Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/785

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A. D. 1698. Anno nono 6c declmo GuLiELMi HL C. 44. 729 i ihall for every fiich Offence forfeit the Sum of five Pounds to th-e Informer, to be fued ior and recovered in -fuch Manner, as other Forfeitures by this Afl are to be i'ued for and recoveied. 'l XXXIX. And for the preventing of Exadions upon Sale of Calt in this Kingdom, and to have the Rates ; and Prices thereof afccrtained ; Be it further enaiSled and declared by the Autnority aforefaid, 'I'hat the Loii, Major 0/ ' Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of the City oi London fliall and may (and are hereby required, in tlie l-on^ion, &c.'io | Court of Aldermen within the Clt^ oi London^ upon or before the tenth Day of T"'//'/ in the Year of our ?,"."'"" ^■. ■Lord one thoufand fix hundred ninety-eight) fet, afcertain, and publifli in Writing, certain reafohable lo^^",, ^nj"* Hates and Prices upon all Salt, to be fold or expofed to Sale after the faid tenth Day of July, in the City of Bdlsof Moru- London and Precincts thereof, and the Bills of Mortality; and that the refneflive Juilices of the Peace for l;ty, and the ' the refpeclive Counties, Ridings, Divifions, Cities and Places, v/itfiin the Kingdom of i?/7o-/(7«fl', Dominion J"'lJ'^'<^=^=^"= i oi TP'ales, ^.nA To-wn. of Berwick x}^on Tiuced, fhall and may (and are hereby required, upon or before the '"'"•^*' ] firft Day o'i Augujl in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred ninety-eight, at the feveral ana re- | fpeftive General Scflions of the Peace for the faid feveral and refpcctive Counties, Ridings, Divifions, Ci- j ties and Places, wherein they arc or Ihall be Jufticcs of the Peace) fet, afcertain, and duly publifii in Wri- ting, certain reafonable Rates and Prices upon all Salt to be fold or expofed to Sale, after the faid firft Day 1 ' oi j^iigi'Ji one thoufand fix hundred ninety-eight, within the faid feveral and refpective Counties, Ridings, ' Divifions, Cities and Places, wherein they are or fliall be Jufticcs of the Peace; and that the Lord Mayor of Londo7i, and the faid Court of Aldermen in the Court of Aldermen, and that the faid refpeclive Jufticcs ■of the Peace of the feveral and refpeSive Counties, Ridings, Divifions, Cities and Places aforelaid, as j aforefaid, at the feveral and refpeftive General Seilions of the Peace for the faid feveral and refpcctive Coun- ' .'tics. Ridings, Divifions, Cities and Places, wherein they are or Ihall be Jufticcs of the Peace, Ihall and i .may, and arc hereby required from time to time (if neceflary) at the feveral and refpeftive General Scf- ! fions of the Peace for the faid feveral and refpedtive Counties, Riding.-^, Divifions, Cities and Places, from. i and after the faid firft Day of j^K^«/f one thoufand fix hundred ninety-eight, by Writing duly made ar.d j publiftied, alter and corredl the Rates and Prices of all Salt to be fold and expofed to Sale in the faid feveral and refpeftive Places; which Rates and Prices which Ihall be fo fet, afcertained, altered and correfled, are hereby enafted and required to be obferved, accepted, received and taken, by all and every Perfcn and Per- ! ■fons felling or expofing to Sale any Salt within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed; and if any Perfon or Perfons Ihall fell any Salt at any higher Price or Rate, or refufe Penalty on Viv- to fell any Salt at the Prices and Rates aforefaid, fuch Perfon and Perfons fo olFending, Iliall for every fuch '^°."' fe'iincat ; Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of five Pounds, to be levied out of the Goods and Chattels of fuch Offen- ""so^f Pfii^^'" der or Offenders, by Diftrefs and Sale thereof, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of the Lord Mayor of .. ■the City of Londoti, or of any Juftice or Juftices of the Peace for the Place or Places wherein fuch Offence , Ihall be committed, or Diftrefs Ihall be to be made : And