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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/58

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^o C 13— 15. AnHofecundo[vu^go grii3^o]jAeoBiI. A. D. 1604, € Ai>i xm. ^ An Aft for new Executions to be fued againft any which ihall hereafter be delivered out Oif Execution by Privilege of Parliament, and £6r Difcharge of them out of whofe Cuftody fuch l*erfons ftiall be delivered. ,- ,, , •Af '^""f'°" * T^Orafmuch as heretofpre Doubt hath been made, if any Perfon being arrefted in Execution, and by fs^difcl^^dby' X Frivjlege of either of the Houfes of Parliament fet at Liberty, whether the Party at whofe Suit Privilege of ' fxich Execution was purfued, be for ever, after barre.d and difablpd, to fue forth a new Writ of Execu- Pariiamcnt. ' tion in that Cafe' : ' ■- " • •; " 3* . . c.i- jj_ Pqj. the Avoiding of all further Doubt and Trouble which in like Cafes may hereafter enfue,.Be jt ena(5ted by the King's moft excellent Majefty, by the Lords Sjpiritual and Temporal, and by the Com- mons, in this prefent Pariiarnent aiTembled, That from henceforth the Party at or by whole Suit fuch Writ of Execution was purfued, his Executors or Adminiilrators, after fuch Time as the Privilege of that Sieffion of Prflianient in which fuch Privilege fliall be fo granted (hall ceafe, may fue forth and execute anew Writ or Writs of Execution, in fuch Manner and Forrn as by the Law of this Realm he or they He (hall never might have done, if no fuch former Execution had been tak;en forth or ferved: (2) And that from Gf whoPc °"' henceforth no Sheriff,'Bailiff, or^other Officer, from, whofe Arreft or Cuftody any fuch Perfon fo arrefted ftody'fuch Pri- i'^ Execution ftiall be delivered by any fuch Privilege, lliall be charged or chargeable with or by any, fonerihalibe Adtion whatfoever, for delivering out of Execution any fuch privileged Perfon, fo as is aforefaid by fuch delivered. Privilege of Parliament fet at Liberty; a^y Law, Cuftom.or Privilege heretofore to the contrary not- ■ withftanding. Cenfure inflified lIL Provided always. That this Aft, or any Thing therein contained, lliall not extend to the Di-,' fliaT ^"^i^' minillting of any Punifhment to be hereafter by Cenfure in Parliament inflidted upon any Perfon which; p"riia^rnent-^ hereafter fliall make or procure to be made any fuch Arreft as is aforefaid. man. Fanhir Provijlom rtlatitig to ExecuMm J Jac, I. e, 8. II Jac, i. c. 14. 76 £f 17 Car, %t c, 5. lub'tch is madt perpetual by iz & 23 Car. z, c. 2r and Sj Car, z, c, ^.Jcii.id. CAP. XIV. A Remedy for a Freeman o£ London to recover a Debt not exceeding forty Shillings owing to him by another inhabiting' within the faid City or the Liberties : A Penalty if the Debtor do not appear before? the Cornmiffioners upon Warning; or if the Creditor or Debtor do not perform their Order; or if the Creditor, being a Freeman ot London, do fue aqy other Ereemen out or the fame. City, for a Debt ui>der forty Shillings. Repealed by 3 Jac. i. c, 15. CAP. XV. An Aft for the better Relief of the Creditors againft fuch as fhall become Bankrupts. An ^tpofition ' T7OR that Frauds and Deceits, as new Difeafes, daily increafe amongft fuch as live by buying- to the Statute ' -T and felling, to the Hindrance of TrafRck and mutual Commerce, and to the general Hurt of of Bankrupts, ' the Reahn, by fuch as wickedly and wilfully become Bankrupts : (z) And for that the Defcription of made 34 & 35 'a Bankrupt in former Statutes is not fo fully exprefled, nor the Power given thereby to the Commiffi- ijEliz^c".'/. ' oners for Bankrupts fo large, as is meet in fuch Cafes of Deceit, to prevent the deceitful Acftions of ' Bankrupts' : Who fhaii be IL For Remedy whereof, Be it therefore enadled by our Sovereign Lord the King, and by the Lords It'nk?'^ * Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, at this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of ilBulft.'"t34. '^he fame, That all and every fuch Perfon and'Perfons ufing or that Ihall ufe the Trade of Merchandize, in Part repealed by Way of Bargaining, Exchange, Bartry, Chevifance, or otherwife in Grofs^ or by Retail, or feeking his, by 10 Annse, j^gr, or their Trade of Irving by buying and felling, and being a fubjeft-bbrn of this Realm or any the 'jsJc^'^jir. v'. I. King's Dominions, or Denizen, who at any Time lithence the firft Day of this prefent Parliament, or at S47. " ' ' any Time hereafter, ftiall depart the Realm, (2) or begin to keep his or her houfe or houfes or otherwife tysodPi. 1,96. to abfent him or herfelf, or take Sanftuary, (3) or fuffer him or herfelf willingly to be an'efted for any Debt) or other Thing not grown or due for Money delivered. Wares fold, or any other juft or lawM .Caufe, or good Conlideration or Purpofes, (4) or hath or will ftifier him or herfelf to be outlawed, or yield him or herfelf to Prifon, (5) or willingly or fraudulently hath or ftiall procure him or herfelf to be arrefted, or his or her Goods, Money or Chattles_to,b.e attached or fequeftred, (6) or depart from his or her Dwelling-houfe, (7) or make or,caufe to be made any fraudulent Grant or Conveyance of his, her or their Lands, Tenements, Goods or Chatties, (8) to the Intent, or whereby his, her or their Creditors,' being Subjects born as aforefaid, ftiall or may be defeated or delayed for the Recovery of their juft and true Debts, {9) or being arrefted for Debt, ftiall after his or hei- Arreft lie in Prifon fix Months or more upon that Arreft, or upon any other Arreft or Detention in Prifon for Debt, and lie in Prifon fix Months upon fuch Arreft or- Detention, (lo) ftiall be accounted and adjudged a Bankrupt to all Intents and Purpofes. The like Com- III. And be it further enatfted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, "Fhat the like Commif- miffionf, Orders, {^ons. Orders, Benefits and Remedies which are and be provided and limited by the faid former Aift of me'iis^aste Parliament (made in 13 nuper Eliz. Reghics) againft any Bankrupt therein defcribed, or for or concerning provided tor 8 his,