'694 C' ^' Anno nono & declmo Gul-ielmi III. A.D. 1697, Arra5, &c. «s before the ma- king this Aft. Perfons Tued may plead the General Ilfue, 8 & 9 W. 3. c. iz. EXP. EXP. c. 30. Manner as they are or any of them might lawfully have done before the making of this Aft ; any thing herein contafned to the contrary thereor in any wile notwithftanding. VI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That ifanyPerfon beatanyTime fued for put- ting in Execution this A61, or any the Powers therein contained, that then fuch Perfon fo fued {hall and may plead the General lilue of Not guilty, and give the Special Matfer in Evidence ; and if the PlaintifF in fuch Suit or Adion be nonfuit, or a Verdict pals for the Defendant, or if fuch Plaintiff difcontinue his Aftion, or if upon a Demurrer Judgment be given for the Defendant, every fuch Defendant fhall have his full Treble Colls, to be paid by fuch Plaintiff, and the like Execution for the fame, as in any Cafe where Cofts are given at Law for the Defendant. CAP. VIII. An Aft for explaining an Aft made the laft Seffion of Parliament, for granting to His Majefty certain Du- ties upon Malt, Mum, Sweets, Cyder, and Perry. Duties arifing by the faid Aft fliall be appropriated to the Ufes mentioned therein, &€. until the faid Loans and Bills, &€. be paid. Rules in the Aft i W, &M, ff. z. c. I. revived. EXP. C A P. IX. An Aft for rendring the Lav/s more effeftual for preventing the Importation of Foreign Bone Lace, Loom Lace, Needle Work, Point and Cut Work, [Repealed by 1 1 & iz W. 3. Cap. i i.J C A P. X. An Aft for granting to His Majefty the Sum of one million four hundred eighty four thoufand and fifteen Pounds one Shilling eleven Pence three Farthings, for difbanding Forces, paying Seamen, and other Ufes therein mentioned. C A P. XI. An A61 for explaining an Aft made the laft Seffion of Parliament, intituled, yf« J£i for /uji- plyingfome Defe5is in the Laws for the Relief of the Poor of this Kingdom. H E R E A S in and by a certain Aft made in the lafl Seffion of this prefent Parliament, intituled. An ASi for fupplying fome DefeSls in the Laws for the Relief of the Poor of this Kingdom, it was, amongfi: other Things therein contained, enafted, That if any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, that from and after the firft Day of May in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred nin^y-feven, fhall come into any Parifh or Place, there to inhabit and refide, fhould at the fame Time procure, bring;, and deliver to the Churchwardens, or Overleers of the Poor of the Parifli or Place where any fuch Perlbn fhould come to inhabit, or to any or either of them, a Certificate under the Hands and Seals of the Churchwardens and Overfeers of the Poor of any other Parifh, Townfliip, or Place, or the major Part of them, or under the Hands and Seals of the Overfeers of the Poor of any other Place where there are no Churchwardens, to be attefled refpeftively by two or more credible Witneffes, thereby owning and acknowledging the Perfon or Perfons, mentioned in the faid Certificate, to be an Inhabitant or Inhabitants legally fettled in that Parifh, Townfhip, or Place; every fuch Certificate, having been allowed of and fubfcribed by two or more of the Juftices of the Peace of the County, City, Liberty, Borough or Town Corporate, wherein the Parifli or Place from whence any fuch Certificate fhall come doth lie, fhall oblige the faid Parifh or Place to receive and provide for the Perfon mentioned in the Certificate, with his or her Family, as Inhabitants of that Parifh, whenever he, fhe or they fliall happen to become chargeable to, or be forced to afk Relief of the Parifli, Townfliip or Place, to which fuch Certificate was given ; and that then and not before, it fhould and might be lawful for any fuch Perfon, and his or her Children, though born in that Parifli, not having otherwife acquired a legal Settlement there, to be removed, con- veyed, and fettled in the Parifli or Place from whence fuch Certificate was brought: And whereas fome Doubts have arifen upon Conftruftlon of the faid Aft, by what Afts any Perfon coining to inhabit or re- fide within any Parifli, by virtue of any fuch Certificate as aforefaid, may procure a legal Settlement in fuch Parifh, and whether fuch Certificate did not amount to a Notice in Writing, in order to gain a Set- tlement :' For explaining thereof and of the faid Aft, be it therefore enafted and declared by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That no Perfon or Per- fons whatfoever, who fhall come into any Parifh, by any fuch Certificate as aforefaid, fliall be adjudged by ipent of lol. per any Aft whatfoever to have procured a legal Settlement in fuch Parifli, unlefa he or they fhall reallyand Ann. or <^^"^^^ bona fide take a Leafe of a Tenement of the Value * of ten Pounds, or fhall execute fome annual Office in /ce. " ' ^^'^^ Parifh, being legally placed in fuch Office, ' • Examined with tiic Record.' Fartbtr Provijiotis cetiiirmng Poor, iz ^nn.Jlat.j, c, iZ. 5 Ceo. I. f. 8. 9 Geo, I. c 7. zGee.2,c,zS. 3 Gf5. 2, f, 29. J7 Ces. a, c. 3, 37 & 38. and 31 Gee. z. c. ij. CAP. XII. p R. An Aft for the enlarging, repairing and preferving the Bridge and Key of the Borough oi Bridgtuater in the E' X P. County of Somcrfet. 43 £/. c. ». No Perfon ad- judged to have a legal Settle- ■' inent in any Parifli, unlefs he rent a Tene- CAP.