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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/81

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A. D. 1604. Anno fecundo [vulgo primo] Jacobi I, C. 27. 3 XXII. Ratafinium pro homag. texient, Domin:e Reginae per unum annum integrum refpeftuand. cum feod. Rememorat. Thefaur. & pro intrac. finium cum record, inde fact, ac pro teod. Attorn, pro eodem anno integro exhibit. Parliament. Valor ter- rarum. /v Fines re- ginae. '^ Feod. Rem. Thei; Pro. in- trac. Pro feod. Attorn. iA. , Li. Li. A C. ad. Ix. s. X. d. XX. d. iv. Li. Li. A Ix. ad XXX. marc, dim. d. XX. d. iv. Li. A XXX, Li. ad XX, s. V. d. XX. d. iv. Li. A XX, Li. ad XV. d. xl d. XX. d. iv. -J By fome xl. d. By fome XX, By fome nili Li. A XV. Li. ad. X. d. XX, d, iv. Li. marc. A X. ad X. d. XX. d. XX. d. iv. marc. s. A X. ad C. d. xii. d. xii. d. iv. By fome vo- luntary Armu-J ' ities for all Matters. s. AC. s. ad Ix. d. yiii. d. viii. d. iv. s. Alx. &infr. d. iv. d. iv. d. iv. s. xl. s, XX, s. xiii. s. X. s. vi, s. . v. d, iv. d, viii. Thefe never lofe Ifliies, but have their Fines paid, whether they come or come not.

  • XXIII. Item, That the faid Fines fliall be paid after the faid Rate exhibited to the Parliament Houfc,
  • and not otherwife.

' (2) According to the faid Treafurer's Remembrancer's own Offer, for himfelf and the Clerks of his charges for Vck-

  • Office, it is ordered. That he himfelf (hall pay every Subje6t's Charges, as by the Court of Exchequer ^tion by a Writ
  • fliall be fet and ordered, that fliall be vexed by any Writ upon a Suppofal, and not upon a good and jufl: "^°'^ ^ '"^^° ^ '
  • Ground vouched and fet down in every Writ, as before is declared.

' XXIV. The Clerks of the. faid Treafurer's Remembrancer's Office iliall pay all IlTues that any of her iflues !oft after ' Majefly's Subjects fhall lofe, after he hath paid his ordinary Fine for Refpecl: of Homage to any of them l!?^ ordinary ' for any Lands or Tenements, and fo may be proved by any of their Acquittances, IF. Burleigh, ^'^/«" Rffpite' of Ho- ' Myldemaie, Edward Sanders, George Frevile, "John Birche. Ex. per G, Gerrard, Thomas Bromley. Ex. pc^r mage.

  • John Osboiirne, declmo fepthno Novemh. i6oi.'

XXV. Provided always neverthelefs, and be it ena6ted by the Authority aforefaid, if in cafe it fliall be Procefs awarded- Hiouglit fit, for the true Knowledge and Prefervation of the Tenures appertaining to the Crown, and fo fpr tiie Preftrvi- ordered in the open Court of Exchequer, that Procefs fliould iflue out of the faid Court againft any. That ru"esof the'" in every fuch Cafe the faid Treafurer's Remembrancer, or any his Clerks, may fend out the faid Procefs Crown, witliout iricurring any the Penalties of this A<5t : In which cafe, no fuch Tenure appearing to the Court, ^^^^^"^"tf'"" the Party ihall be clearly difmiffed without any Manner of Pleading or paying any ees at all. Excbs^ufr, Ss?c. iff.&M.St.z.c.j, 8&9W. 3. c, 28. 16 Geo, I. c. II, 13 Gm, I. c. a6. 33 G«. 2, c, i, i8, ii £f zj. 1 G«, 3. c. 18 S" M, CAP, XXVII. An Aft for the better Execution of the Intent and Meaning of former Statutes made asainft fhooting in Guns, and for the Prefervation of the Game of Pheafants and Partridges, againft the deftroying of Hares with Hare-pipes, and tracing Hares in the Snow, and

  • T70rafmuch as there be divers good and necefTary Laws and Statutes which do infllcSt and impofe divers
  • J? great and heavy Penalties, runifliments and Forfeitures upon fuch as fliould with any Guns, Nets,
  • Crofs-bows, or other Inftrumeats or Engines, fpoil or deftroythe Game of Pheafants, Partridges, Flearn,

' Mallard, and fuch like, and upon fuch as kill or deftroy Hares with Hare-pipes, Cords or other Engines,, ' or Ihould kill any Hare by tracing and courfing them with Dogs in tiie Snow : (z) And neverthelefs of

  • late Years, the feveral Games above mentioned have been more exceflively and outragioufly fpoiled and
  • deftroyed, than hath been in former Ages, efpecially by the vulgar Sort, and Men of fmall Woi th,
  • making a Trade and a Living of the Spoiling and Dellroying of the faid Games, who are not of Sufrici-

' ency to pay the faid Penalties in the faid Statutes mentioned, nor to anfwer die Cofts and Cliarges of any

  • that fhould inform and profecute againfl; them in any of his faid Majelty's Courts of Record at IFe/i-

Voi,. in. F ' :*ii^hr,. Pen.ilties for dc fants. Partridges^ Pipeons Harts. 13 R. 2, Stat. I. =• J 5- .- II H. 7. c. 17, 19 H. 7. c. II. 31 H. 8. c. 8. 5 Eliz. c. II. 13 Eliz. c. lOi, 3 [sc. I. c. 13. 7>c. i.-c 13. 13 Car. 3, Stat. I, C, 10,.