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248^ C 14, 15. Aimo decimo tertio & quarto C aroli II. A. D. 1662. viving, Explaining, Amending, and more effeiflual Execution of the faid Statutes; (2) Be it enaded by """' the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Tem^ EpreiM Bqne- poral, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by Authority of the fame. That no Per- imbiMe'ry°' ' ^°^ °^ Perfons whatfoever fluall from and after the twenty-fourth Day oi June one thoufartd fix hundred Fringe, Band- fixty-two, fell or caufe to be fold, or offer to Sale, within the Kingdom of England or Dominion of IVales, ftfings, iKohi- or export any Foreign Bone-lace, Cut-work, Imbroidery, Fringe, Band-firings, Buttons y Needle-work o"imported° ' made of Thread, Silk, or any or either of them, ir) Parts beyond the Seas, or import, brmg in, fender from beyond convey, or caufe to be brought in, fent or conveyed, into the Kingdom of England or Dominion of finales, Th s'aa en ^'^^ '"'^^ Foreign Bone-lace, Cut-work, Fringe, Imbroidery, Band-ftrings, Buttons or Needle-work lafged by 4."& s "i^de of Thread, Silk, or any or either of them, beyond the Seas, after the tirft: Day of il/tf>', which (hall W. &M. c. 10. be in the faid Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred fixty and two; (3) opon Pain that all and every Bu"tons™ideof P^^^°" °^ Perfons who fliall fell or caufe to be fold, or offered to Sale, any fuch Foreign Bone-lace, Cut- Mair°"a*ndre-° Work, Imbroidery, Fringe, Band-ftrings, Buttons or Needle-work, fhall forfeit and loie for every Offence pealed by 5 Ann. by him committed contrary to this A<^, the Sum of fifty Pounds, and the whole Bone-lace, Cut-work, to Fori" n Lace Imbroidery, Fringe, Band-ftrings, Buttons or Needle-work fo fold or caufed to be fold, or offered to Sale : made'o{hread (4) And Upon further Pain, That a}l and every Perfon or Perfons who (hall import, bring in, fender j(i ibe spani/h convey, or caufe to be brought in, fent or conveyed into this Kingdom of Euglavd or Domirikin of IValei, kw Countries, gj^y fuch Bone-lace, Cut- work, Imbroidery, Fringe, Bahd-ftrihgs, Buttons or Needle- work, (hall for- The Penalty, feit and lofe for every Offence by him committed contrary to this Ad, the Sum of one hundred Pounds, and the whole Bone-lace, Cut-work, Imbroidery, Fringe, Band-ftrings, Buttons or Needle-work, fo imported, brought in, fent or conveyed, or caufed to be imported, brought in, fent or conveyed, con- the^icfn and* '■'^^'^^ ^° ^^^ Form and Effe(ft of this prefent Aft as afoiefaid : (5 ) The Moieties of all which Forfeitures tile othe^'to" he ^° ^^ to the Ufe of Our Sovereign Lord the King's Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors; and the other Moi- Frpfecutor, ety to him or tliem that fliall fue for the fame in any of the King's Courts of Record, by Bill, Plaint, Action of Debt, Information or othei^wife, wherein no Effoin, Protection or Wager of Law fliall be al- lowed, at every Time and as often as any Perfon (hall be found to offend in felling, importing, convey- - ■ ■ ing or bringing in as aforefaid. Every juftice of III, And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That for the Preventing of the Importing of w*'^*ant1o""' *^^ ^^'"^ Manufadtures as aforefaid, upon Complaint and Information given to the Juftices of the Peace, fearchforMa- or any or either of them, within their refpedive Counties, Cities and Towns Corporate, at Times rea- niiifaaures pro- fonable, lie or they are hereby authorized and required to iffue forth his or their Waftrants to the Con- hibiied,by tnjs ftables of their refpedtive Counties, Cities and Towns Corporate, to enter and fearch for fuch Manufac- tures in the Shops being open, or Ware-houles and Dwelling-hOufes of fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall be fufpedled to have any fuch Foreign Bone-laces, Imbroideries, Cut-work, Fringe, Band-ftrings, Buttons or Needle-work, within their refpedtive Counties, Cities, and Towns Corporate, and to feize the fame; any Adt, Statute or Ordinance to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. L for"Aai™s' TV- Provided always, and be it hereby enadted and declared. That all, Informations, Adtions and Suits upon this Aft. that (hall be commenced for any Offence committed againft this Law, (hall be brought and commenced .within twelve Months after the Difcovery of fuch Offence; any former Adl or Law to the contrary not- withftanding, .' . uCar.i. c. u. '" ■ • .. , . CAP, XIV, 1 J 3 Car. I. Stat. I, An Acl diredting the Profecution of fuch as are accountable fur Prize Goods. EXP, e. 7. 13 Car. I. -<> Stat. 1. C.3. ■ c A p, xy. An A(fl for regulating the Trade of Silk-throwing. The Silk- ' TXT HERE AS the Company of Silk-throwers within the City of Zwrt'ii^ and Liberties, and all their throwers of ' yy Servants and Apprentices within four Miles thereof, were guinio Caroli primi incorporated and Pirated by "^pI- ' Hiade One Body Politick, and are known by the Name of the Mafter, Wardens, Affiftants and Com- tent, 5 Car. i. ' monalty of the Trade^ Art or Myftery of Silk-throwers of the City of London-, (2) And whereas the J9//.7. f.2i. ' faid Trade is of fingular Ufe, and very advantageous to this Common- wealth, by imploying the Poor, ' there being Jmployed by the faid Company in and about the C'ty of London (as is expreffed in their Pe- ' tition) above forty thoufand Men, Women and Children, who otherwife would unavoidably be bur- ' thenfom to the Places of their Abode 5(3) and whereas the prefent Governors of the faid Company by

  • their Petition pray an Enlargement of their Charter, whereby they may be the better enabled to avoid

? the many Deceits and Inconveniencies they daily meet witl»al by Intruders, who have not beenhrought

  • up Apprentices to the faid Trade, arid others who fettle themfelvesbeyorid the Limits of the faid Chkr-
  • ter, on Purpofe to avoid the Searches and Supervifion of the faid Governors, by which Means they are
  • at Liberty to make and vend what Wares they pleafe, to the Difparagement of the faid Trade,, and Dif-

^ couraging of the Petitioners, and all others of the faid Trade that have duly feryed Apprentice thereto,.! ?■ according to the known Laws of this Nation :' ., ' ' II. For Remedy whereof, be it enadted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affem- Nonethailure bled, and by Authority of the fame. That from and after the twenty-fifth Day of December, which (haU SiTk^iirower* ^^ "^ '^^'*^ '^^^'" °^ our Lord one thoufand fix hundred futy and tvvc, no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever bat fuch as have fhall diredtly or indiredtly ufe, exercife, continue or fet up the faid Trade, Art or Myftery of a Silk-thrower fervedas Ap- within this Realm of E?fgktid, unlefs fuch as are or fliall be Apprentices to the faid Trade, or fliall have Ve.?r""^ '*^" ferved feven Ye.ars Apprentipeihip thereunto at the leaft; (2) upon Pain that every Perfon fo oftending 1 ■flK Penalty. Contrary to this A& lluiJ.pay, forfeit and iofe the Sum of forty Shillings for every Month the faid Perfoii