^.D. iSji. Anno vicefimo quinto Caroli II. C. 3, 4. 379 Court of Chancery, before the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper for the Time being, or in the Court of King's Bench, take the faid Oaths, and receive the Sacrament according to Law, and fubfcribe the (aid And fubfcr b;. Declaration, and fo as all and every the Deputy and Deputies fo as aforefaid to be appointed, take the faid Oaths, receive the Sacrament, and fubfcribe the faid Declaration from Time to Time, as they fhail happen to be fo appointed, in Manner as by this Adl fuch Officers v/hofe Deputies they be, are appointed to do ; and fo as fuch Deputies be from Time to Time approved of by the King's Majefty under his Pi ivy Signet: (7) But that all and every the Peers of this Realm fhall have, hold and enjoy what is provided for as ai'ore- faid, and all and every other Perfon or Perfons before-mentioned, denoted or intended within this Provifo, fhall have, hold and enjoy what is provided for as aforei'aid, notwithftanding any Incapacity or Difability tnentioned in this A61:. XII. Provided al-fo. That the faid Peers and every of them may take the Aiid Oaths, and make the faid Therrer! mry Subfcription, and deliver the faid Certificates, before the Peers fitting in Parliament, if the Parliament be ""p."'" fitting within the Time limited for doing thereof, and in the Intervals of Parliament in the High ^ent" Court of Chancery, in v/hich refpedive Courts all the faid Proceedings are to be recorded in Manner afcrefaid. XIII. Provided always, That no married Woman, or Perfon under the Age of eighteen Years, or be- ASa.ingfor ing beyond or upon the Seas, or found by the lawful Oaths of twelve Men to be Non compos mentis, and fo ™2"ici Wo- being and remaining at the End of Trinity Term in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred leventy- '"^"^'^• three, having any Office, fhall by Virti'e of this Atft lofe or forfeit any fuch his or her Office Cother than fuch married Woman during the Life of her Hufband only) for any Negleifl or Refufal of taking the Oaths, and doing the other Things required by this Aft to be done by Perfons having Offices, fo as fuch refpediive Perfons v/ithin four Months after the Death of the Hufband, coming to the Age oi eighteen Years, returning into this Kingdom, and becoming of found Mind, fhall refpeftively take the faid Oaths, and perform all other Things in Manner as by this Aft is appointed for Perfons to do, who fhall happen to have any Office or Offices to them given or fallen after the End of the faid Trinity Term. f^Wn^h-^^Officc XIV. Provided alfo, That any Perfon who by his or her Negleft or Refufal, according to this Aft, fhall bj'v'inue^trJt^ lofe or forfeit any Office, may be capable by a new Grant of the faid Office, or of any other, and to have may ufonTa- ' and hold the fame again, fuch Perfon taking the faid Oaths, and doing all other Things required by this klngof the Aft, fo as fuch Office be not granted to, and aftually enjoyed by, fome other Perfon at the Tims of the "^^'tis &c. b= Regranting thereof. _ _ _ Grant thereof. XV. Provided alfo. That nothing in this Aft contained ihall extend to make any Forfeiture, Difability, Not to extend'to or Incapacity in, by, or upon any Non-Commiffion Officer or Officers in his Majefty's Navy, if fuch Non-Commif- Officer or Officers (hall only fubfcribe the Declaration therein required, in Manner as the fame is finn- officers in direfted. '^^/'J'-r XVI. Provided alfo, That nothing in this Aft contained {ball extend to prejudice George Earl of Brijo!, 'heDeda'atiL. or Anne Countefs of Brijhl his Wife, in the Penfion or Penfions granted to them by Patent under the a Saving for' Great Seal of England, bearing Date the fixteenth Day of 'July in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix the Penfions hundred fixty and nine, beiag in Lieu of a juft Debt due to the faid Earl from his Majeffy, particularly ex- E"nt.-ii to the preffed in the faid Patent. . _ _ and'hfs Lalv"' XVII. Provided alfo. That this Aft, or any Thing therein contained, fhall not extend to the Office of Not toxt»-nd any High Conftable, Petty Conlfable, Tithingman, Headborough, Overfeer of the Poor, Church-wardens, to Conftaile', Surveyor of the Highways, or any like inferior Civil Office, or to any Office of Foreller, or Keeper of any Tithingn-en, Park, Chace, Warren, or Game, or of Bailiff of any Manor or Lands, or to any like private Offices, or <^hiirch-war- to any Perfon or Perfons having only any the before-mentioned, or any the like Offices. {k'V'va^" Officers. S:efar:b!r loydiir., c. 2. iz Ar.n.fat. j,. c, 12, 5 Co. i. c. 4.. and 16 do, 2, c, 30. CAP. III. An Aft for enabling his Majefty to make Leafes of his Lands belonging to the Duchy of Cormvall, What EXP. Leafes fhall be made of Lands belonging to the Duchy of Conzzi'fl//, and how. An Exception to entire n Car. 2, Honours, Lordfhips, or Manors. For what Terms or Times. Not difpunifnable of Wafte. Ancient ^"'" ^" '■ +" Rent leferved. Where no Rent was payable, then a reafonable Rent. All Covenants in the Leafes f!i all bind. A Saving of the Rights of all Perfons, except the Right of the King, the Duke of Cornwall, and thofe who fhall be Dukes. CAP. IV. An A61 for Repeal of a Claufe in a former Acl to prohibit Salefmen from felling fuC Cattle. HE RE AS by an Aft made this prefent Parliament, intituled. An A!^ to prevent Frauds in the izScz^Czr.t. , . Bu'i'if^ a72d Selling 0/ Cattle in Smhhfie]d and elfewhere, (amongft other Things) It is enafted, Thatc.J9. ^. 2, ' no Jobber, Salefman, or other Broker or Faftor, who do or ftiall commonly buy or fell Cattle, for others, be allowed or employed either for buying or felling any Fat Cattle, other than Swine or Calves, by or for any Butcher or other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, within fourfcore Miles of the Cities of London and Wcjhninjlcr., upon Pain of the Forfeiture of the Value of the faid Cattle fo bought or fold by him or them as aforefaid, to be paid by the Owner of fuch Cattle ; (2) and upon further Pain, That all and every Perfon and Perfons taking upon him or them to ufe or exercife the faid Employment of a Jobber or Bro- ker, or of a Salefman or Faftor, for the buying and felling of Cattle contrary to the faid Aft, fhall for- feit for every fuch Offence the Value of all fuch Cattle fo bought or fold, or expofed to Sale, by him or them as aforefaid; (3) but for that the faid Claufe in the faid Aft contained, is fcund by Expericrice C c c i ta-