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A.D. 1604.
Anno secundo Jacobi I.
C. 28--31

yearly Value of ten Pounds or more by the Year, over and above all Charges or Reprifes, of hme Eftate Repo'ed by of Inheritance; (2) or of Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments in his own Right or in the Right of his fcfl.V'*^'"' Wife, for Term of Life or Lives, of the yearly Value of thirty Pounds over and above all Charges and Reprifes; (3) or be or which Ihall be worth in Goods or Chattels two hundred Pounds: (4) by him or themfelves, or by his or their menial Servants (fufficiently authorifed from his or their Mafter for thatPurpofe) (5) to take Pheafants and Partridges in the Day-time only with Nets, in and upon his and their own or his and their Mafters free Warren, Manor and Freehold or on any Part of them, betwixt the Feaftof St. Michael the Archangel and the Feaft of the Birth of our Lord God yearly ; any Thing in this Law to the contrary notwithftanding. VII. And be it alfo further ena(5ted by the Authority aforefaid,That it (hall and may be lawful to and for Licence to ftuot every Perfon and Perfons keeping any Hawk or Hawks, which at the General Quarter-Seffions of the County Hawks'-meat (where he and they (hall dwell) (hall be licenfed, to (hoot Hail-fhot in Haii3-guns or Birding-pieces, at * ^" Crow, Chough, Pye, Rook, Ring-dove, Jey or fmaller Birds, for Hawks-meat only, to (lioot and kill Hawks-meat, according to the faid Licence only : (z) fo that fuch Party fo to be licenfed do at the fame Quarter-Seffions wherein he (hall be licenfed, become bound to the King's Majefty by Recognizance in twenty Pounds not to (hoot at any the Fowl or Game at which fliooting is prohibited by this Law ; (3) and fo that he or they (hall not (hoot in any Hand-gun or other Gun, within fix hundred Paces of any Hernery, nor within one hundred Paces of any Pigeon-houfe, nor in any Park, Foreft or Chafe, whe^of the Party fo licenfed or his Mafter, is or fhall not be the Owner, Keeper, or Governor: (4) for which Licence and Recognizance the Clerk of the Peace is to take only twelve Pence and no more. (5 ) This Law to continue to the end of the firlt Seffion of the next Parliament. [ j Car. i . c. 4. continued Continuance of until the End of the firft Seffion of the next Parliament ; and farther continued by 1 6 Car. i . c. 4. Flliblrprtii- fioni relatingu Game, lo Ga. 4, c, ji. ani *? Cto, i, c, 12,, CAP. XXVIII. A Confirmation of the King's Letters Patents, bearing Date at IVeJImifi/ier ^o die Jprilis, Anno 2 Rens Jacobi^ granted to the Mayor, Bailiffs and BurgelTes of the Borough of Berwick upon Tiveed, and of the J'ranchifes, Liberties and Cultoms of the faid Borough. PR. 22 Ed. 4. c. 8. CAP. XXIX. To what Sorts of Fle(h, Licences to eat Fle(h in Lent (hall not extend. What Sort of Flelh (hall not be killed in LeJit to be put to Sale. EXP. 5 El. c. 5. 35 El. c. 7. CAP. XXX. The Inhabitants of Melcomh-Regis in the County of Dorfet, within the Diocefe of Brijol, may at their own Cofts build a Church upon the Ground where the Chapel now ftandeth, and the Grounds adjoin- ing, convenient to receive the Inhabitants of i?<z^z/>(5/, and inclofe the wafte Grounds adjoining, to make a Church-yard for a Place of Burial ; after which Church is builded it (hall be called the Parochial Church of i?c^7/>(?/; and the new Parfon of Radipol znA his Succeflbrs (hall be Parfons thereof: And the old Parilh Church of RadipoJ (hall be but a Chapel of Eafe: And the Patron of the old Pari(h Church of Radipol fliall be Patron of the new. And a new Manfion-Houfe in Mekomb-Regis affigned to the laid Parfon and his SuccelTors for ever. PR. CAP. XXXL An Aft for the charitable Relief and ordering of Perfons infefted with the Plague, FOrafmuch as the Inhabitants of divers Cities, Boroughs, Towns Corporate, and of other Pariflies several Provi- and Places, being vifited with the Plague, are found to be unable to relieve the poorer Sort of fuch rmns made for People fo infected, who of Neceffity muft be by fome charitable Courfe provided for, left they (hould ^(^n^l^^^v^^' wander abroad and thereby infedl others : (z) And forafmuch as divers Perfons infected with that Dif- vii^ae!'^ ' ' * eafe, and others inhabiting in Houfes and Places infefted, as well poor People and unable to relieve themfelves that are carefully provided for, as others which of themfeh'es are of Ability, being com- manded by the.Magiftrate or Officer of or within the Place where the Infection (hall be, to keep riieir Houfes, or otherwise to feparate themfelves from Company for the avoiding of further InfecTtion, do not- withftanding very dangeroudy and diforderly mifdemean themfelves :' II. Be it therefore enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That the Mayor, Bailiffs, Head t?xt.!; the in- Officers and Juftices of Peace of every City, Borough, Town Corporate and Places privileged, where any habitants, tor ' Mayor and Bailiffs, Head Officers or Jul^ices of Peace are or fliall be, or any two of them, (hall ha e S'!'*'/,'^ Power and Authority from Time to Time, to tax and alTefs all and every Inhabitant, and all Houfes of pj^gu" ^ Habitation, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments within the faid City, Borough, 'I'own Corporate and 3 Co, /'i/J. 90. Places privileged, or the Liberties or Precindts thereof, at fuch reafonable Taxes and Payments as they fliall think fit for the reafonable Relief of fuch Perfons infected, or inhabiting in Houfes and Places infected in the fame Cities, Borouehs and Towns Corporate, and Places priileged, (zj and from Time to Time to levy the fame Taxes of the Goods of every Perfon refuting or neglecting to pay the faid Taxes, by 'ar- rant under the Hand, and Seal of the Mayor and Bailiffs, and Head Officers aforefaid, or two fuch Jullices of Peace, to be directed to any Perfon or Perfons for the Eiiecution thereof, Iir. And if the Party to whom fuch Warrant is or (hall be dire-;ted (liall not End any Goods to levy F 2 ' the