702 C. 23. ■ /Armo nono & dccimo GuLiELMi III. A. D. 169S. ' employedv arid a Manufa£ture carried on very profitable to this Kingdom ; which Trade of refining Su- I' gars for Exportation will be loft, unlefs a Drawback be allowed, when fuch Sugars are exported, after !)' they are refined here, fuitable to the Drawback allowed on the Exportation of Brown and Mufcovado ' Sugars, by reafon foreign Nations will be thereby enabled to refine them cheaper Abroad than they can be Drawback of 3 s. ' done here at Home ;' Be it therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That for every Hundred Weight , perioowt. on ^f gugar refined in jEw^/flW (and fo in Proportion for a greater or lefler Qiiantity) exported out of this BxportatiM^ot^ Kingdom after the fald laft Day of 'January^ which (hall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hun- gar reined in"' dred ninety-nine, during the Continuance of this A£l, there ihall be repaid at the Cuftom Houfe to the England, on , Exporter, within one Month after Demand thereof, the Sum of three Shillings, Oath being firft made by Oath that the t^g Refiner, that the faid Sugar fo exported was produced from Brown and Mufcovado Sugar charged by fame was refined this Ad, and that, as he verily believes, the Cme was imported from His Majefty's Plantations in A7ncrica, ^a^m ™rted ™<J ^l^^t, as he verily believes, the Duty of the faid Brown and Mufcovado Sugar was duly paid at the time from"America, of the Importation thereof, and that the fame was duly exported. His Majefty's Searcher alfo certifying the . &c. Shipping thereof, and all other Requifites duly performed, according to the Book of Rates. Merchant to X. And be it enafled by the Authority aforefaid. That for the further Subfidy hereby granted upon To- hav'e 3 Months bacco of the EngUJh Plantations in America, the Merchant Importer fhall have three Months Time from the . for paying the Importation to pay the fame, giving Security for the Payment thereof accordingly ; and in cafe of paying Snbfidyon To- ^^ j-^j^g fooner than the faid three Months, the faid Merchant Importer fhall be allowed a Difcount after bacco, &c. or ^^ ^^.z of ten Pounds per Centum per Annum for prompt Payment 5 any thing herein contained to the con-
- for prompt Pay- trary notwnhitanding.
ment. XL .Provided always. That Ginger of the Englifh Plantations in the Wejl Indies, which by the faid Book Cingertopay ^f Rates is valued at fixteen Pence a Pound, fliall pay for the faid former Subfidy one Shilling for every iS'^vi'"^'?^" hundredweight, and for the Subfidy by this A£t one Shilling for every hundred Weight, and after that ^Proportion for a greater or lefler Quantity, and no more j any thing in this Aft, or the faid former A£l, to ithe contrary notwithftanding. ' XII. And whereas great Quantities of cut Whalebone fit for Ufe are frequently imported in ftiort -' Lengths and fmall Parcels, by' Means whereof, not only His Majefty is defrauded of the Duties laid ' thereupon, but the Merchants importing, and the Manufacturers employed in cutting of Fin Whalebone, 'Cut Whalebone * are greatly prejudiced and difcouragedj' Be it therefore declared and enabled by the Authority aforefaid, imported other That if any Perfon or Perfons, Natives or Foreigners, Bodies Politick or Corporate, fhall import or bring than in Fins on- jj^j-q this Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, any Cut Whale- d b'r^^h'^ V"** '^""^ (other than in Fins only) he, jQie or they fhall forfeit the Goods, and double the Value of the Cut ^oy et e a- -^^^^^^^^^ fo imported, one Moiety thereof to His Majefly, His Heirs and SuccefTors, and the other By 4 Anns, c. Moiety to him or them that fhall feize or iue for the fame in any of His Majefty's Courts of Record, where- as. ^. 