4.32' C. 24' Anno prima Gu-LiELMi 8c Mar i^^. A. D. 1688. I 5. Jar. z. c; § 6 &7. BTewCf notdif- cliarged fioRi Milentry, ex- c pt he iliewed the Beer, &c. at the T me of tUe Return, Puniihment for concealing Worts. 15 Car. 2, c. II, Gagcrs to leave Notes of their Gages. By. whom and how Complaints of Overcharge inay be deter- mined. Officers for Anijlefcy. Punirtiment of Commiflioner of Excife for taking Money of any Pcrfen • but the tCing, InfoTmation of Brewer, fee. to be within three Monihs after Offeaccj and X. And whereas in and by the faid Aift made in the fifteenth Year of the Reign of the late Kino- Charles the Second, it is amongft other Things therein provided or enaiied in the Words, or to the EfFedt follow- ing (ti/z.) That no common Brewer or Brewi;rs fliall be fued or profecuted for any Penalty or Forfeiture by him or them incurred, for or by Reafon of any Mifentry or Shortentry, if he or they fnall within one Week after the Delivery of the Copy of the Gagers Return made upon him, certify his or their Entry jnade for the Week, for which fuch Copy of Return is delivered, according to fuch Return for each re- fpeftive Charge of Brewing, or otherwife difcharging himfelf ; Beit enacted by the Authority aforefaid That no Brewer or Brewers fliall from henceforth have or claim any Benefit by the faid Provifo, on any Information to be brought againft him or them for Non-entry, wilful falfe Entry, or Non-payment, if it fliall appear by the Evidence given, that fuch Brewer fo fued for Non-entry, or ftiort, or falfe Entry or Non-payment, did not bona fide fhew to the Gager or Gagers appointed to take Account of the Beer or Ale by them brewed, all the Beer, Ale, and Worts of each refpedive Guile for fuch Time for which fuch Copy of the Return was made or given ; or if any apparent Fraud was afted or made to de- fraud their Majefties of their Duty for any Part of the Drink brewed in the Time for which fuch Copy of the Return is made or given by the Gager, in fuch Cafe fuch Brewer fliall incur all the Penalties and P'or- feitures by the former Acls provided or inflifted ; the faid Provifo, or any Thing in any Afts or Statute relating to the Excife in any wife notwithftanding. XL And for avoiding fome Doubts that have arifen, it is hereby declared and enafted by the Autho- rity aforefaid. That every common Brewer, Innkeeper, Viftualler, or Retailer of Beer or Ale, who, con- trary to the faid Atl made in the faid fifteenth Year of the Reign of the late King Charles the Second, fhall make ufe of any private or concealed Store-houfe, Cellar, or Place, for th^ laying of any Beer, or Ale, or Worts in Cafk, fliall forfeit the Sum of fifty Pounds for every fuch Oftence ; and every fuch Brewer Innkeeper, Victualler, or Retailer, who, contrary to the faid A6t made as aforefaid, fliall mix, conceal or convey away any Worts, fliall forfeit twenty Shillings for every Barrel of Worts by him or them fo mingled, concealed, or conveyed away contrary to the faid Aft; and the Commiffioners of Excife, and Juftices of the Peace, and all others authorized to hear and determine Forfeitures and Offences againft the Laws relating to the Excife refpetlively, on Complaints or Informations brought for thefe Offences, or either of them, and duly proved before them, are hereby authorized to give Judgment or Sentence for the refpeftive forfeitures accordingly ; any Omiffion, or not repeating of the faid Offences, or either of them, in and by the faid Aft notwithflranding. XIJ. And to the End common Brewers and other Perfons paying the Duty of Excife, may not be over- charged, it is hereby declared and enafted. That true Notes in Writing, of the laft Gages made or taken by the laid Gager, fliall be left by them with all Brewers, Makers, or Retailers of Beer, Ale, or other excifeable Liquors refpeftively, or fome of their Servants, at the Times of their taking their faid Gages, containing the Quantity and Quality of the Liquors fo gaged, upon Penalty of forty Shillings for every Offence or Negleft of the faid Gager or Gagers, XIII. And it is hereby enafted^ That the Commiflioners of Excife or Appeals, or Juftices of Peace within whofe Jurifdiftion refpeftively any fuch Brewer, Maker, or Retailer fliall inhabit or dwell, upon Complaint to them made by or on the Behalf of fuch Brewers, Makers, or Retailers, of any Overcharge returned upon them by any of the faid Gagers, fhall, and are required to hear and determine all fuch Complaints, and examine the Witneiles upon Oath, which fliall be produced as well on the Behalf of the Party rnaking fuch Complaint, as on the Behalf of all and every other Party and Parties (which Oath they have hereby Power to adminifter) and thereupon, or by other due Proof, to difcharge or acquit fuch Brewer, Maker, or Retailer of fo much of his and their refpeftive Charges, as fhall be fo made out before them ; any Thing in this or in any former Law or Statute to the contrary notwithftanding. .. ' XIV. And whereas there is but one Market Town in the County oi Angkfey^ by reafon of which di®
- - Inhabitants of fome Parts of the faid County are put to extraordinary Trouble and Expence to make
' their Entries and Payrnents, being four and twenty Miles diftant from the fail Market Town j' be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That for the Eafe of the faid Inhabitants living remote from the faid Market-town, there fliall be Offices kept for the making Entries and Payments in the feveral Towns of Holyhead, Nevuborough, and Llanerchthmeth, as well as in the Town of Beaumaris^ where only the faid Office has been accuftomed to be kept. ' XV. Andwhereas feveral Colleftors, Surveyors, Gager?, and other Perfons employed about Collet-'
- • ing. Surveying, or Gaging the Duty of Excife, have been forced to pay feveral Sums- of Money to the-
^ Gommifftoners of Excife, or their Regifters or Clerks, upon Pretence that the fame is for writing, fign-
- ' ing, and fealing Inftruftions or Orders- for ©very fjich Officer to execute his- Place, which muft caufe
'> fuch Officer to reimburfe himfelf upon the People by one Means or other :' For Prevention whereof be it' enafted. That no Commiffioner, or other Pcrfon employed about the Duty of Excife, fljall demand, take, or receive any Sum of Money, or other- Reward whatfoever from any Perlbn, other than their Majes- ties, upon Pain of Forfeiting his or their Office, upon Proof thereof by two or more credible Witn^es" before any two oif their Majeftjes Juftices of the Peace, fo as every fuch Perfon, fo offending, is hereby made uncapable of executinjfcny Office in their Majefty's Revenue of the Excife for the future. XVI. Provided alfo, Tha^^o Information fhall be brought, laid, or profecuted againft any comniotv-i Brewer or 'Brewers, or Alehoufek-eeper, for^ any falfe or Mif-entry, or Offence made or committed, from and after the four and twentieth Day of: ^a^- one- thoufand' ftx hundred eighty and ( nine', unleis the' fame ^formation or Informations be laid and entreJ before fuch Perfons appointed to determine the fame, ^2 within