A. D. i594' Anno quIntoGuLiELMi 5c Mari^. C. 20. 561 by weekly Payments as aforefaid (in cafe the faid weekly Payments fhall extend llicreunto) (hall be ths whole and entire yearly Fund; and in cafe the faid weekly Payment;, fluill not amount to one hundred and forty thoufand Pounds per ylnnu?n, then the faid weekly Monies or Payments, fo fnr as the fame will ex- tend, fhall be Part of the yearly Pund for and towards the anfwering and paying oi^" the fcveral and refpcc- tive Annuities herein after mentioned, and for other the Purpofes hereafter in this Adt cxpiefiv..;; and in The r-ft of the cafe the faid Duties upon the Tannage of Ships and Veflels, and the faid Rates and Duties of iixcife by Revenue cl.ir- this kSt granted, or any of them, fhall at any i ime or Times appear to be fo deficient or low in th;; Pro-*', i'"" duce of the fame, as that within any one Year, to be reckoned as aforefaid, the weikly Payments upon the"?"" ^■'" fame Rates or Duties, or any of them, fhall not amount to ib much as one hanurtd and forty thiiifand """'" Pounds, or to fo much as fhall be fuflicjent to difcha'ge and fatisfy the f.id ievcral and r.:fjic£rive Aniniitics, and other Benefits or Advantages by this Ad appointed or intended to be paid, within or for the fame Year rcfpcdively, that then and fo often, and in every fuch Cafe, the Commiiiioners of their Majcilies Treafu- ry, and the Under- treafurer of the Exchequer novf heing, and the Treafurer and Under-treafurcr of the ilW;ffaer, or CommiiTioners of the Treafury for the Time being, are hereby flraitly crjoined and required by virtue of this A(ft, and without any further or other Warrant to be fued for, had or obtained from their Majefiies, their Heirs or Succellors in this Behalf, to caufe every fuch Deficiency to be made good, by ao- plyingj ilTuing, or paying, fo much of any Treafure or Revenue, belonging or to belong to their Maj'c-
- ities, their Heirs or Succellors (not being;;ppropriated to any particular IJie or Uies by any Act or Afts of
( Parliament) towards the difcharging or paying oft' the faid Annuities or other Benefits or Advantages ap-
- pointed to be paid by this AiSt, as together wiih the Monies which Ihall have been brought into the faid Re-
ceipt, of or for the faid feveral Rates or Duties hereby granted, ihall be fufHci^nt to pay off and difch:rge, , and fhall compleatly pay off and difcharge, all the Monies which wiann the fame Year rcfpedively fhairbe grown due, or ought to be paid upon the faid Annuities, or other Benefits or Advantages, according to , the true Intent and Meaning of this prefent ASt. XVIII. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That for the better raifing and paying intoT'.ie ii;o,ccoi. the Receipt of the Exchequer the Siim of twelve hundred thoufand Pounds, part of the hum of fifteen hun- f'^ ^'^ ^^ r' ^-P*'* dred thoufand Pounds, the yearly Sum of- one hundred and- forty thoufand Pounds, arifing by and out of '" ^^ ^^'^" the Duties and Impofitions granted by this Adt, fhall be kept feparate and apart in the faid Receipt of Ex- '^"^'* chequer, to be paid over from Time to Time unto fuch Perlbn and Perfons, and in fuch Manner, Propor- ', tion, and Form, as is herein after diredted. XIX. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and forThtirM jeWes their Majefties, by Commiffion under the Great Seal of England, to authorize and appoint any Number "'^. '"='"= '^°'" of Perfons to take and receive all fuch voluntary Subfcriptions as fhall be made on or before the firft Day ^j^'|."|r^|!]^,"^° oi Jugujl which fliall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred ninety-four, by any Perf n ortLnsfo" '^" Perfons, Natives or Foreigners, Bodies Politick or Corporate, for and towards the raifing and paying into i,2oo,ocol. the Receipt of Exchequer the faid Sum of twelve hundred thoufand Pounds, Part of the Sum of fifteen hun- dred thoufand Pounds, and that the yearly Sum of one hundred thoufand Pounds, Part ';f the faid yearly loo.oool. , Sum of one hundred and forty thoufand Pounds, arifing by and o.ut of the faid Duties and Impofitions be- annually apiirft^ fore mentioned, fhall be applied, iffued, and diredted, and is hereby appropriated, to the Ufe and Advan- subfctiberl'* tage of fuch Perfon and Perfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, es Ihall matce fa^h voluntary Subfcriptions and Payments,- their Heirs, Succellors, or Alfigns, in the Proportion hereafter mentioned (that is to fay) that each weekly or other Payment arifing by and out of the Duties and Impofitions granted by this Aft flia!], by the Auditor of the Receipt of £^i:A^jr^cr, from Time to Time, as the fame fhall be paid in, be Auditnrof the feparated and divided into five feventh Parts and two feventh Parts, which is according to the Proportion ^'"-"T-'- '° '^' of the faid yearly Sum of one hundred thoufand Pounds, to the faid yearly Sum of one hundred and hny'f"^^'l'"t'"^^ thoufand Pounds, which five feventh Parts of the faid feveral Payments arifing by and out of the Duties „eciciy p.,y. and Impofitions granted by this Adf , and fo fet apart, is and are hereby intended and appropriated for and ments for ihe towards the Payment and Satisfaction of the faid yearly Sum of one hundred thoufand Pounds, and fhall S";f^<:'s- from Time to Time be iffued and paid, as the fame fhall come into the faid Receipt of Exchequer, to the^"'"^^ apiilirf Ufes and Advantages of fuch Subfcribersand Contributors, their Heirs, Succeffors or Afligns, as fliall fub- p^^'^*^ ^ q'^^^^J^ fcribe and contribute for and towards the raifing and paying into the Receipt of Exchequer the faid Sum ofiUt.i. c. 12. twelve hundred thoufand Pounds, part of the laid Sum of fifteen hundred thoufand Pounds. §. 12. XX. And be it further enadted. That it fhall and may be lawful to and for their Majefties, by Letters King may ap- ■ Patents under the Great Seal of England, to limit, diredt, and appoint, how and in what Manner and P°'"tR"'<:s-fdr Proportion?, and under what Rules and Diredtions, the faid Sum of twelve hundred thoufand Pounds, '""^'"""Sj Part of the faid Sum of fifteen hundred thoufand Pounds, and the faid yearly Sum of one hundred thoufand Pounds, Part of the faid yearly Sum of one hundred and forty thoufand Pounds, and every or any Part or Proportion thereof, may be alTignable or transferrable, affigned or transferred, to fuch Perfon or Perfons only, as fhall freely and voluntarily accept of the fame, and not otherwife j and to incorporate all and eve- ""d make iha ry fuch Subfcribers and Contributors, their Heirs, Succeffors, or Afligns, to be one Body Corporate andi^"'^'^"'"!" * Politick, by theName of ' The Governor and Company of the Bank oi England,' and by the fameName of i^°'j5°J^',J° '} ^1^^ ' The Governor and Company of the Bank oi England,' to have perpetual SucceiTion, and a Common Seal, Bank:,&c. and that they and their Succeftbrs, by the Name aforefaid, fhall be able and capable in Law to have, pur- chafe, receive, poffefs, enjoy, and retain to them and their Succeffors, Lands, Rents, Tenements, and Hereditaments, of what Kind, Nature,' or Quality foever; and alfg to fell, grant, dsmifq '^liene, or -Vol. in. - 4C - '■' • ■ ■ difpofe