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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/297

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A. D. 1662. Anno decimo tertio & quarto Caroli II. C. 15. 249 (hall ufe or exercifethe feid Trade ; the one Moiety thereof to the Ufe of his faid Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety thereof to fuch Perfon or Perfons as (hall fue for the fame in any of the Courts of Record within this Realm of England, or before any the Juftices of Oyer and Terminer^ or the Before whom to Tufticesvof the Peace at their Quarter-Seflions of the Peace, by A6lion of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Informa- be recovered. tion, or by any other lawful Ways or Means whatfoever, wherein no Protection, Wager of Law or Ef- fojn'fhall be allowed. -III. And for.the better enabling of the faid Mafter, Wardens, AfTiftants and Commonalty of Silk- throwers, and their Succeffors, in their Government ; (z) be it further enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Perfon and Perfons whatfoever, now ufing or exercifing as Mafters, the faid Art, Trade r.very Perfon or Myftery, or fuch as have ferved as Apprentices to the faid Trade by the Space of feven Years at the ufing Uie Tjsde leaft, within the faid Cities of London and Wejiminjier, and the feveral Suburbs thereof, or within twenty ^^^^°^^,^ Mile's Compafs of them, or either of them, (hall, before the twenty-fifth Day oi December, which fhall be fhaii enter him- in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred fixty and two, be admitted, and are hereby enjoined to feifof thefaid enter themfelves, into the faid Society or Corporation, and to perform and be fubjed and obedient to ali he'ru^/jfa ro'hs luch Statutes, Laws, Orders, Ordinances and Conftitutions, as are or fliall be made or ord.iiiicd for or LnwiandOrJcrs concerning the Exercife, Regulation or Government of the faid Art, Trade or Myftery, or of any Perfon thereof. or Perfons ufing or exercifing the fame ; ( 3 ) upon Pain of Forfeiture of the Sum of forty Shillings for every The Penalty. Month he or they fhall ule or exercife the faid Trade, after the faid twenty-fifth Day of December one tlioufand fix hundred fixty and two ; the one Moiety thereof to the Ufe of his faid Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors and the other Moiety thereof to fuch Perfon and Perfons as (hall fue for the fame in any the Courts of Record within this Realm of England, or before any the Juftices of Oyer and Terminer, or the Tuftices of Peace at their Quarter-Selfions of the Peace, by Adlion of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, or by any other lawful Ways and Means whatfoever, wherein no Protedion, Wager of Law or Effoiu (hall be allowed. --> . IV. Provided, That fuch Laws, Orders, Ordmances and Conftitutions fo made, or which (hall be imade' be not contrary, but agreeable with the Laws and Statutes of this faid Realm, and the Cuftoms of the faid City of London. V. And be it further ena(5ted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Mafters, Wardens, Affiftants Tiie Power oT and Commonaltv, and their Succe(rors, (hall and may have and enjoy, and that it fliall and may be lawful 5'j?'^""'"'^ to and for them", from Time to Time, and at all Times hereafter, to do, perform and execute, within affiftants!" the fa'>d Cities of London and Wejlminjier, and the feveral Suburbs thereof, or within twenty Miles Com- pafs of them, or either of them, all fuch Grants, Powers, Privileges and Authorities, as by this prefent k&. or in or by the faid Letters Patents of Incorporation are given or granted, or mentioned to be given or granted for or concerning the Regulation, Exercife or Government of the faid Trade, Art or Myftery, or any Matter or Thing relating thereunto, or of fuch Perfon or Perfons as do or (hall exercife the fame ; i any Thing in the faid Letters Patents, or any Aft, Statute or other Matter or Thing to the contrary thereof

in any wile notwithftanding.

' VL And whereas there is a Neceflity lying upon the Silk-throwers, to deliver to their Winders or ' Doublers conliderable Quantities of Silk, which being of a good Value, is by evil-difpofed Perfons many ' Times ur.juftly, deceitfully and falfly purloined, imbezilled, pawn'd, fold and detained, to the great ' Damage and fometimes the utter Undoing of the Thrower who imploys the faid Perfons:' (2) Be it ThePuniihment further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That every fuch Silk-winder and Doubler, who ftiall at any Time of Silk- winders hereafter unjuftly or deceitfully and fallly purloin, imbezil, pawn, fell or detain any Part of Silk delivered coodTddivered or to be delivered by any Silk-thrower or other Perfon, to them or any of them, to wind or double, that to them. ' in every fuch Cafe and Cafes, as well the Winder or Journeyman fo olfending, as the Buyer and Buyers, Receiver and Receivers of fuch Silk, being thereof lawfully convidled, by Confeffion of the Party or Par- ties fo offendinc', or by one Witnefs upon Oath before one or more of the Juftices of Peace of the County or I ibertv where the fame Offence or Offences ftiall be committed, or if it be within any City or Town Corporate before the Mayor, Bailiff or Chief OfP-cer of the faid City or Town Corporate, who by Force of this Adt are impowered and authorized to minifter the fame Oath, and finally to hear and determine all and every the Offences aforefaid, and to give and make to the Party and Parties grieved fuch Recom- mence and Satisfadion for fuch their Damage and Lofs, and Charges thereabouts, as by the faid Juftice ,or Tuftices, or Chief Officers, fliall be ordered and appointed • , n. 1, u • VII Provided, That no more Damage be given or awarded, than the Party grieved (hall prove he is damrificd and hath expended, in looking after the fame ; and if the Party or Parties fo offending fliall lot be able or fufficient to make Recompence or Satisfaction for the faid Offence, nor do make Recom- oence or Satisfaction for the fame Offence or Offences within fourteen Days next after fuch Convidion, in fuch Manner and Form, as by the Juftice or Juftices or Chief Officers ftiall be ordered and appomted, as aforefaid ■ then the Party or Parties fo offending, for the firft Offence ftiall be apprehended and whip- ned or fet 'in the Stocks in the Place where the Offence is committed, or in fome Market-Town in the faid'Countv near unto the Place where the Offence or Offences aforefaid (hall be committed, as ftiall be li- mited and appointed by the faid Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, or Chief Officers, and for the fecond Of- fence to incur the like, or fuch further Puniihment, by Whipping or being put in the Stocks, as the faid Tnftice or Tuftices of the Peace or Chief Officers ftiall in their Difcretion think fit and convenient. VIII And be it likewife enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Receiver and Receivers, f„«^;;,"J,;«f' ^• Ruver and Buyers of any Silk, or fuch as take to pawn any Silk imbezilled or purloined, contrary to the i,/^!,,^^ q^^^^^ m,p Meanine of this Aft, (Matter of Faft being proved) (hall make Satisfaftion withm the Time afore- how to'oe pu- faid or elfe (hall be fubjeft to like Punifliment as by this Aft is inflifted, or provided to be inflicted, upon mfhed. fuch Perfon fo imbezihng or purloining any fuch Silk as aforefaid. ^ , ^ . , _ wiufPe.forjs ■ IX: Provided always,^That it ftiall and may be lawful to and for any Freeman of the faid Company of -y^--."- ^ilk throwers to fet on work and imploy aci^ Perfon or Perfans, bemg naUve b^ubjefts to his Majefty, ferved as Ap! Vol. III.' ■ K k and prentices.