Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/720

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664 C. 20. Anno o6lavo & nono GuLiELMi III. A. D, 1697. cicnt toanfwcr or Capital undivided, fhall not bs fufficicnt to anfwer their juft Debts then remaining unpaid ; in every fuch il.cii- Debts, (j^fg ji^g particular Members, nnd every of them refpecSively, who in their private or peribnal Capacities '^i'"r^liie"° fliall receive any Share of fuch Dividend, (hall be feverally liable, and they are hereby made liable, fo far r)<:btsu;nVid. ^3 the rcfpeciive Shares (o by them refpeftively received upon fuch Dividend will extend, to pay and fatisfy ' the Debts, which fhal! remain due and unpaid by the faid Governor and Company, to any other Perfons, or Bodies Politick or Corporate, as aforefaid, who by virtue of this AiSt fhall and may fue for and recover the fame (befides Treble Colls of Suit) by A6tion of Debt, or of the Cafe, as is befoie mentioned; any thing in this Adl, or in any former AiSt, Charter, or otherwife howfoever, to the contrary notvvith- Itanding. If at the EnJ of I.'. And to obviate all Doubts for the future concerning the Securities by this Act intended for the Pay- oiie Year the nient of the Principal and Intereft Monies to be paid as aforefaid ; Be it further enaiSled by the Authoj ity P.iucs ncreb)' aforefaid, That in cafe at the End of one Year, to be reckoned from the utmoft Day or Time by this Ati 'fP"!-'^"!"' ""^ limited for taking of the faid Subfcriptions for augmenting the faid Capital Stock of the Bank of England, it pav off theln- ^^^11 appear that the Funds or Duties by this Aiii: appropriated to and for the Payment of Interelt Monies tei'eR due lor that (as v/cU to the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, as to any other Perfons or Corpora- Year, tions) fhall not be fufficient to fatisfy and difcharge all the Intereft Monies, which before the End of the faid one Year Ihall be incurred, grown due, or ought to be paid, of, for, or upon the refpeftive Tallies and theDeficiency to Orders before mentioned, and every of them, that then the Deficiency thereof (to wit) fo much as will be I'upplied out fuffice to make up and compleat the Intereft: Monies which fliall be grown due before the End of the faid of the next Aids. ^^^^ Year, as aforefaid, fliall be fupplied and paid out of fuch Aids or Revenues as fliall be granted to His Majefty, His Heirs or Succeflbrs, in the Seflion of Parliament then next enfuing, and fo in like Manner in Jn cafe upon cafe of Deficiency of Intereft in any fucceeding Year ; and in cafe upon the firft Day oi Augtift, v/hich I Auf. 1706. the fliall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand (even hundred and fix, or within three Months then next Funds hereby enluing, it fliall appear, that the whole Produce of the feveral Aids, Revenues, and Funds, by this Aft granted be not grafted or appropriated, together with the Monies which fliall have arifen by the Grants now in being, off t'he Princi-^ and before this Time made, for the Payment of the Principal Monies of the faid Tallies and Orders, pal and Intereft and the Intereft thereof, fliall not be fufficient to difcharge and pay off, as well all the Principal Mo- due on the fore- jijes upon all the faid Tallies and Orders, for the Payment whereof Provifion is intended to be made faid Tallies and j^y jj^jg ^Q^^ ^^^^ ^ (-jjg Intereft Monies that are or fliall be due or payable for the fame, that then the De- the Dtficiencv ficiency thereof, to v/it, fo much as will be needful compleatly to make up, fatisfy and difcharge all the to be fupplied faid Principal and Intereft Monies which fliall appear, on the faid firft Day of ^k^?</? one thouiand feven outof fuch Aids, hundred and fix, or within three Months then next enfuing, to remain due and unpaid, fliall be fupplied to be granted af- j^nd paid Out of fuch Aids or Revenue as fhall be granted to His Majefty, His Heirs and SucceiTors, in the ter the faid Seflion of Parliament which fliall be next after the faid firft Day of Auguft one thoufand feven hundred I Aug. 17C6. 