in Default of fufficient Diftrefs for the fame, it ; •fhall and may be lawful, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal from the Lord Mayor of the City of Zstz- j don, or from any Juftice of the Peace as aforefaid, to imprifon the faid Offender or Offenders, until fuch 1 ■Offender or Offenders Ihall pay the faid Sum of five Pounds ; one Moiety of which Sum of five Pounds is ; hereby enacted to be paid to the Ufe of our Sovereign Lord the King, and the other Moiety thereof to be paid to fuch Perfon or Perfons as Ihall inform and profecute for the fame before the faid Lord Mayor of Lon- * don, or the faid refpective Juftices as aforefaid. ? ' XL. And v.'hereas in and by one other Aft of this prefent Seffion of Parliament, intituled, Jn A^ for 9& to W, 3, granting to His Majejiy, His Heirs and Siicceffors, further Duties vpo'i ftamped Vcllwr,, Parchment and Pa~ <:• 25- per, feveral Rates, Impofitions, Duties, Charges, and Sums of Money therein particularly expreffed, to be paid for and upon fuch Matters and Things as are therein mentioned, for ever, but fubjeft to i fuch Power of Redemption, as in and by any other Aft of this SeiTion of Pa;-liament was or Ihould be .' declared or provided concerning the fame : And whereas it is thought reafonable for the Satisfaftion, Re- ' compence, and Encouragem.ent of fuch Perfons and Corporations (the Corporation of the Bank of £»f- : landonly excepted) ?.s will voluntarily contribute and advance Monies for or tov/ards the railing the Sum of two Millions of Pounds Sterling, for the Supply of His Majefty's extraordinary Occafions, to fettle and eftablifh a good, fure, and lafting Fund, out of which the faid Perfons and Corporations contributing or advancing Money as aforefaid, and their Executors, Adminiftrators and A.ifigns refpectively, may have, receive and enjoy certain Annuities or yearly Payments, to be computed after the Rate of eight Pounds per Centi'.m per Annum, for the Monies foby them to be contributed or advanced, and fuch fpecial Benefit of Trade, and other Advantages as are hereafter in this AcSl expreffed ; fubject neverthelefs to fuch Power . i of Redemption, as in this MX is provided in that Behalf:' Be it therefore enacted, and it is hereby en- | afted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Commiffioners and Governors of the Revenue or P^eceipt of Th^D^jtles on ; Excife for the time being, at theHead Office in. London, from time to time, Ihall feparate and keep apart ^' •')' '^ A£l ] all and every the Sum and t'ums of Money arifing by the feveral Rates and Duties for or upon Salt, and F^j!^.' ^'"^ '° • | Rocic-Salt, by this K&i granted, ss the famefiiall from time to time arife, or be paid into the faid Office of .J^.j'pg^/^^"^^] i Excife by the Pv.eceivers or Collegers of the fame, or by any other Perfon or Perfons whatfocver; and that inioihe Exche- j the Chief Commilfioncrs for marking and ftamping of Vellum, Parchment and Paper, or for managing the quer. Duties thereupon for the time being, fnail at their Head Office caufe to be feparated and kept apart in like 8 Ann. c. 4. j Manner, all and every the Monies arifing by the refpeclive Rates and Duties granted by the Act before ^' P" , ' mentioned, for and upon Vellum, Parchment and Paper, as the fame fnall from time to time ariie or be s ^g/ ' "^' ; paid into their Office : A..nd as well the faid Commiffioners and Governors of Excife, as the faid Commiffio- ners for the faid Duties upon Vellum, Parchment and Paper refpe£lively for the time being, are hereby re- | quired and firidfly enjoined from time to time, for ever, to pa^/ Weekly, to wit, on n'ecbtrfday in every j Week, if it be not a Holiday, and if it be, then the next Day after that is not an Holiday, all and every ^ ^the Monies srifing, as well by the feveral and refpecSlive' Rates and Duties hereby granted for or upon Salt 1 and Rock-Salt, as the faid feveral Duties granted or payable by the Aft herein before mentioned, fcr and ) Vol. Iir. , S A upon !