73^ C. 44« Anno nono 6c declmo GuLiELMi TIL A. D. 169&. celver or Receivers Genera] of the Revenue of the Cuftoms for the time being, and fuch Receiver or Re- ceivers General for the time being (hall anfwer and pay over all the Monies arifing thereby (the neceflary Charges of raifing, cohering, and anfwering the fame only excepted) in fuch Manner, and for fudi Pur- pofes, as are before in this Ad appointed. On 3 YearsNo- LXXIX. Provided always, and it is hereby declared and enafted, That at any Time upon three Years tice after the^i9 j-Jotit-g^ jiftgr {^^ ,^j^e and twentieth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, upon Rc- Rqiavment by payment by Parliament of the faid Sum of two Millions, or fuch Part thereof as fhall be paid or advanced' ParliameiU of as aforefaid, unto the refpeftive Subfcribers and Contributors of the fame, or to fuch Perfon or Perfons as the fnid by, from, or under them fliall be intitled to the faid Annuities or Shares of the faid yearly Fund or Capital 2,ooo,cco!.&c. Stock in refpeiS of the fame, and of all Arrears of the faid Annuities or yearly Payments, then and from •'dd-caminr^ thenceforth as well the faij Duties upon Salt, and Rock-Salt, as the faid Duties upon ftamped Vellum, « RciVained by Parchment, and Paper, and alfo the faid yearly Fund charged thereupon, and the faid Annuities ilTuijig out 10 AnnK.c.iS. of the fame, and the faid Duty of five Pounds in the Hundred, for the faid imported Goods, and alfo all to 3 Years No- the faid Corporations to be erected by or in purfuance of this Acf, and the Benefit of Trade hereby given^ "•^','"^5 , cr intended to be given to them or any of them, fhall abfolutely ceafe and determine ; any thing herein arui 1/33. contained to the contrary notwithftanding. LXXX. And the faid Commons of England in Parliament affembled, as a further Supply for His Ma- jefty's extraordinary Occafions, have moreover freely given and granted unto His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeflbrs, the further Rates and Duties herein after mentioned : And it is hereby further enacted by the j^dditional Duty Authority aforefaid. That for and upon all wrought Silks, which from and after the faid nine and twentieth ot I s. 10 d. per £)3y ^f Scpiernher one thoufand fix hundred ninety-eight, at any Time or Times ftiall te imported or brought w'rouRht'saks fom the Eaji Indies, or from Perfta, or from any other the Countries or Places v/ithin the Limits before "imported from mentioned, into the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berivlck upon Tweed, there, the EaiUndies. (hall be yielded and paid to His Majefty, PI is Heirs and Succeflbrs (over and above all other Duties pay- REP. II w. 3. able for the fame) the Sum of one Shilling and ten Pence for every Pound Weight, reckoning fixteen Aver- -c. TO. §. 10. dtipoize Ounces to the Pound, to be paid by the Importer or Importers thereof, and to be raifed, levied,. collecSted, and paid, to the Ufe of His Majefty, His Heirs and SucceflTors, by fuch Ways, Rules, and Me- thods, and under fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, and in fuch Manner and Form, as any other Duties upon. 12 Car. 2. C.4. Sjiijs imported by the Adi: of Tunnage and Poundage, made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of King; Charles the Second, or by any other fubfequent Aft for continuing the fame, or by any other Law ncv/ in Force relating to the Cuftoms, are to be raifed, levied, colledted, and paid. Perfons who LXXXI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That fuch Perlbns or Corporations, as in inay trade pur- purfuance of this Aft fliall have a Right and Power to trade to the EaJi Indies, and other the Parts afore- ftai'l have'the ' ^^^^ according to fuch Provifions, Proportions, and Reftriflions as are in this AcSt contained, and fubjc'ft fole Trade 10 the t<^ the Condition or Power of Redemption before mentioned, from and after the faid nine and twentieth Eaft Indies, &c. Day of September one thoufand fix hundred ninety-eight, flaall have, ufe, and enjoy the whole and fole Trade and Traffick, and the only Liberty, Ufe, and Privilege of trading, trafficking, and exercifing the Trade or Bufinefs of Merchandize to and from the faid Eajl Indies, and to and from all the Iflands, Ports,. ' Enforced by 5 Havens, Cities, Towns, and Places, within the Limits before mentioned ; and that the faid Eajl Indies^ Geo, I.e. 21.' or the Iflands, Havens, Forts, Cities, Towns, or Places within the Limits aforefaid, or any of them, fhall not after the faid nine and twentieth Day of September one thoufand fix hundred ninety-eight, be vifited,, frequented, or haunted by any other of the Subjefts of His Majefty, His Heirs or SuccelTors, during fuch; Time as the Benefit of Trade hereby given, or intended to be given, to the Subfcribers or others, as afore- Penalty on other faid, ought to continue by virtue of this Aft; and if any of the Subjects of His Majefty, His Heirs or ed by this Aft. haunt, frequent, trade, traffick, or adventure into or from the hid Ea/l Indies, or other the Parts before • Enforced by mentioned, contrary to the true Meaning hereof, all and every fuch Offender and Ofl^enders fhall incur the pG^eo. 1. c. 8. Forfeiture and Lofs of all the Ships and VelTels which fhall be employed in fuch Trade, with the Guns, 5" 3' Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture thereunto belonging, and alfo all the Goods and Merchandize laden thereupon, and all the Proceed and EfFeds of the fame, and alfo double the Value thereof (to wit) one fourth Part thereof to fuch Perfon or Perfons as will feize, inform, or fue for the fame, to be recovered in any Court of Record, as aforefaid, and the other three fourth Parts to the Ufe of the faid General Society, until a Company fhall be eretSted, as aforefaid, and after the erefling thereof (if any fuch be) then to the Ufe of the faid Company, without Account, the Charges of Profecution being born by the faid Society or Company. jfDutiesby this LXXXIL And be it further ena£i:ed by the Authority aforefaid. That in cafe the faid Duties, arifing cr Aft appropri- appropriated by this Aft, fhall at any Time or Times appear to be fo deficient in the Produce of the fame, ated be ""' "J as that within any one Year, to be reckoned as aforefaid, from and after the nine and twentieth Day of the^avments September, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred ninety-nine, the weekly Pay- appointed, De- ments upon the fame Rates or Duties fhall not amount to fo much as fhall be fufficient to difcharge and ficiency to be fatisfy the feveral and refpeftive Benefits, yearly Payments, or Advantages, by this Aft appointed or in- made good out of tended to be paid within or for the fame Year relpeftively, that then, and fo often, and in every fuch Cafe, the next Aidt. jj is hereby declared, that every fuch Deficiency and Deficiencies fhall be provided for, anfwered, and made good, by or out of the next Aids to be raifed and granted by Parliament, for and towards the difcharging or paying off the faid Benefits, yearly Payments, or Advantages appointed by this Aft, as, together with the Monies which fhall have been brought into the faid Receipt of the Exchequer, of or for the faid feve- ral Rates and Duties hereby granted or appropriated, fhall be fufEcient to pay ofF and difcharge all the Mo- nies which fhall within the fame Year refpeftively be grown due, or ought to be paid, for the Recompen- ces.