3» ^.0.1698, Anno nono & decimo GuLiELMi III, C. 13. 695 CAP. XIII. ; An Aft for granting to His Majefty feveral Duties upon Coals and Culm.' Moji Gracious Sovereign, WE YourMajefty's mofl dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Commons afiembled in Parliament, for a fur- 9 //. t,.j>ai.ii. ther Supply of Your Adajefty's extraordinary Occafions, do mod humbly prcfent to Your Majefty "■• 'o- jftS'i^ the Gift of the Impofitions, Rates, and Duties herein after mentioned ; and do befeech your Majefty that ^/'r^', ^' ^' ~ it may be enaiSted ; and be it enafted by the King's rnoft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and ^^(^"I'lV. Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembLd, c. 18. and by the Authority of the fame. That for and during the Term of five Years, commencing from the fifteenth Day of Alay in the Year of our Lord one thoafand fix hundred ninety-eight, there fhall be raifed, levied, collefted, and paid, unto and for the Ufe of His Majefty, His Heirs, and SuccefTors, for and upon all Coals and Culm, herein after exprefled (except Charcoals made of Wood, and Cinders made of Pit Coal) the feveral and refpeflive Lnpofitions, Rates, Duties, and Sums of Money, herein after mentioned Additional Duty (over and above all fuch Duties as are already payable for or in refpefl of the fame, or any of them ) that ° *": p^"* '° IS ^O lay, _ ..... . for 5 Years. IL For all Coals which at any Time or Times within or during the faid Term fhall be imported 01 ^^^^^^^^Z ^ brought into the Kingdom of England, Dominion of JFales, or Town oi Benvick upon Tvjeed, from Scot- ported from ' land, or from any Part beyond Sea (in cafe they are fuch Coals as are moft ufually fold by Weight) the Scotland, fold by Sum of five Shillings of lawful ii«^///ft Money for every Tun, reckoning the Tun to confift of twenty Weight, &c. 5s, hundred Weight, and every Hundred to confift of one hundred and twelve Pounds Weight of Averdupois, P^ '^""• and after that Rate for any greater or leffer Quantity. in. And for all Coals fo imported from Scotland, or any Part beyond Sea, being moft ufually fold by the For Scotch Coal Chalder., or by any other Meafure whatfoever reduceable to the Chalder, the Sum of feven Shillings fix &c. fold by ' Pence of like Money for every Chalder, reckoning the Chalder to coni^ift of fix and thirty Bufhels JVin- Chalder, 7 s. i:/:ig/?^r Meafure, and after that Rate for a greater or lefler Quantity of fuch Coals fo imported or brought in ^^- pefChal- from any foreign Parts : the faid Duties for foreis-n Coals imported or brought in as aforefaid, to be paid by , • ^ ^ ..Lrn-i^Ti^i-r ■'■ Importer to pay the refpective Importer or importers thereof. ■ the Duties for IV. For all Sorts of Coals from time to time fhipped or waterborn in order to be {hipped or laid on board foreign Goals. any Ship or VefiTel, to be carried by Sea, and which fliall be carried by Sea in any Ship or Vefiel, from any For Coals ihip. Port or Place within the faid Kingdom oi England, Dominion of Wales, or Town oi Berwick upon Tiveed, pedor waterborn and which at any Time or Times within or during the faid Term fhall be imported, brought or landed in '" "^"l!"'^' S'* any other Port or Place, within the Kingdom, Dominion or Town aforefaid, being moft ufually fold by ^" "' the Chalder, or by any other Meafure whatfoever reduceable to the Chalder, the Sum of five Shillings of lawful Englijh Money for every Chalder, to be reckoned as aforefaid, and after that Rate for a greater or lefler Quantity. V. And for all Sorts of Coals from time to time fo fhipped, or waterborn in order to be fhipped and car- For Coals ufu- ried by Sea from any Port or Place of the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick ally fold by Vi^on.'T'weed, and which at any Time or Times during the faid Term Ihall be imported, brought or landed We'ght, 3 s. in any other Port or Place of the fame (in cafe they are fuch as are moft ufually fold by Weight) the Sum '^^^ ""' of three Shillings four Pence for every Tun, and according to that Proportion for more or lefs ; the faid feveral Duties for Coals fo fhipped, or waterborn to be fhipped, and carried by Sea as aforefaid, from time to time to be paid at the refpeftive Ports and Places of Importation or Landing of fuch Coals, and to be Duties to be charged upon the refpeftive Owner and Owners, Mafter or other Perfon having the Charge of every fuch paid at the Port Ship or Vefiel, or of the Coals fo carried, imported or brought in the fame. wipere landed. VI. And for all Culm whatfoever, which at any Time, during the faid Term of five Years, fhall be wa- For all Culm terborn in order to be fhipped within the Kingdom, Dominion, or Town aforefaid, or brought into the waterborne i^d. fame, the Sum of one Shilling -per Chalder, and after that Rate, to be paid at the refpeftive Ports and Places pi^ Chalder, of Importation or Landing of fuch Culm, and to be charged upon the refpeftive Owner and Owners, or '" ^ P"'!^'*^ Mafter or Mafters, or other Perfon having theCharge of every fuch Ship or Vefiel, or of the Culm fo car- tat'ion°&c.'"° ried, imported, or brought in the fame. ' Thefe Duties VII. And for the better levying and raifing the faid feveral Duties and Sums of Money by this KSi. im- are expired, but pofed upon fuch of the faid Coals and Culm as fiiall be imported or brought in from Scotland, or any Parts 'j'^ ^^ '^ ™"- beyond Sea, as alfo upon fuch of the faid Coals and Culm as fliall or may be fhipped, or waterborn to be 'J""" °^ J fhipped, and carried by Sea from any Part of the faid Kingdom ox England, Dominion of Wales, or Town c.'a. of Berwick upon Tweed, to any other Part of the fame as aforefaid, it is hereby ena£ted, That the fame q^^ |^ Ihall be from time to time under the Management and Government of the Commifaoners of the Cuftoms of theCuftons for the time being, who fhall caufe thofe Duties from time to time to be raifed, levied, coUecled and paid, to inanage ihefe fo that the Monies arifing thereby (except the neceffary Charges of receiving, collefting, levying and ma- Duties, &c. naging the faid Duties) mall be anfwered and paid from time to time into His Majefty's Exchequer, diftinft and apart from all other Branches of the publick Revenues. • Vill. And for the better afcertaining and fecuring of the faid Duties upon Coals and Culm imported from Foreign Parts, or fhipped, or waterborn to be fhipped, and carried by Sea from any Part of England, Wales, or Berwick, to any other Part of the fame as aforefaid ; Be it further enaSed, That the faid leveral Duties tobc paid Duties and Sums of Money for fuch Coals and Culm (hall, from time to time, duiing the faid Term of five -•efoxe Bullc Years, be anfwered and paid untoPIis Majefty, His Heirs and SuccefTors, or to fuch Colle<3;or or Perfon as '"o'^^i; iliall by His Majefty, His Heirs or SuccefTors, or by the faid Commiffioners of the Cuficais, or any four or more