560 c. 20. How to be levied. 12 Car. 2. c. 24, 12 Car. I, c. 23 Jj Car. 2. c. II. Commiflioners of Excife and Cuftoms to k^ep thel'e Du- ties apart. and pay the Money weekly into the Ex- sheijuer. where it is to fce regiftred. Penalty upon Commiflioners effending. The King may order CMficers Salaries, &c. rut of the Du- ties. EKcife 0<^ce to be continued in London. 140,000!. to l>e a yearly i'vni. Anno quinto Gulielmi & Mari^. .A. D. 1694, XI. And be it enafted by the Authoriiy afo.cfaid, That the faid feveral Rates, Duties, and Impoft- tions, upon Beer, Ale,, Cyder, and odie;- Liquors aforefaii), be levied, collciSted, and paid unto their Ma- jeRics, their Heirs and Succeflbrs, in ihe fame Manner and Form, and by fuch Rules, Ways, and Means and under fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, as are mcntioiiea in the i.Q miide in the twelfth Year of the ' ' Reign of King Charles the Second, intituled, An Ai^ for tTking away the Court of JVardi and Liveries, and i Tenures in Capite, ayid by Knights Srvice, and Purveyance^ and for fettling a Revenue upon his A'lajefty in lieu ' thereof: And alfo in and by ano:her Adtmade in the tw^-lfth Year of the Reign of the faid late YixnvCharki ' the Second, intituled, A Grant of certain Impofttions upon Beer, Ale, and other Liquors for ihe Inceafe of', his Majefy's Revenue during his Life : And alfo in and by another AcSt made in the lifteenth Year of the ' I Reign of the faid late King Charles the Second, intituled, An additional ASl for the better ordering and col- ij letting the Duty of Excife, and preventing the Abufes therein, or by any other Law in Force relating to tha' '■ faid Revenue of Excife ; and tiiat the aforefaid Afts, and every Article, Rule, and Claufe therein men- ' tioned, as for and concerning only the Rates, Duties, and Impofitions upon Beer, Ale, and other Liquors > ■ by this Aft granted, fliall be of full Force and Eftedt to all Intents and Purpofcs, in like Manner as if the fame were at large and particularly recited and fet down in the Body of this Aft. XIL And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Commiflioners and Governors for Management and Receipt of the Excife, and Commiflioners and other Officers of the Cufloms refpec- tively, at the Head-ohice in London, for the Time being, fhall feparate and keep apart all and every the Monies arifing by the feveral Rates and Duties by this Aft granted, as the fame fhall from Time to Time: ariie, or be paid into the faid OiSce of Excife, or unto the Receiver General of the Cufloms for the i Time being refpeftively, by the Receivers or Colleftors of the fame, or by any other Perfon whatfoever • and the Compu-oiler of the Excife, and the Comptroller of the Cuftoms for the Time being, or their refpeftive Deputies, fhall keep a perfeft and diftinft Account, in Books fairly written, of all the Rates and Duties arifing by this Aft, to which all Perfons fhall have free Accefs, at all feafonable Times, ■with- out Fee or Charge : And the faid Commiflioners and Governors of Excife, and the faid Commiffioners o( the Cuftoms for the Time being, are hereby required and flriftly enjoined from Time to Time to pay weekly, videlicet, on Wednefday in every Week, if it be not a Holiday, and if it be, then the next Day after that is not a Holiday, all and every the Monies arifing by the Rates and Duties hereby granted into the Receipt of their Majeflies Exchequer, diflinft and apart from the other Monies, which the faid Commiflioners and Governors refpeftively fliali receive for the Ufe of their Majeflies, their Heirs and Suc- eefTors. XIII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That there fhall be provided and kept in their Majeflies Exchequer, that is to fay, in the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt, one Book, in which all the faid weekly Monies, which fhall be paid into the Exchequer as aforefaid, fhall be entred apart and diflinft from all other Monies paid and payable to their Majeflies, their Heirs and Succeifors, upon any Account whatfoever. XIV. And be it further enafted, That if the faid Commiflioners and Governors refpeftively for the Time being, fliall refufe or negleft to pay into the Exchequer all or any the faid weekly Sums appointed to be paid as aforefaid, in fuch Manner as they are before by this Aft required to do, or fhall divert or mif- apply any Part of the fame, or if fuch Comptroller fhall negleft his Duty in keeping fuch Accounts as aforefaid, then he or they for any fuch Offence fliall forfeit their refpeftive Offices or Places, and be in- capable of any Office or Place of Truft whatfoever ; and fuch Commiflloner or Commiffioners in fuch Cafe offending fliall be liable to pay the full Value of any Sum or Sums fo diverted, or mifapplied, to any Per- fon or Perfons who will fue for the fame by any Aftion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of their Majeffies Courts of Record at IVefuninfler, wherein no EfToin, Proteftion, Wager of Law, Privi- lege of Parliament, or other Privilege, or more than one Imparlance, fhall be granted or allowed. XV. Provided always, and be it enafted. That it fhall and may be lawful to and for their Majeflies, their Heirs, and Succcffors, out of the faid Duties arifing by the Tunnage of Ships and VefTels, to caufe fuch Sum and Sums of Money to be expended and paid from Time to Time for Salaries, or other incident Charges, as fhall be neceffary in and for the receiving, collefting, levying, or managing of the fame Du- ties upon the Tunnage of Ships and VefTels, during the faid Term herein by this Aft granted ; any Thino- in this Aft contained to the contrary notwithflanding. EXP. XVI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Head-office of Excife, which is now eflabliflied within the City of London, fhall be continued and be within the faid C;ty, or ten Miles thereof, for ever, and a fufficient Number of Commiffioners therein, from Time to Time, fliall be conti- nued or appointed by their Majeflies, their Heirs and SuccefTors, to govern and manage the Receipt of Ex- cife, and to perform and execute the feveral Matters and Things hereby enjoined to be done and executed by fuch Commiffioners ; and that in like Manner there fhall be continued and be within the faid City, or ten Miles thereof, for ever, by the Appointment of their Majeflies, their Heirs and SuccefTors, a Comptrol-I-, ler of Excife to keep the Accounts before mentioned. XVII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That yearly and every Year, reckoning the firfl Year to begin from the firfl Day of fune which fliall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred ninety and four, the full Sum of one hundred and forty thouland Pound?, by or out of the Mo- nies to arife by the faid feveral Duties upon the Tunnage of Ships and VefTels, and by the faid Rates and Duties of Excife hereby granted,, or any of them, and to be brought into the Receipt of the Exchequer I by