A. 0,1670. Anno vicefimo fecundo CAroli II. .C,^^. 2^9' ter, there fhall be paid for the Cuftom and Poundage thereof the Sum of fixteen Shillings ; and when the "> i J.ic. i. c. fame ihall exceed the Sum of three and fifty Shillings and 'four Pence the Quarter, and yet not above four '9' " "" Pounds the Qiiarter, That then there fhall tie anfwcrcd and paid for the Cuflom and Poundage of every (,','"(„«; r Qiiarter of Wheat the Sum of eight Shillings ; (4) for every Quarter of Rye, when the fame doth not i'cace.'"^'° exceed the Price of forty Shillings the Quarter, there fhall be anfwered and paid for the Cuftom and Poun- dage thereof the Sum of fixteen Shillings the Qiiarter ; (5) for every Quarter of Barley or Malt, when the fame doth not exceed the Price of two and thirty Shillings the Qiiarter, there {hall be anfwercd and paid for the Cuflom and Poundage thereof the Sum of fixteen Shillings the Quarter ; ( ) for every Quarter of Farther Provif:. Buck-Wheat, when the fame doth not exceed the Price of two and thirty Shillings the Qiiarter, there "ns rtlating Ihall be anfwered and paid for the Cuftom and Poundage thereof the Sum of fixteen Shillings the Quarter; ='"<'>» ^"' (7) for every Quarter of Oats, when the fame doth not exceed the Sum of fixteen Shillings the Quarter, "" '^' '*' there fhall be anfwered and paid for the Cuftom and Poundage thereof the Sum of five Shillings and foilr Pence the Quarter; (S) for every Qiiarter of Peafe or Beans, when the fame doth not exceed the Sum of forty Shillings the Qiiarter, there '{hall be anfwered and paid for the Cuftom and Poundage thereof the Sum • . ,■- , of fixteen Shillings the Quarter ; each Quarter to contain eight Bufhels, andesch Bufhel to contain eight Gallons, and no more. .■ li,.;, '■ II. But when the Prices of the feveral Sorts of Corn or Grain above mentioned {hall exceed the refpee- - tive Rates aforefaid, at the Times and Places of Irnpdrtation; that then ai)d in every fuch Cafe there be anfwered and paid for the fame, the Duties payable in fuch Caie befo*e: the! Makiog of- this Act. . . -c -■."'■ '■ III. And for the further Encouragement of i^r«2c/; or Pearl BarJeyjjithis^Cingdom, That there, fhall be TrencB or Pcail paid for the Cuftom of every hundred Weight of /^r^wcA or Pearl Barley the S,ufn:of five Shillings.: ,-. ■ " Barley. ■' ,' IV. And for the further Kncouragement of breeding and feeding of- Cattle of all Sorts ; (2) Be it enaySI- Encouragement ed by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June, which fliall be in the fur LrcediDg and Year of our Lord God one thoufand fix hundred and feventy, and from thence forward. It fhall be lawful feeding of-Cattle, for every Perfon or Perfons, Native or Foreigner, at any Time or Tifnes' to {hip, lade and tranfport, by way of Merchandize, thefe Sorts of Goods following, That is to fay. Beef, Pork, Bacon, Butter, Cheefe !and Candles, though the fame do exceed in Price at the Ports from whence they are laden, andat the Time ■ of their lading, the Prices fet down and limited in .the aforefaid Adf of this prefent Parliament, intituled, J Subftdy , granted tQ the King of Tonnage and Poundage; thefaid Aft, or any other Law, Statute, Ufage or 12 Car. 2. c. /-< other Prohibition, to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding; ip4ying,.for the fame the refpedtive Rates appointed by the faid'Aft, and no more. ' « . •, .' x- %■<"':-.] : I: ;'!!; !, I •; . V. Except, and always provided, 'That for the Cuftom and Pouridage of every Barrel of Butter, there Butter and {hall be paid one Shilling, and for every hundred Weight of Cheefe, four Pence, -and no more ? the afore- Ghecfe;' faid A£i; of Tonnage and Poundage, or any other Law or Statute,, to the contrary notwithflanding. .1 VI. And it is hereby further enadted by. the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the twenty-fourth Ox orSieer, Day of June, which fliall be in the Year of our. Lord one thoufand fix hundred feventy and one, there fliail 'be paid for every Ox or Steer that fnall be tranfported into the Parts beyond the Seas by any-Perfoaor Pec- ■Jons, Native or Foreigner,' the Sum of twelve Pence, and no more; the aforefaid Adi _of oFonnage-and 'Poundage, or any other Law, Statute, Ufage or other Prohibition t6 the, contrary hereof irij any v/ife not- ■ withl^anding. :_ _ , : : 1 . VII. And it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the ftid twenty- eows or-Hsiftre, .fourth Day oi jftine in the Year aforefaid, it fhall be lawful for any Perfon or Perfons, Native or'Forergher, - ■,)to fliip, lade or tranfport Cows or Heifers, paying for each Cow or Heifer the Sum of twelve Pence and no ■more, and alfo to iliip, lade or tranfport all Sorts of. Swine or Hogs, paying for each Swine or Hog two Swine or Hogs, 'Pence and no more; any Statute, Law, Ufage or other' Prohibition, to the contrary thereof in any wife 'notwithftanding. : , .: ,_ . i . ■■ ,: -, , VIII. And for the further Encouragement of the Breed of -Horfes, Ee it ena<Eted,by the Authority afbre- Horresand faid. That from and after' the twenty-fourth Day of jfnne in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hun- M*>'es may be dred and feventy, and from thence forward, it fhall be lawful for any Perfon or Perfons, Native or Fo- '""'i'°"« ij-ergner^ at any Time br Times to fliip, lade and tranfport, by way of Merchandize, Horfes or Marefe into any Parts beyond the Seas in Amity with his Majefty, paying for eachliorfe or Mare the Sum of five Shil- lings, and for each Gelding the Sum of five Shillings and no more; the aforefaid Aft of Tonnage and, ^ Cat. 21 tf. 4, )]&ouiidage, or any other Law, Statute, Ufage or any other Prohibition, tothe contrary: hereof in any wife Farther- Pnvi-^ iflotwithtlanding. [Continued by 2 Will. & Mar. St. i. c. 4. §. 3. 1 ,;Anti.,&{iriv,q»,i'3.,§v;2, 9:Ann. c.:6.'/°^"X •^.§.2. 3Geo. 1.C.7.J .■..■-,'■.,,.:; l ':■--: ^vV's^' &M.c.%. 5 W. £f. il-/. f . 2. %-iCeori. c./^o. ani-ilbci^-i, c:'ii -Anno Regni Caroli IL Regis Angliss, Scotis, Frahci^e & HiberniJ^s , vicefimo fecnndo & vicefimo ter tic, T the Parliament begun at Wejlminjier the eighth Day oi May, Anno'Dom. one thoufand fix hun->-Tfi=. fomref dred fixty-one, in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of our rrioft gracious Sovereign Lord Charles, Edition had it, ^ •*■ by the Grace of God, o{ England, Scotland, France i,rA Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith,, is'f. Held the 240a, And by feveral Prorogations and Adjournments to the fourteenth Day of February 22 Car. z, and from 22 Car. i. and thence until t^etjWqtitj-rfecQndPgy of 4^n7./«w^ , . Mar!2"3'car,°a.' CAP.