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Goods, A Provifion if Ihe Inhabitants of til e Town in- fefted be not .able ro relieve the Sick. A Provifion if the Infeftion fhall be where The Taxes af- feffed (hall be certified at tlie next Quarter- Seirioiis. 36 C. 31. Anno fecundo [vulgo primo] Jacobi I. A. D. 1604. The Penalty of the fame, and the Party taxed fliall refufe to pay the fatne Tax, That then upon Return thereof the ie"ufu^^topay, f^*'^ Mayor, Bailiffs, Head Officers or Juftices of Peace or any two of them, (hall by hke Warrant and having no' under their Hands and Seals caufe the fame Perfon fo taxed to be arrefted and committed to the Gaol without Bail or Mainprize, until he ihall fatisfy the fame Taxation and the Arrearages thereof. IV. And if the Inhabitants of any fuch City, Borough, Town Corporate or Place privileged, fliall find themfelves unable to relieve their faid poor infedted Perfons and others as aforefaid, That then upon Certificate thereof by the Mayor, Bailiff, Head Officers and other the faid Juftices of Peace, or any two of them, to the Juftices of Peace of the County of or near to the faid City, Borough Town Cdrporate or privileged Place fo infeded, or any two of them to be made, the faid Juftices of or near the faid County or any two of them, ffiall or may tax and affefs the Inhabitants of the County within five Miles of the faid Place infedled, at fuch reafonable weekly Taxes and Rates as they ftiall think fit, to be levied by Warrant from any fuch two Juftices of Peace of or near the County, by Sale of -Goods, and in Default thereof by Imprifonment of the Body of the Party taxed as aforeiaid. - V. And if any fuch InfetEtion /hall be in any Borough, Town Corporate or privileged Place where there are or fhall be no Juftices of Peace, or in any Village or Hamlet within any County, That then there are no ju- it Ihall and may be lawful for any two Juftices of Peace of the faid County wherein the faid Place ftices of Peace. infe6ted is or (hall be, to tax and affefs the Inhabitants of the faid County within five Miles of the faid Place infeded, at fuch reafonable weekly Taxes and Rates as they (hall think fit, for tlie reafonable Relief of the faid Places infetfted, to be levied by Warrant from the faid Juftices of Peace of the fame County by Sale of Goods, and in Default thereof by Imprifonment Of the Body of every PartyTb taxed as aforefaid : (2) The fame Taxes made by the faid Juftices of Peace of the County for the Relief of fuch Cities, Boroughs, Towns Corporate and Places privileged where there are no Juftices of Peace, to be difpofed as they ftiall think fit; and where there are Juftices of Peace then in fuch Sort as to the Mayors, Bailiffs, Head Officers and Juftices of Peace there or any two of them fhall feem fit and convenient. VI. All which Taxes and Rates made within any fuch City, Borough, Town Corporate or Place privileged, fhall be certified at the next Quarter-Seffions to be holden within the faid City, Borough, Town Corporate or Place privileged ; (z) and the faid Taxes and Rates made within any Part of the faid County, (hall in like Sort be certified at the next Qiiarter-Seffions to be holden in and for the faid County; (3) and that if the Juftices of Peace at fuch Quarter-Seffions refpedtively, or the more Part of them, (nail think it fit the faid Tax or Rate ftiould continue, or be enlarged or extended to any other Parts of the County, or otherwife determined, then the fame to be fo enlarged, extended or determined, encreafed or taxed and levied in Manner and Form aforefaid, as to the faid Juftices at the Quarter-Seflions refpecively fliall be thought fit and convenient : (4) And every Conftable and other The Forfeiture Officer that (hall wilfully make Default in levying fuch Money as they (hall be commanded by the faid of Officers mak- •y^/-jjj.ajjt q^ Warrants, (hall forfeit for every fuch Offence ten Shillings, to be employed on the charit- mg Detiult to ■ , ttt irr-j levyt eMor,ey ^ble Ules arorelaid. aflefled. VII. And be it further enaded. That if any Perfon or Perfons infedled, or being or dwelling in any AninftftcdPer- Houfe infe6led, fhall be by the Mayor, Bailiffs, Conftable or other Head Officer of any City, Borough, tokee"? ws^""' Town Corporate, privileged Place or Market-Town, or by any Juftice of Peace, Conftable, Headborough Houfe, difobey- or Other Of^ficer of the County (if any fuch Infection be out of any City, Borough, Town Corporate, privileged Place or Market-Town) commanded or appointed, as aforefaid, to keep his or their Houfe, for avoiding of further Infedtion, and (hall notwith(tanding wilfully and contemptuoufly difobey fuch Difecf ion and Appoifitment, offering and attempting to break out and go Abroad, and to re(ift, or going Abroad and re(illing fuch Keepers or Watchmen as (hall be appointed, as aforefaid, to fee them kept in; that then it fliall be lawful for fuch Watchmen with Violence to inforce them to keep their Houfes : And if any Hurt come by fuch Inforcement to fuch difobedient Perfons, that then the faid Keepers, Watchmen and any other their Affiftants, (hall not be impeached therefore: (2) And if any intefted Perfon as aforefaid, fo commanded to keep Houfe, (hall, contrary to fuch Commandment, wilfully and con-^ temptuoufly go Abroad, and (hall convcrfe in Company, having any infedlious Sore upon him uncured, that then fuch Perfon and Perfons (hall be taken, deemed and adjudged as a Felon, and to fuffer Pains of Death as in Cafe of Felony ; (3) But if fuch Perfon (hall not have any fuch Sore found about him, then for his faid Offence to be punifhed as a Vagabond in all RefpetSts (nould or ought to be, by the Statute made in the nine and thirtieth Year of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth, for the Puni(hment of Rogues and Vagabonds ; and further, to be bound to his or their Good Beha- vior for one whole Year. VIII. Provided, That no Attainder of Felony by Virtue of this Aft (hall extend to any Attainder or Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture of any Goods, Chattels, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments. IX. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall be lawful for Juftices of Peace, Mayors, Bailiffs and other Head Officers aforeiaid, to appoint within their feveral Limits Searchers, Watchmen, Examiners, Keepers and Buriers, for the Perfons and Places refpeiftively infedled as afore- faid, and to minifter unto them Oaths for the Performance of their Offices of Searchers, Examiners, Watchmen, Keepers, and Buriers, and give them other Direftions, as unto them for the prefent Necef- fity fliall feem good in their Difcretions; (2) and this Aft to continue no longer than until the End of the firft Seffion of the next Parliament. X. Provided always, and be it enafted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That no Mayors, Bailiffs, Head Officers, or anyjuftices of Peace, (hall by Force or Pretext of any Thing in this Aft 100!' winU^fter contained, do or execute any Thing before-mentioned within eitlier the Univerfities of Cambridge or Goliege. . Ox/'ordy eth, 39 £liz. c. 4, Attendants (hall be appointed upon the In- tefted. The Continu- ance of this A&. The Univerfi. ties. Cathedral