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A.vD* 1662. : Anno decimo tertio & quarto Caroli II. G. 13. 247

  • XXI. Whereas the Inhabitants of the Counties of Lamajhire, Chejhire, Derby/hire, Torkjhire, Nor- Lanca/hire,
  • thmberknd, rhe Bilhoprick of Durham, Cumberland and JVeJimerknd, and many other Counties in Eng- Dtrbl'fwVe
  • lend and IVaks, by Reafon of the Largenefs of the Parilhes within the fame, have not, nor cannot reap, Yor kmire,'
  • ithe Benefit of the Act of Parliament made in the three and fortieth Year of the Reign of the late Queen Nonhumber.
  • £7<z<3.*f//;' for Relief of the Poor;' (2) Therefore be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and pur^i^g^

cvejy the Poor, Needy, Impotent and Lame Perfon and Perfons within every Townfhip or Village v^ithin Cumberland, for'ajid fet 1 (h^I inhabit, . . . . _ - . ! Meaning of this Adt ; (3) and that there (hall be yearly chofen and appointed, according to the Rules *?"'*• 4^6, 487. I and Directions in the faid A<5t of the three and fortieth Year of Queen Elizabeth mentioned, two or more^'"' ^' '^" "*"* ■ Overfecrs of tl.e Poor within every of the faid Townlhips or Villages, who fnall from Time to Time do, ' perform and execute all and every the A6ts, Powers and Authorities for the neceffary Relief of the Poor within the faid Townihip or Village, and Ihall lofe, forfeit and fufter all fuch Pains and Penalties for Non- performance thereof, as is limited, mentioned and appointed in and by the faid in Part recited Aft, XXII. And be it further t-nailed by the Authority aforei'aid, That the Juftices of Peace viithin the faid Cojanties lliall l.ave and enjoy fuch and the like Powers and Authorities to raife and levy Monies, and to do 'and execute all and every luchother Act and Thing whatfoever, within every Townlliip or Village within Ithe faid County where they are Juftices, as is g.ven, hmited and appointed unto and for them to do and execute within any Parilh or Parilhes, in and by the faid A(ft made in the faid three and fortieth ear of I the faid late Queen Elizat>eth, under fuch and the like Pains and Penalties for the Non-performance of 43 ELz. c. a. i their Duties, to be levied and difpofed of as is nominated and exprefled in the faid Ad>. j rXXIII. Provided always, and be it enacfted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and piay be law- Power of the |ful for the Juftices of Peace in any of the Counties of Eugland and Wales, in their Q^jarter-Seffions af- Ju'licestotranf- jfembJed, or the major Part of them, to tranfport or caufe to be tranfported fuch Rogues, Vagabonds and 'Vagabond? *"* Sturdy Beggars, as (hall be duly convicted and adjudged to be incorrigible, to any of the Enghfi Planta- tions beyond the Seas. XXIV. Provided alfo. That neither this Adt nor any Thing therein contained (hall extend to be, or Proviro for the beconftrued, expounded or taken, to the Prejudice or Infringement of any of the Franchifes, Rights, j'^r of WeitnSn-' Liberties or Privileges heretofore granted by the Kings and Qiieens of this Realm, his Majefty's koyai fler. Predeceflbrs, to the Dean and Chapter of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter in FVeJlminfter. ' TheContinu. XXV. Provided always, 1'hat this Adt, as to ail the Matters therein contained, (excepting what re- ance of diver* latcs unto the Corporations mentioned and conftituted thereby) (hall extend and be in Force until the nine P^rrsof this I and twentieth Day of Mr.y one thoufand fix hundred fixty-tive, and the End of the lirlt Seffion of the next 1 1 & 12 w. 3. IParliament then next enfuing, and no longer. [Made perpetual by 12 Anna, Stat. i. c. 18. §. i. See 17 c. 13. Geo. 2. C. C.j Farther Provifi.

-* ^ OTti ccr.ctrning

Ptiiir, i.1 & 23 Car. a. f. i8. a jfac. 2. c. 17. 3 ©■_ 4 ff. cf M. c. 11. S CS" 9 fV. 3. c. 30. g fs" 10 /r. 3. c 11. 12 Ann. St, i, c. 18. 5 Cec. jb , 19 G<5. 1, c. 7. 2 Geo. 2. c. 28. ^-Geo.2. c, 29. 17 Ceo. 2. c, 3, 37 £? 3S. arid 31 Geo. 2,, c. II. CAP. XIII. An AtT: prohibiting the Importation of Foreign Bone-lace, Cut-work, Imbroidery, Fringe, Band-ftrings, Buttons and Needle-work. ' TXT H E R E A S great Numbers of the Inhabitants of this Kingdom are imployed in the making of . • ' W Bone-lace, Band-ftrings, Butto.is, Needle-work, Fringe and Imbroideries, who by their Induftry

  • and Labour have attained and gained {'o great Skill and ]>exterity in the makiirg thereof, that they make

' as good of all Sorts thereof, as is made in any foreign Parts, by reafon whereof, they have been here- ' tofore able to relieve their poor Neighbours, and maintained the'r F'arailies, and alfo enabled to fet on ' Work many poor Children, and other Perfons who have very fmall A-Ieans or Maintenance of Living, ' other than by their Labours and Endeavours in the faid Art : (z) And whereas the Perfons io imployed ' in the faidMyftery have heretofore fert-ed rnoft Parts of this' Kingdom Vvfith Bone-lace, Band-ftrings, ' ' Buttons, Needle-work and Imbroidery ; and for the carrying on and nianagiirg of the faid Trade, they ' have procured great Quantities of Thread and Silk to be brought into the Kin2;dom from foreign Parts, ' whereby his Majefty's Cuftoms and Revenues have been much advanced, (3) until of late, that great ' Quantities of foreign Bone-lace, Eand-ftnngs, Needle-work, Cut-work, Fringe, Silk, Bone-lace, But- ' tons and Imbroidery wtre brought into this Kingdom by Foreigners and Inhabitants of this Kingdom,'

  • and fold to Shopkeepers and others, Dealers in the faid Commodity, as well by Wholefale as KetaiJ;

' without ever entring.of the fame in any of his Majefty's Cuftom-houles, or paying any Duty or Cuftoirl f for the fame; (4) by Means whereof the faid Trade and Calling is. of late ivery- much decayed, thofe f eJ3:iployed in the faid Callings very much impoveriftied, the Maaufaiture much decreafed, and great f (Quantities thereof already made, left on their fisnds that make it, hisMajefty defrauded and deceived r in his Cuftoms, and many thoufand poor People formerly kept on ^oi-k in the faid Art, like to perilh •* for Want of Imployment; (<,■) there being daily great Siinis of Money exported out of this Kingdom lor the Buying and Fetching; In of the faid Commodity, to the great Impoverilliment of the Nation by I the Confumption of the Bullion and Treafure thereof, and contrary' to the-feveral Statutes made in the iivfl of King Richard the Third, in the third of King EAvard the Fourth, in the nineteenth of King 3 Ed. 4. c 4. Comfort and Subfiftence pf thofe imployed in the faid Art and Manufacture,, and for the Quickning, Re- viving,