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A.D. 1604.
Anno secundo [vulgo primo] Jacobi I.
C. 10–––12

principal Officers abovesaid of either of the said Universities, be duly executed and done within either of the said Universities and the Liberties and Prwcincts of the same, according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act. [Made perpetual by 21. Jac. 1. c. 7. §. 1.]

An Act for the better Execution of Justice.

'Forsamuch as all Extortions, Extortions and Corruptions are odious, and prohibited in all well governed Commonwealths,'

Nothing shall be taken for the Report of a Cause referred by any Court (2) Be it enacted. That no Person to whom any Order or Cause shalll be committed or referred by any of the King's Judges, or Courts at Westminster, or any other Court, cause referred shall directly or indirectly, or by any Art, Shift, Colour or Device, have, take or receive any Money, Fee, Reward, Covenant, Obligation, Promise, Agreement or any other Thing, for his Report or Certificate by Writing or otherwise; (3) upon Pain of the Forfeiture of one hundred Pounds for every such Report or Certificate, and to be deprived of his Office and Place in the same Court; (4) the one Moiety of the said Forfeitures to be to our Sovereign Lord the King, his Heirs and Successors, the other Moiety to the Party grieved which will sue for the same, at any Time during the said Suit, or within one Year after the same Cause discontinued or decreed; and in his Default of such Suit, to him or them that will sue for the same, by Original Writ, Bill, Plaint or Information, in his Majesty's High Court of Star-Chamber, or in any his Majesty's Courts of Record at Westminster in which Suit, by Writ, Bill, Plaint or Information, no Wager of Law, Essoin, Privilege, Supersedeas, Protection, or any other Delay, shall be suffered or admitted.

The Clerk's Fees for writing a Report.II. Provided nevertheless, That it shall be lawful for the Clerk to take for his Pains for writing of every The Clerk's such Report or Certificate twelve Pence for the first Side, and two Pence for every Side after, and no Fees for writing more, upon Pain to forfeit ten Shilllings for every Peny taken over and above the said Sum, to be had and recovered as, aforesaid.

An Act to restrain all Persons from Marriage until their former Wives and former Husbands be dead.

Felony to marry a second Husband or Wife, the former being living.
1 Ed. 6. c. 12. sect 16.
3 Inst. 88
Cro. Eliz. 94.
Cro. Car. 461.
March 101.
Kelyng 79,80
1 Hale's P.C. 692
'Forasmuch as divers evil disposed Persons being married, run out of one County into another, or into Places where they are not known, and there become to be married, having another Husband or Wife living, to the great Dishonour of God, and utter Undoing of divers honest Mens Children, (2) Be it therefore enadcted by the King's Majesty, with the Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and of the Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, That if any Person or Persons within his Majesty's Dominions of England and Wales, being married, or which hereafter shall marry, do at any Time after the End of the session of this present Parliament, marry any Person or Persons, the former Husband or Wife being alive; That then every such Offence shall be Felony, and the Person and Persons so offending shall suffer Death as in Cases of felony; (3) and the Party and Parties so offending shal receive such and the like Proceeding, Trial and Execution in such County where such Person or Persons shall be apprehended, as if the Offence had been committed in such County where such Person or Persons shall be taken or apprehended.

The Husband or Wife being absent seven Years from the other.II. Provided always. That this Act, nor any Thing therein contained, shall extend to any Person or The Husband or Persons whose Husband or Wife shall be continually remaining beyond the Seas by the Space of seven Years together, or whose Husband or Wife shall absent him or herself the one from the other by the Space from the other, of seven Years together, in any Parts within his Majesty's Dominions, the one of them not knowing the other to be living within that Time.

To what Persons this Statute shall not extend III. Provided also, and be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid. That this Act, nor any Thing herein contained, shall extend to any Person or Persons that are or shall be at the Time of such Marriage divorced by any Sentence had or hereafter to be had in the Ecclessiastical Court; (2) or to any Person or Persons where the former Marriage hath been or hereafter shall be by Sentence in the Ecclessiastical Court declared to be void and of no Effect; nor to any Person or Persons for or by Reason of any former Marriage had or made, or hereafter to be had or made, within Age of Consent.

No corruption of Blood, Loss of Dower or Inheritance IV. Provided also, That no Attainder for this Offence made Felony by this Act, shall make or work any Corruption of Blood, Loss of Dower, or Disinherison of Heir or Heirs. inheritance.

REP 9 Geo. 2. c.5. [1][2][3][4][5][6]

An Act against Conjuration, Witchcraft, and dealing with evil and wicked Spirits.

The Peanalty for practsing of Invocation or Conjuration, &c. Conjuration or Invocation, whereby any Person is killed or lamed. Declaring by Witchcraft, where any Thing is hidden, Procuring unlawful Love, &c. Second Offence Felony. No Forfeiture of Dower or Inheritance. Trial of a Peer of the Realm.


  1. 5. Eliz. c. 16.
  2. Corpus Juris Civillis, Vol 2.
  3. Cod 9. Titl 18.
  4. 3 Inst. 45, 128
  5. Cro. Car. 141, 282
  6. 2 Rolll 343.