32 Inrolling a Li- very or Oufter le maine, A Licence of Alienation of Lands alTured by Fine. Writ of Rever- fion, Manors of the fame Name in one County. Which be the I flues loft that CuW be dif- charged. Some returned Tenants of Lands which they have not. C. 26. Anno fecundo [vulgo primo] Jacobi I. A. D. 1604. ' of the Exchequer, or the faid Treafurer's Remembrancer, finding the faid Licence of Alienation to be ' good and agreeable to the AlTurance thereupon made, and likewife agreeable to and from the faid ' Original, and from and with all the Vouchers of the fame, the Party to whom fuch Licence of Ali- ' enation is made, Ihall be received to inroll the faid Licence only, and to make his Fine thereupon for ' refpeifl of Homage, without any further Pleading, or other Ihewjng of his Title for the fame : (2) And ' likewife whofoever (liall enter into any Lands by Livery general, fpecial, or Oti/fer le main, bringing ' the fame and the Schedule of his Livery with him, he lliall be received to like Inrolment, and making
- of his Fine without any Pleading.
' IX. 5. Likewife whofo that hath a Licence of Alienation of Lands and Tenements holden in Chief, ' which thereby are allured vmto him by Fine, the fame Perfon may alfo bring in his faid Licence and ' Affurance thereupon, to be examined as before in tlie fourth. Article is mentioned, and the fame ' agreeing together, and alfo agreeing from and with the Original, and from and with the Vouchers ' of the fame, then the Party to be difcharged without Pleading. ' X. 6. Where any W'rit of Reveriion Ihall be made upon any Record for Lands or Tenements
- wherein the Prince is in Reverfion, if it do appear by any fufficient Matter of Record within the
' Court, that the Grant or Record whereupon the faid Writ of Reverfion is made, is clearly avoided
- or determined; in fuch Cafe the Party upon fhewing forth of fuch Record, fliall be difcharged with-
' out Pleading. ' XL 7. Where there be two Manors or more, or other Lands and Tenements, of one Name in ont ' County, and the one holden of the Prince in Chief, or by Knight's Service, and the other not, in fuch ' Cafes where the Matter fhall fo appear of Record, the Party that hath the Manor or Lands fo not holden,
- fhall be difcharged of the Procefs without Pleading, and the Iflues thereupon loft, to be faved.
' XIL 8. The Iflues loft by her Majefty's Subjecfts, which her Highnefs of her gracious Favour and ' Goodnefs hath appointed by her Majefty's Privy Seal to be difcharged, be as followeth, viz. ' XIII. All Iflues loft and to be loft, upon any that are or fliall be returned Tenants of Lands which ' they have not, fliall be now difcharged, though they have other Lands within the Shire; that could not ' fo have been before the faid Privy Seal was granted. liTuesloil upon < XIV. All Iflliaes loft or to be loft upon any Heirs or Ward being within Age, or in Cuftody, or com- Wa^d'wttiiin ' mitted to any, fliall be now as before difcharged, that were wont to remain while the Heir come to full Age. ■' Age. The Committees ' XV. All Ifllies loft or to be loft upon the Committees of any Wards Lands by Leafe, as returned of Wards by « Tenant thereof, fliall be now difcharged, that otherwife fliould have been paid by the faid Com- ^^ *' ' mittees, if they had any Lands or Tenements, Goods or Chattels within the faid County. iands in the Queen's Hand by Extent. ' XVI. Ail Ifllies loft or to be loft upon any Lands in the Queen's Majefty's Hands, by Extent or ' otherwife, ihall be now difcharged, that otherwife could not have been by the Courfe of the •' Court. Ifllies loft by ' XVII. All Iflues loft or to be loft upon the Farmers and Tenants of any Lands for Life, Yearj, 2Jf"^y! ^°'" ' or at Will, fliall be now difcharged, that were wont to pay them being returned Tenants thereof at vViU.'^'^*' "^ ' by the Sheriffs, if they had any Lands or Goods within the Shire. Lands of Te- ' XVIII. All IflTues loft or to be loft upon Tenants of Lands in Chief by Extent, fliall be now as Hants m Chief. « afore difcharged, and could not fo have been before, but were always leviable upon the Lands. liTues loft by the Sheriff's Vexa- i tion. c
- XIX. All Ifllies loft or to be loft by fundry other Vexations, as well by untrue Returns and Mif-
returns of Sherifi^s and Under-Sheriffs, fliall or may be difcharged, moderated or otherwife ordered, as the Court fliall think meet, that were infinite before, and could not be difcharged, but the Party was driven to take his Remedy againft the Sheriff. Lands holden in ' XX. All Iffues loft or to be loft Upon any former Grant of Lands and Tenements in Chief, that by Lnotl"er Te" ' ^^^ afterwards given not to be holden in Chief, fliall be now difcharged by this Privy Seal, and could nure. •' ■* no way have been remitted, until the fecond Grant had been laid and pleaded. Iffues loflby Jurors. ' XXI. All Iflues loft or to be loft by any Perfon returned in any Jury in the Exchequer, or in any Attaint or Jury in the -King's Bench or Common Pleas at Weftminfter, or in any Jury before the Ju- ftices of Aiiize in any Cjurt within the Realm, which at the Time of tlieir Appearance appointed, were beyond Sea in her Majefty's Service, or by fpecial Licence in Writing, or were or fliall be in Pri- fon, or in Ordinary of her Majefty's Chamber or Houfliold, and bound to their Perfonal Attendance there, fliall be now difcliarged clear, that before could by no Means be holpeii. XXIL