1 r 1 a J ^ ' and fix. Prefent Cover- LI. Provided alfo, and be it enaiEled by the Authority aforefaid, That the Perfons who are at prefent ncrandDirec- Governor, Deputy Governor, and Direftors, of the Bank oi England, fliall continue in their refpedive iroffice°tiil"z4 Offices until the faid four and twentieth Day of June one thoufand fix hundred ninety-feven, and until June, 1697. others fl:ial! be duly chofen and fworn in their Places; and that between the faid four and twentieth Day of Aficrw.irdsaGe- Jiou and the four and twentieth Day of July next enfuing, a General Court of the Perfons then interefted ncval Court to in the faid Corporation fliall be fummoned and held, and then and there, by the Majority of the faid beheidforelea- j^^jgjj^j-igj-g pj.(^|-gj^{.^ a new Governor, Deputy Governor, and four and twenty DireiStors (of which Num- vefn^or'Tnd'24. ^°^ there fliall not be above the two Thirds of fuch Perfons who were Directors the Preceding Year) flwll DiKftors. be chofen, who fliall continue in their refpeftive Offices until the five and twentieth Day of March one thoufand fix hundred ninety-eight, and until others fliall be duly chofen and fworn in their Places, ac- cording to the Times prefcribed by their prefent Charter, and under fuch Regulations as are direifted by this Ad. In -Eleaicns of L^. And be it further ena£Ied, That in all future Eleftions of Diredtors there fliall not be chofen above Direftois not ^ Thirds of thofe who were Diredfors the p receding Year ; any thing in the faid Charter, or any Law. above two Thirds „ r^i- 1 -ini- '/& ' J"'» of the old to be Statute, or Ordinance, to the contrary notwithltanding. choieii. LIII. And to the end there may be no Defe£l in the Payment of the Intereft by this Aft intended and direfted to be paid out of the Monies hereby granted or appropriated, and that the general Fund by this Aft provided, for the Purpofes in this Aft mentioned, may be enlarged for the full Satisfaftion of all Per- fons that are or may be concerned therein, we Your Majefty's faid dutifid and loyal Subjefts, the Com- mons in Parliament aflembled, do further give and grant unto Your Majefty, the feveral additional Rates or Duties upon Salt, herein after mentioned, for and during the Term herein after exprefled ; and do be- feech Your Majeftv that it may be enafted, and be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That Additional Du- from and after the five and twentieth Day of March one thoufand fix hundred ninety-feven, there fliall be ties on Salt for throughout the Kingdom of England, Dominion of JVales, and Town of Berwick upon Txvied, raifed, le- enc Year. vied, collcfted, and paid unto His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeflbrs, until the five and twentieth Day of December, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred ninety-nine, and no longer, for Salt, the Rates and Duties following, over and above all other Duties already payable for the fame; that For Salt import- is to fay, for every Gallon of Salt that fliall be imported into the Kingdom oi England, Dominion of cd id, per Gal- jyglgs, or Town oi Benulck upon Tweed, within the Time aforefaid, the Sum of two Pence, of lawful '""' Money of England, to be paid by the Importer thereof, and after that P-ate for a greater or lefler Qtinn- Saltand Rock (-j.y . and for every Gallon of Salt and Rock Salt made at the Salt Works, or taken out of any Salt Pits Salt ma the ^^,i;|,j,^ tV,g Kingdom of England, Dominion of TFaks, and Town of Berwick upon T-wced, within the Days per Gallon. " °' Times aforefaid, the Sum of one Peny, and after that Rate for a greater or lefler Quantity. EXP. LIV. And for the better afcertaining, charging, levying, collefting, and anfvvering all and every the Duties hereby fet or impofed, as well upon foreign and imported Salt, as upon Salt and Rock Salt made at