy Beggar at the bended at*t^e'" Confines of any County, which pafled through any Parifliof another County unapprehended, it (hall Gnnfinesofany be lawful for fuch Perfon or Perfons to go to feme Juftice of Peace of that County through which fuch Couniy, howro Rogue, Vagabond or Sturdy Beggar paffed unapprehended, who is hereby required (upon a Certificate

  • , " ■ under the Hand of feme Juftice ot Peace of the Cotinty where fuch Rogue, Vagabond or Sturdy Beggar
  • ■ ' was fo apprehended) to grant his Order or Warrant under his Hand and Seal, requiring the laid Cdn-

fc?.' ftable, Fleadborough or Tithingman, to pay unto fuch Perfon or Perfons as aforefaid the Sum of two Shil- lings, which if he (hall refufe or neglecft to do, then fuch Juftice is hereby required to proceed againft fuch Coniiable, Headbordugh.'or'Tithingman, and to caufe him to pay ten Shillings, or fo much thereof, for his Expences and Lofs of Tiine, as the faid Juftice of Peace fhall think fit, to fuch Perfon or Perfons, which nc; hath forfeited by' the Statute aforefaid made in the nine and thirtieth Year of the Queen. ' XVliL And whereas Conftables, Pleadboroughs or Tithingmen, are or may be at great Charge in

  • reKeving, conveying with PafTes, and in Carrying Rogues, Vagabonds and Sturdy Beggars to Houfesof
  • Corredion Or the Work-houfes herein-mentioned, and as yet have no Power by Law to make Rates

Carthewigj. ' to reimburfe themfelves :' (2) Be it therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Conftables, Headboroughs and Tithingmen, fo out of Purfe as aforefaid, together with the Churchwardens and Over- feers of the PoCr and other Inhabitants of the faid Parith, In all hereby have Power and Authority to Power to make make an indifferent Rate, and to tax afl the Occupiers of Latids and Inhabitants, and all other Perfons Rates. chargeable by the Statute of the three and fortieth of Elizabeth concerning the Office and Duty of Over- 4? Eiiz. c. 7. feers.for the. Poor within the faid Parifh ; (3 j which Rate being confirmed under the Hands and Seals of iSaii. 609. g^ny two Juftices of Peace as aforefaid, the feid Conftabte, Hcadi orough or Tithingman, fhall have Power by Warrant under the Hands and Seals of two Juftices of Peace, to levy by Diftrefs and Sale of the Goods ^^., . . • of any Perfon or Perfons refufing to pay the fame, rendring the Overplus to the Owner if any fliall be. putative Fathcfs ' XIX. And whereas the putative Fathers ai-vd lewd Mdthers of Baltard Children run away out of the ^ve^n! running ' Pa'"!'^' and fometimes out of the County, and Teave the faid Baftard Children upon the Charge of the away, how to ' Parifli whei'e ' they are born, although ftich putative Father and Mother have Eftates fufficient to dif- be proceeded * charge fUch Parifh;' (2) Be it therefore ena<fted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and may be agur,ft. lawful for the Churchy/ardens and Overfeers for the Poor of fuch Parifli where any Baftard-Child (hall be bom, to take and feize fo much of the Goods And Chattels, and to receive fo much of the Annual Rents or Profits of the Lands of fiich putative Father or lewd Mother, as fhallbe ordered by any two Juftices of Peace a.s afqreiakl, for or towards the Difcharge of the Pariih, to be confirmed at the Se(fions,

  • "'■ for the Bringing up and Providing for fuch Baftard-Child : (3} And thereupon it fliall be lawful for the

Seffions to make an Order for the Church-wardens or Overleers for the Poor of fuch Pariih, to difpofe of the Goods by Sale or othervvife, or fo much of them for the Purpofes aforefaid as the Court fhall think fit, and to receive rhe Rents and- Profits orfo much of them as- fliall be ordered ^y the Seffions as afore- fiiid, of hrs or her Lands. ' .' ■•'•■' Perfoti'; fued for XX.. And if any Perlbn or Perfoiis fhall ti"e fued for any Matter or Thing which he fhall do in Execu- aI' mnVpta* i °" "^ tf^is ■A6t, he may plead the G eneral Iffoe and give the fpecial Matter in Evidence ; and if the Ver- tJ^Q'^nnai '■^■'^^- '^^^^ P^'"^ ^°'^ the Defi:ndant,or,if the Plaintiff be nonfuited or dlfcontinue his Suit, the Defendant liTue. ■ ^ ;,■) j;.,, fhallrecdver treble Damages. ■■ ■ - - ' XXT.