A. D. i66j. Anno decimo quinto Caroli II. C. 8-11. 271 out of that Ifland mto England; fo as the faid Cattle be Janded at CheJIer, Liverpool ox JVire-water; any Thing in this A6t to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. CAP. VIII. An A£t to prevent the Selling of live fat Cattle by Butchers. '•^TrHEREAS by an Aft made in the third and fourth Years of the Reign of King Edzuard the i & 4 Ed. 6. « VV Sixth, it is enaiied, That no Perfon ufing the Craft or Myflcry of a Butcher ihould buy any fat ie^^^„
- Oxen, Steers, Runts, Kine, Heifers, Calves or Sheep, and fell the fame again alive, upon Paiii of For- 1. 19.*^ ^^'^'
- feiture of the Cattle fo fold ; (z) which Law hath not wrought fuch effeftual Reformation as was in- 25 ^^^ 2- «■ 4.
- tended, by Reafon of the Difficulty in the Proof of fuch Buying and Selling, being for the moft part ^^^'^ ^Zl
- at Places far diftant, if not in feveral Counties,- by Means whereof the Parties fo offending have ef- 1 14^.
' caped unpuniilied :' n «-• i» w. 3. II. Be it therefore enaded by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent ^'^'02? c of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by Au- 7 Ann«', c, 6?" tliority of the fame. That no Perfon ufing the Trade of a Butcher fliall at any Time from and after the Feaft of St, Michael the Archangel next enfuing, fell, offer or expofe to Sale, in any Market or elfe- where, either by himfelf or any Servant or Agent whatfoever, any fat Oxen, Steers, Runts, Kine, Heifers, Calves, Sheep or Lambs alive ; (2) upon Pain to forfeit the double Value of the Cattle fo fold or offered Penalty upon er expofed to Sale as aforefaid ; the one Moiety of which Forfeiture fhall be to the King's R4ajefty, his fei'iingTve'fat Heirs and Succeffors ; and the other Moiety to him or ihem that will fue for the fame in any of his Ma- Cattle, jefly's Courts of Record, by Bill, Plaint,, Adion of Debt or Information, wherein no Eflbin, Protediion or Wager of Law fhall be allowed. CAP. IX. An Ad for granting four entire Subfidies to his Majefty by the Temporally. EXP. C A P. X. An Aft for confirming of four Subfidies granted by the Clergy. E X P.- C A P. XI. An Additional Aft for the better Ordering and Collcfting the Duty of Excife, and preventing. the Abufes therein. ' T7 O R the Preventing, of the Frauds and Deceits of Brewers and other Perfons who make Beer and n Car: i. c. 24 j ' J/ Ale, and other Excifeable Liquors, to fell, and of the Abufes committed by the Officers, Collec- This Aft eomi- ' tors and Managers of the Excife, to the great Decay of his Majefty's Revenue of Excife, and Obftruc- Ye3rs°by^A&5 ' tion of the due and orderly CoUecfling of the fame, and for Supply and Amendment of certain Defedts w. &'m. c. 3.
- in the Laws and Statutes relating to the Duty of Excife, as well for the Support and Advance of the ^^tT^^'^kM
' faid Revenue as for the Eafe of the People;' (2) Be it ena6ted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, ^.^o. § 11. ' Ibyand with the Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and of the Commons, in this Parliament jaflembled, and by Authority of the fame. That no Common Brewer, Inn-keeper, Victualler or other Retailer of Beer or Ale, fhall at any Time after the firft Day of September one thoufand fix hundred fixty- three, without firft giving Notice thereof at the next Office of Excife, or to the Commiflioners, Farmers Notice to be or Sub-Commiffioners of Excife, or one of them, within the Limits and Jurifdi6lion of whofe Office he given of all or they do or fhall inhabit, ereft, fet up, alter or enlarge any Tun, Fat, Back, Cooler or Copper, and brewing Veflels, fhall make Ufe of any of them for the Brewing or Making any Beer or Ale, or Worts, or fhall make Ufa of or keep any private and concealed Store-houfe, Cellar or other Place for the Laying of any Beer or Ale, or Worts in Cafk, other than fuch as are already openly fet up, erecifed and made Ufe of in his Gommon and ufual Brew-houfe, and now openly difcovered and known ; (3) upon Pain to forfeit the The Penalty. Sum of fifty Pounds for every Tun, Fat, Back, Copper and Cooler fet up and made Ufe of Virithout fuch ^^'"'i/'fj ^ Notice given thereof as aforefaid, and contrary to the true Intent and Meaning hereof: (4) And that all seff.'i. c.24. and every other Perfon or Perfons, in whofe Occupation any Houfe, Meffiaage, Outhoufe or other Place §. n. whatfoever is or fhall be, where any fuch private and concealed Tun, Back, Cooler or Store-houfe fhall be found and difcovered, fhall alfo forfeit and lofe the Sum of fifty Pounds, to be levied and recovered in Manner and Form as in and by this prefent Kdi is hereafter dire6led and ordained : (5) And moreover, every fuch private and concealed Tun, Fat, Back, Copper or Cooler, fo difcovered and found as afore- faid, or alteretl or enlarged, together with all Beer, Ale or Worts therein being, fhall and may be taken up, feized, carried avvay and delivered to the Overfeers for the Poor, to be fold for the Ufe of the Poor, 3r diftributed amongft them. II. And be it further enacfted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the eighth Day of No- commiffioners vernier in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred fixty and five, no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever nnay not farm nominated by his Majefty to be in Commifficn for the Regulating of his Majefty's Revenue of .Excife, or '"i^ Excife. for the Exercife of any the Powers or Authorities mentioned in an Aft, intituled, A Grant of_ certain hn- 12 Car. i. c. 23-, 'lofitions upon Beer, Ah and other Liquors, for the Increafe of his Majefiy's Revenue during his Life : Or one 3ther Aft, intituled. An Aii for taking awaj the Court of Wards and Liveries, and Tenures in Capite, by izCar. i. c.14, Kriights-Service and Purveyance, and for fettling a Revenue upon his^ Majefty in lieu thereof, or in this prefent Aft, fhall prefume to farm the faid Revenue of his Majefty, either direftly or indireftly, by obtaining Letters Patents to him or themfelves thereof, or any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever intrufted for him or
- hem, or to or for his or their Ufe, Benefit or Behoof: (2) Nor that any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever,
being a Farmer of the faid Revenue, fhall be any way capable to be nominated a Commifiioner for the Regulating his Majefty's faid Revenue of Excife, or exercifing any Powers or Authorities concerning the fame : (3J But if any Perfon or Perfons who ftands thus difabled as aforefaid to be nominated a Com- miffioner, fhall become a Farmer, and fhall in either of the faid Cafes neverthelefs prefume direftly or indireftly to aft as a Commiffioner, Farmer or Sub-Commifiiioner, to execute the Powers and Authorities aforefaid, either alone or jointly with other Perfons that are Farmers, or elfe with any others who are not Farmers,