6. the in no Efibin, Prote<9;ion, or Wager of Law fliall be allowed, nor any more than one Imparlance ; any Importer forfeits' thing in this Aft, or any former Law to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. ^f h'sh^"""] XIIL Provided always, and it is hereby enafted and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That in all ■P) 5° • (jgj-gg where any the Foreign Goods or Merchandizes by this Aft charged with the Subfidy of Tunnage or Foreign Goods, Poundage hereby granted (other than and except foreign wrought Silk, Tobacco, Sugars, and refined Su- exported again in gars, touching which Other Provifions are hereby made) fhall at any Time or Times be again exported by IT. Months after ^^^ Merchant EngUJh, within twelve Calendary Months, or Stranger within nine Calendary Months, after Sii'bfid'^ihaUbe ^'^ Importation thereof, and that due Proof be firft made by Certificate from the proper Officers, of the reMidf ° ^ due Entry and Payment of the Subfidy hereby granted, of any fuch Foreign Goods, Wines, or Merchan- Thefe'izandg dizes inward, together v/ith the Oath of the Merchant importing and exporting the fame, aiHrming the Months are en- Truth thereof, and that all other Requifites fhall be performed, which are by Law required to be performed, t '^^r " ^ ^'"" '" ^^'"^^ vvhere the Half Subfidy is repaid by the faid former Aft, the whole Subfidy by this Aft granted, and ftat^ /'^c'ii which fhall have been aftually paid for fuch Goods, Wines or Merchandizes, fhall, without any Delay or i_ io." ' ' Reward, be repaid unto fuch. Merchant or Merchants who do export the fame, within one Month after Demand thereof; or the Security for the faid Subfidy by this Aft charged fhall be vacated, as to fo much Drawback on ^s fhall be fo exported ; and that as to the faid foreign wrought Silks, Tobacco^ Sugars, and refined Su- exporiing fo- gars, no Repayment or Drawback of or for the Subfidy by this Aft fliall be made or allowed for the . reign Silks, To- fame, unlefs they refpeftively be again exported within the Times hereby limited for other Goods ; and bacco, Sugar, j-jj^t the like due Proof be made, and other Requifites performed, for the faid Silks, Tobacco, Sugar, and refined Sugar, as are hereby direfted in the like Cafe for other Goods or Merchandizes exported ; and
- that upon fuch Exportation of foreign wrought Silks, and fuch due Proof made, and other Requifites per-
- formed for the fame, not only the two thirds of the Subfidies by this Aft direfted to be repaid for fuch
Silks as aforefaid, but alfo the remaining one third of the fame Subfidy, fhall be entirely repaid at the Cuftom Houfe ; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. ' XIV. And whereas it is intended, that the yearly Sum of feven hundred thoufand Pounds fhall be
- fupplied to his Majefty for the Service of His Houfliold and Family, and for other His neceflary Ex-
' pences and Occafions out of the Hereditary Rates and Duties of Excife upon Beer, Ale and other Li- ijCar. ». C.73. <■ quors, which were granted to the Crown in the twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Se- ' cond, and out of the Rates and Duties of Excife upon Beer, Ale and other Liquors, payable for the aW.&M.fl'. I. •' Term of His Majefty's Life, by an Aft of Parliament made and paffed in the fecond Year of the Reign c. 3. <■ .of His Majefty and the late Qtieen of BlefTed Memory, after all the Tallies charged upon the weekly Sum ' of fix thoufand Pounds iffuing out of the faid feveral Rates and Duties of Excile, purfuant to an Aft of 7 XrS W. 3, ' Parliament pafled in the feventh Year of His Majefty's Reign in that Behalf, and ftill remaining unfa- c. 30. ' tisfied (with the Intereft thereof) liiall be fully paid off" and cleared ; and out of the Revenue of the ' General Letter Office or Poft Office, or the Office of the Poftmafter General, after all the Tallies charged -* upo>T the weekly Sum of fix hundred Pounds, iftuing out of that Revenue, purfuant to the faid Aft of
- Parliament