Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/481

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A. D. i688. Anno primo GuLiELMi & Mar I /!■. C 2^. 43J within three Months next after every fuch OiTencc committe.t! ; and that Notice diercof be given to fuch •"'*'- '"j' Peribn or Perfons (ayainft v/hoin fuch Information fliall be laid) in Writing, or left at tiicir Dwelling- J y" ; ■*' houfes, within one Week after the laying and entering fuch Information, to the End a timely Provifioii " """•"■'""• may be had and made in defending the fame ; any Thing in this Ait or other Law to the contrary not- withftanding. XVII. And be it further ena£l;ed by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the firft of Scptumler rcol. Pcn.iJry one thoufand fix hundred eighty-nine, no common Brewer, or Retailer of Beer or Ale, fhall ufc in for utinr Mo- the brewing or working of any Beer or Ale any Moloflus, coarfe Sugar, Honey, or Compofition or '."'•'"'" ""'" Extrail of Sugar, upon the Penalty of the Forf.-it.urc, for every fuch Offence, of all fuch Liquors where- '"^" in any Molofius, or coarfe Sugar, Honey, or fuch Compofition or Extraft Ihall be put, and alfo of the Sum of one hundred Pounds ; one Moiety of all the faid Forfeitures to be to their Majelties, the other Moiety to th.; Informer, to be recovered by Aftion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of their Majellies Courts of Record, wherein no Effoin, W^ager of Law, or any more than one Im- parlance fhall be allowed, fo as fuch Suit be commenced within fix Months after fuch Forfeiture in- curred. XVIII. And be it further enaiEted, Thn.t when Malt or Barley of EnzTiJh Growth, IVinchcfter Meafure, r.xporKrof ihall be at four and twenty Shillings by the Quarter, or under ; Rye of Eriglifl) Growth at two and thirty '■^"f".'^^"'" Shillings by the Qiiarter, or under; and Wheat of Englijlo Growth at eight and forty Shillings by fhe J^^_^'^""jJ^,'^j_ Quarter, or under, in the Town or Port of Berwick upon Tweed; every Merchant or other Perlbn, who vanug-jdt' u>r. fliall put on Shipboard in Englijh Shipping, the Marter and two Thirds of his Mariners at leaft being Aa <>f Miiort- their Majellies Subjects, any Sorts of the Corn aforefaid, from the faid Port or Town ni' B^-rwci, with ing £*"■■). Intent to expoat the faid Corn into Parts beyond the Seas, and Iliall purfue all and every thj Methods and Things prefcribed and appointed in that Behalf, in and by an Adl made in this preient Seflion of Par- liament, intituled, y/n Aci for encouraging the Exportation of Corn, fhall have the Benefit and Advantage Supra, c. 12. of the faid A(St, and of every Thing therein contained, as fully to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the faid Corn had been put on Ship-board from any Port or Ports of this Kingdom, or Dominion of Wales. XIX. Provided always, and be it enafted. That if any Merchant, or other Perfon whatfoever, fliall Except it be put on Shipboard any Corn of the Growth of Scotland^ out of the faid Port of Berivick upon Tweed, that Scotch Com, all fuch Corn fhall be forfeited (that is to fay) one third Part to their Majefties, one other third Part to the Informer, and the other third Part to the Poor of the faid Town of Berwick. Farther Pro'v:f^- Exeife, -zlV. ^ /I/. Seff', i. c, lo. 4 W. & M.. t. 3. 5 I'K & M. c zo. 7 7^. 3. c. 50. 8 r;^. 3. c ig. 10?^ 3. c. 21. x^Tf'^. '^. c. il atid li* j y^^jj, St. 2. r. 3. ^Ann. c. 6. 8 .^'Inn. c. 7. 10 Ann. c. ig. 12 ^?;ff. 5/, 2. f. 9, 6 Geo. i. c. zi. ii Ceo. i. f.-3o, 12 Geo. i. c. 28. i Geo. z, c. 16. 27 Geo. 2. r. a '5. 32 Geo, 2. f. 17. 33 Geo. 2. c. 9. and i Geo. 3. c. 7. CAP. XXV. An A(fl to regulate the Adminiftratioii of the Oaths required to be taken by Commiffion or Warrant Officers employed in their Majefties Service by Land, by Virtue of an Aft made this prefent SefTion of Parliament, intituled, ^n A5i for the abrogating of the Oaths of Su- p-emacy and Allegiance^ and appointing other Oaths. ' TXT'HEREAS by an Aft made this prefent Seffion of Parliament, intituled, An A Si for the abro- p^^t^^ c.%. ' YV gating of the Oaths of Supremacy arul Allegiance., and appsinting other Oaths, all Perfons that fliall ' hereafter be put into any 'Military Employment, fliall be obliged to take the Oaths, and make and ' fubfcribe the Declaration therein mentioned, before fuch Perfon as fhall ifTue the Commiffion or War- ' rant for fuch Employment ; and whereas their Majefties Service does require the Regiments and Troops ' of Soldiers to march, and be at great Difirances from London, and upon any Vacancy of any fuch Mili- ' tary Employment, by Death or otherwife, it is necelTary to fill up fuch Vacancies, by granting new ' Commiffions for Perfons that may be at a great Diflance from London, fo as their Majefties Service ' will not permit them to repair to London to take the faid Oaths, and make the faid Declaration as ' aforefaid : II. Be it enabled by the King's and Qiieen's moft Excellent Majefties, by and with the Advice and Con-Commiflion fent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, ?"id the Commons, in this prefent Parliament afTembled, andofficers . by the Authority of the fame. That if any Commiffion for fuch Military Employment fhall hereafter be twenty mUrs granted to any Perfon at any Diftance from Zo»(^«n exceeding twenty Mfiles, that fuch Perfon fhall andj'™'" '-""^'^ may take the faid Oaths, and make and fubfcribe the faid Declaration, at the next Mufter after the Re- j|^*q°j(,'j_ * ceipt of the faid Commiffion, before the CommifTary of the Mufters, or his Deputy, who is hereby au- thorized to tender, admiiiifter, and take the fame, and are hereby required to fend up a Certificate thereof, under his Hand and Seal, to the Perfon who iiTued fuch Commiffion ; any Thing in the aforefaid A<3: to the contrary notwithftanding. ■" III And in cafe fuch Perfon, who fhall receive fuch Commiffion, fhall refufe to take the faid Oaths, andpen:lt7i fubfcribe the faid Declaration as aforefaid, fuch Perfon fliall not be allowed upon the Mufters, but his Commiffion fhall be void to aH Intents and Purpofes whatfoever. Vol. IIL 3 K IV-,